



分享人:Dr. Benji Ho

I rememberwhen we were pre-med students, we looked up to those who were already in medschool and thought that their life was smooth sailing. Then once we proudly gotinto med school, we became 「firsties」 and looked up admirably to the fifthsemester honor students as they walked across the stage during white coatceremony, having their words of wisdom read out. Then once we finally reachedwhere they were and became clinical students, we realized we were at the bottomof the pecking order again, and looked up to the residents we worked withand couldn』t wait to get to where they were. And now that we have made it toresidency, we are back at the bottom of the rung again.

I don』t remember where I found this image, but I thought it was funny and wantedto share. After four hard years of studying, we finally get to practice (some)medicine! Looking forward to residency!

HowResidents Spend Their Day?

l Attempting to draw blood

l Successfully drawing blood

l Looking for Urine samples

l Filling cut death certificates

l Chasing patients down the hall

l Sanitizing hands

l Telling internsto write their notes

l Waiting for transport

l Wheeling patients yourself because transport never came

l Napping with your eyes open

l Trying to find the source of that smell

l Crying

l Waiting for the elevator

l Looking up drug interactions

l Realizing you should look up drug interactions before ordering medication

l Calling CT to find out why there is a 12-hour delay

l Practicing medicine



美國,住院醫師的培養具有較廣泛的基礎而不提倡過早專科化,幾乎所有醫學畢業生都要接受至少三年的住院醫師培訓(少數項目2年),某些專業長達 8 年。


美國住院醫師的工作時間驚人:原來,美國外科住院醫每周通常工作 110 小時,相當於 1 周工作 7 天,每天工作 15 小時,不過現在已經降低工作強度了。

美國有限定住院醫師每周工作時間不超過 80 小時,每次連續工作的時間不超過 12 小時,每個班之間至少間隔 8 小時,每周至少有 1 次 24 小時連續休息的時間,大多數醫院都會遵守。




USMLE match之後的中國醫學生們過著什麼樣的生活?
看到大學畢業直接 match 美國醫院的例子,請問這樣都需要些什麼?

TAG:USMLE | 医学生 | 住院医师规范化培训 |