應邀為CMU MII-PS做了個校友訪談





What is your current employment? Position? 你的職位?

After graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, I became an Associate Product Manager at AOL. I had worked in their New York headquarter for 1.5 years and had so much excitement and fun. CMU畢業以後,我在AOL的紐約總部做了一年半APM。

Recently I joined a fast growing startup called musical.ly as a designer. Maybe you haven』t heard of it, but ask young kids you know - 180 million teenagers are using musical.ly to express themselves globally. 最近加入了一家有1.8億年輕用戶的叫musical.ly的公司做設計。


Can you describe your role? 這個職位幹嘛的?

My role at musical.ly is designer. Our structure is very flat, so we don』t have different titles such as junior designers, senior designers, or product designers… We』re all designers, just with difference focus. My focus is Product Manager and UX/UI design. 我們不細分職位,都叫設計師,我偏向產品和UI/UX的綜合。

A typical day of mine is like this. As PM/Designer of live.ly (a live streaming platform, the sister app of musical.ly), I start my day by having free breakfast in the office. Then all team members will have a standup meeting about their progress and plans. At noon, we form small groups (usually across different teams) to have lunch. In the afternoon, another PM and I work on making product strategies, creating roadmaps, managing development progress, monitoring, analyzing data, and so on. Besides, we have ad-hoc meetings with CEOs, tech leaders, PMs of other products, big data engineers, marketing team… basically we leverage every resource we can have to get the work done. I have design work to do, too. Sketching out UX flows, making UIs and prototyping are also an important part of my day. 我們早上一般免費早飯+全隊站會。午餐和不同團隊小夥伴混著出去吃。下午和另一個產品經理搞產品,此外自己搞設計。


What are your expectations for your career in the future? How will the your CMU education (specific program) help with this? 你對未來事業的期待?CMU有哪些幫助?

I』m grateful that MII-PS (Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services) has made me a person with designer』s skills and product manager』s mindset. Perhaps for many people, they don』t need/want to be doing two things at the same time. But for me, this is ideal. CMU MII-PS項目好!讓我具備設計和產品兩方面技能。

From what I can imagine, I』ll continue the love for both product and design. I like that MII-PS was all about innovation, teamwork and cross-disciplinary skills. Thanks to that, I』m a proactive thinker, open to new opportunities/challenges, willing to learn new things, and happy to work with people from various background. CMU MII-PS項目好!我從這麼好的項目里畢業了所以我好厲害的!


Tell us a bit about your career path since graduation? Where do you expect to be in the next 5 years? 你的事業軌跡是什麼樣的?下五年你會在做什麼?

My career (and my passion, what a coincidence) is always designing product experience. I hope my designs can make people』 life a little bit easier and happier. 我就是在做產品和體驗。

I align my objectives with the company』s value. 我認可公司的文化和價值觀,我也會為之調整我的目標和方向。

For example, at AOL, we wanted to unleash the power of information, and make it extremely easy for people to access the information. Therefore, one of our topics were imagining the way people consume information in the future. I worked with the most talented co-workers, and the most encouraging managers on smart home, VR storytelling and other trending technologies. 在AOL,我們要讓信息更流通,所以我們做了很多高科技的事情來探索未來人們怎麼消費信息。

At musical.ly, my job is to build a stage for the gifted creators and put them under the spotlight, at the same time deliver the best interactive experience for audiences who want to be amazed and entertained. In less than 5 years, I hope it can grow to be the ultimate platform for social and entertainment, and I can be there to witness its success. 不到五年的時間裡,我們要把musical.ly做成一個終極的娛樂社交平台,我要見證它的成功。


What do you feel is your motivation for being a leader in the industry? What are important qualities that you attribute to a strong leader? 你做領導者的動力是什麼?什麼樣的領導者很強?

I』m driven by only one question: How big impact I can make by doing what I』m doing? My work influenced millions of people globally by now, and I』m very happy with it. As a leader, making bigger impact, taking bigger responsibility is natural result. 我要搞事情,搞大事情,要(正面地)影響很多人。

A great leader should be a role model. People follow the leader voluntarily, rather than be told to do things by the leader. Charismatic, I think that』s the magical word, but I don』t know how or when this word will be used to describe me yet, haha. 做很強的領導要有魅力,我還在等我的魅力,不知道從哪兒能來。



I was born and raised in China. I have a mixed background of advertising, marketing and design. I love the tech industry because of its fast and changing nature.


Personal life:

I』m lucky to live a worry-free life.







TAG:卡内基梅隆大学CarnegieMellonUniversity | 设计 | 互联网 |