


Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



1. 有利於運動員保持自己的運動成績,可以繼續取得好名次~

2. 專用器材的利用率高一些,畢竟運動員基本上天天鍛煉,但給大眾修公共設施,挺容易荒廢的


1. 大眾設施就沒錢去建造了嘛~群眾表示想鍛個練都沒辦法

2. 大眾對於體育的理解可能就只是「擊敗對方」,而不是休閑娛樂~


1. use, utilize, make use of

2. spend money/budgets on, allocate money/budgets to, fund, focus/concentrate on

3. facilities/devices/equipment, specialized for athletes/professional players, the public, amateurs



When it comes to a phenomenon that some countries prefer to allocate more money to facilities designed for athletes rather than spend money on public facilities, some people argue that such a phenomenon may be a negative development, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

第二段承認一下大眾確實就有點遭殃,畢竟政府的錢也是有限的= =

Admittedly, the public may lack facilities for exercise without devices provided by governments. It is acknowledged that governments』 budget is limited but what governments need to improve is countless. Providing that governments use money to purchase more professional devices for athletes, comparatively, the amount of fund for public facilities will be reduced. Then, some communities may even lack sports facilities for their residents. Nevertheless, it is still a positive development for countries to focus on training professional players.


To begin with, constructing more devices specialized for athletes could serve to maintain their performances. In order to defeat others in international games, such as the Olympic Games, countries, even after gaining a lot of golden medals, need to guarantee that their athletes could perform better in the future. It is natural and reasonable for those governments to fund their players and offer them better equipment and devices. Then, their players could maintain their performances and countries could gain honor and reputation from those matches as well.


In addition, sports facilities could be better used by athletes. Even in some communities where there are a lot of sports facilities accessible, occupied by work, citizens may neglect those facilities to some degree. Compared with building facilities for the public, allocating budgets to professional facilities seems more effective since most athletes will make use of those devices quite frequently. Thus, funding athletes could lead to a better utilization of sports facilities.


In sum, it is still positive for countries to concentrate on training athletes and provide them with more facilities, considering that players are potent to perform better in competitions and they could also make better use of those devices.



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