1.pettycrime(輕微犯罪,小偷小摸):lessserious crimes such as shoplifting(行竊) and pickpocketing(扒竊)
2.seriouscrime(嚴重犯罪):whenthe sum involved(涉及金額) is large or the consequences more serious
3.violentcrime(暴力犯罪):includesassault(攻擊), mugging(劫持) and armed robbery(武裝搶劫)
4.white-collarcrime(白領犯罪):crimescommitted by ¨office workers¨, for example fraud(舞弊)
5.organisedcrime(有組織犯罪):largescale crime by crime organisations such as the Mafia(黑手黨), for example smuggling
6.crimeagainst property(財產犯罪):includesvandalism and theft
1.prison(監獄):notethe verb ¨to imprison¨ and the phrase ¨to send to prison¨
2.servea prison sentence/ custodial sentence(服刑,判處監禁);
e.g.¨Serious offenders should forced to several at least a 3-year prison sentence.¨
3.communityservice (order)(社區服務):
Theoffender has to do work that helps the community rather tan go to prison.
e.g.¨People who commit some petty crimes or road traffic offenses should pay afine.¨
5.(receive)a caution:(收到警告)
Ifthe offence is less serious then the offender may be let off with a caution.
6.(beput) on probation:(緩刑)
Sometimesfirst-time offenders are not imprisoned but are placed under supervision for aset period of time to ensure their good behaviour.
Somedriving offenses such as ¨drink driving¨ are punished with a ban
8.capital punishment/the death penalty(死刑)
1.passa law/legislate against(通過法律/立法):
thisis the role of government
2.enforcethe law(執行法律):
analternative phrase here is ¨law enforcement¨: this involves the courts and thepolice force
3.investigatea crime(犯罪調查):
thefirst step in the criminal process
4.arresta suspect(逮捕嫌疑犯):
beforethe trial he is ¨a suspect¨, during the trial he is a ¨defendant¨ ad, ifconvicted, he is then ¨a criminal¨
5.punishan offender(懲罰罪犯):
¨offender¨is another useful word for ¨criminal¨
6.passa sentence(宣判):
normallythis is the role of the judge. ¨Sentence¨ is also a verb/noun, so a judge may¨sentence a criminal¨
7.convicta criminal(定罪):
another phrase meaning tofind someone guilty and punish them. The noun ¨conviction¨ is just ascommon.
ina trial the defendant can either plead guilty or innocent
9.acourt case/trial(法院案件/審判):
Thisis what happens in the court. A trial is a criminal process, whereas a courtcase includes proceedings for civil (non-criminal) matters.
anotherway to say this is ¨to abde by the law¨
2.tofight crime(打擊犯罪:
this is the role of thepolice force and the courts. Another way of saying this to¨tackle crime¨
3.acrime wave(犯罪浪潮):
whenthere is a rise in crime, particularly of one type
4.toturn to crime(轉向犯罪):
anotherway of saying to become a professional criminal
behaviourthat may not be against the law but disrupts the community, e.g. being drunk inpublic
6.theincidence of crime(犯罪的發生率):
howmuch crime happens
7.motivefor crime(犯罪動機):
thereason why people commit crimes
antisocialbehaviour committed by people under the age of 18
9.arepeat offender(慣犯):
someonewho has been convicted more than once
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