如何提高雅思寫作成績? - 季元的回答
In some countries, criminal trials areshown on television so that the public general can watch them. Do you thinkadvantages outweigh disadvantages?
看完題目之後,我覺得這道題目也不算簡單的題目,因為單純的犯罪類的辭彙都有很多同學不是特別熟悉,更不用說再限定一下媒體類,就比如說在電視上轉播案件審理,我們可以說televising trials, filming trials以及broadcasting of trials,而這幾個說法其實並不太算是常見的片語搭配。同時,「罪犯」的替換和「犯罪」的替換,也是很多同學並不太熟悉的部分,這都會造成一定的難度,反倒是brainstorming的部分並不是特別的麻煩。簡單來說,易想難寫。
1. 可以對罪犯有震懾作用,畢竟上了電視,之後就算想重新做人,難度也是大大增加,所以罪犯在犯罪之前得好好考慮一下。
2. 對大眾有一個知識普及的作用,畢竟很多人並不是真的了解法庭如何運作,這樣的節目有利於大眾更多了解一些普法知識。
3. 可以起到一個監督作用,畢竟公開透明的話,就不太敢亂來啦~
1. 對受害者和家屬來說,會讓他們的痛苦被他人知曉,這可能會讓他們更難受。
2. 對於庭審本身來說,有了很多干擾因素,比如律師開始注意自己的公眾形象而不是更好的研究案件,比如證人也不敢公開作證怕被報復。
When it comes to a phenomenon that citizenscould watch convictions on television, some people may argue that there is noneed to promote televising trials, but I approve of the idea that there existmore advantages acquired from showing cases publicly.
Admittedly, broadcasting of trials maycreate a lot of difficulties to the sentencing procedure. When trials are shownpublicly on TV, it is natural for lawyers to focus on their appearance sincethey may attract potential clients if they perform well, which may separatetheir time and energy on trials. Also, witnesses may be afraid of theirsecurity if they really give a vital verdict. Thus, televising trials may beinfluenced if the public could watch trials on TV; however, it is stillbeneficial to the broadcasting of trials.
第三段:對罪犯的震懾作用,關鍵詞可能有deter/a deterring effect/a deterrent effect, reintegration into the society.
To begin with, televising trials could posea deterring effect on potential offenders. If cases are judged publicly on TV,the direct consequence is that some lawbreakers may be remembered. When thoseperpetrators are released in the future, they may not integrate into the societyanymore since the public are afraid of them. Thus, potential culprits may giveup their criminal plans after they think about the result of being judged onTV.
第四段:對大眾的知識普及作用,關鍵詞可能有enlighten sb. on..., be unfamiliar with, juridical system, the sentencing procedure.
Furthermore, the public may have a strongersense of laws with filming trials. In the past, only a limited number of trialsare shown on TV and a lot of citizens do not know details of the sentencingprocedure. However, being able to watch trials on TV currently, the publiccould be familiar with the juridical system, such as how lawyers function in acase. Then, if they are involved in some cases in the future, at least, theycould ask for assistance in a correct way.
In sum, considering the deterrent effect onpossible offenders and a stronger sense of laws for the public, merits offilming trials do outnumber demerits caused by it.
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