

如何提高雅思寫作成績? - 季元的回答



Some people believe there are intelligentlife forms existing on other planets and it is better to send messages to them,but others think it is a bad idea because it is very dangerous to do this.Discuss both views and give your opinion.


為什麼人們應該嘗試接觸一下呢?原因可以是看看能不能從別的物種那裡獲得更多先進的科技;為什麼有風險呢,萬一別的物種還跑到地球來搶奪資源呢嘛。這兩個理由應該都不算難想,最後我的觀點可以寫「未來一定會去探索,但是現在我們還是too young too simple,不要老想著搞個大新聞」這樣子就差不多啦哈哈~


mankind, human beings, human race, human;

aliens, alien civilization, creatures, life forms

send messages to, communicate with, contact, get in touch with;

advanced technology, mature, outer space, space exploration;


When it comes to the issue about the possibilityof aliens』 existence on other planets, some people argue that there should becommunication between human beings and other creatures if they really exist,but others believe that it may lead to some potential risks for human beings tocommunicate with unknown life forms.


On one hand, mankind may benefit fromcommunicating with other creatures if they own advanced technologies. It istrue that human beings have developed numerous technologies currently, but someaspects, such as space exploration, still need to be improved. If other planetspossess technologies human beings do not have, maybe they could assist us tomake a progress. Thus, sending messages to them could allow human beings to have more technologies from the universe possibly..


On the other hand, getting in touch withaliens may be detrimental to human beings since they may invade the earth.Countries on the earth will fight with each other because they need to acquire moreresources. Similarly, if alien civilization also intended to reap some profitsfrom the earth, space wars would be an inevitable consequence. Therefore, in order to maintaina peaceful life on the earth, human beings should be really cautious aboutsending messages to outer space.


From my own perspective, exploring spacewill be a compulsory task for mankind sooner or later, but scientists should be patientbefore they make more breakthroughs. After all, human beings are just potent tosend their astronauts into outer space for limited time and our technology isstill not so mature. Also, there still exist all kinds of conflicts amongcountries on the earth and developing domestic economy should be the toppriority for most governments to improve their citizens』 life quality. Thus,human beings may not be prepared to welcome alien civilization in the currentera.


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