

最新 2016年科技閱讀列表 - 董老師在矽谷 - 知乎專欄

回顧去年的一些科技媒體和博客,筆者希望做一些紀錄和共享。下面就是從Firstround review,medium, waitbutwhy,growthhacker,quora,wired,recode,techcrunch,hackernews,fortune等精選了大概600篇文章,開源了自己英文閱讀列表。涉及創業心得,企業文化,科技人物訪談,前沿技術,矽谷往事,程序員修養。如果大家感興趣也可以留言翻譯,校對後在知乎專欄和一些媒體平台(36氪,百度百家,創業邦,雷鋒網等)中給大家推薦。翻譯範例:為什麼最近有很多名人,比如比爾蓋茨,馬斯克、霍金等,讓人們警惕人工智慧,Elon Musk:比宙斯還忙的人,之前翻譯文章歸檔到從Firstround Review開始 我把內容放在github上,也有不少已經有翻譯了,這些就直接讓大家學習。

  1. Stop Dancing Around Criticism and Put It to Use with These Tips from Airbnb"s Head of Experience Design

  2. One Rubric Changed Box"s Engineering Performance
  3. What I Learned Scaling Engineering Teams Through Euphoria and Horror

  4. This Is What Impactful Engineering Leadership Looks Like,Dropbox 管理學:好的公司應該告訴員工「不當主管」也沒關係

  5. How Medium Is Building a New Kind of Company with No Managers
  6. An Inside Look at Facebook"s Method for Hiring Designers創業公司如何才能招聘到優秀的產品設計師?看看Facebook是怎麼做的

  7. This is Why People Leave Your Company

  8. The One Thing Every Leader Needs to Learn: How to Scale Change

  9. From 0 to $1B - Slack"s Founder Shares Their Epic Launch Strategy從0到10億美元

  10. Drew Houston』s Morph from Hacker to Hyper-Growth CEODropbox 創始人談:如何從黑客成長為CEO?

  11. Employee Onboarding at Startups Is Broken

  12. Fixing Engineering"s Loyalty and Longevity Problem

  13. Why Yammer Believes the Traditional Engineering Organizational Structure is Dead

  14. The Do』s and Don』ts of Rapid Scaling for Startups
  15. Simple Design is What You Need, Not What You Want

  16. Evernote』s CTO on Your Biggest Security Worries From 3 to 300 Employees

  17. How to Make Engineering Interns Effective for Your Startup

  18. Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places

  19. How Fast-Growing Startups Can Fix Internal Communication Before It Breaks

  20. Hyper-Growth Done Right企業超速發展中的時勢與英雄:曾領導Facebook 和Dropbox 工程師團隊擴張的Aditya分享經驗教訓

  21. How to Make OKRs Actually Work at Your Startup

  22. The Best Hires Are Right Under Your Nose

  23. What You Want in a VP Eng from the Recruiters Behind Twitter and Zappos

  24. Zach Sims of Codecademy on Lessons in Raising $12.5 Million for the First Time
  25. Head Designer of Mint on Why Great Design Isn』t About Making Things Pretty

  26. Asana』s Head of Talent on the Secrets to Finding a Great Startup Recruiter

  27. Here』s Why You』re Not Hiring the Best and the Brightest

  28. Facebook VP of Engineering on Solving Hard Things EarlyFacebook工程部副總裁Cory Ondrejka談企業在早期所遇到的管理瓶頸

  29. Lessons from Pixar: Why Software Developers Should Be Storytellers
  30. Rap Genius Explains Why Worse is Better

  31. Software is Eating Hardware

  32. Mechanize Your Hiring Process to Make Better Decisions

  33. How to Engage Your Users to Build the Product They Actually Want

  34. How to Start a Growth Team, 怎樣從無到有地打造一支增長團隊?

  35. The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc她締造了 Netflix 的公司文化,最終卻又被其所傷

  36. The Management Framework that Propelled LinkedIn to a $20 Billion Company

  37. How Modern Marketplaces Like Uber and Airbnb Build Trust to Achieve Liquidity解析Uber與Airbnb等新型Marketplace是如何建立信任、提高Liquidity

  38. What Founders Need to Know About Building Management Teams Before It』s Too Late

  39. 23 Tools to Make Your Feedback Meaningful

  40. The Trick Max Levchin Used to Hire the Best Engineers at PayPal

  41. How to Scale 10x as a CEO Built a Billion Dollar Business
  42. My Management Lessons from Three Failed Startups, Google, Apple, Dropbox, Twitter and Square:從Google、Apple、Dropbox、Twitter和Square學到的管理哲學

  43. Head of Amazon Web Services on Finding the Next Great Opportunity

  44. The Five Mistakes Startups Make When Building for Mobile

  45. The Brain Hacks Top Founders Use to Get the Job Done

  46. Shooting for an IPO? Take These Steps Now Before It"s Too Late
  47. How Dropbox Sources, Scales and Ships Its Best Product Ideas

  48. This 90-Day Plan Turns Engineers into Remarkable Managers九十天:工程師到管理者養成計劃
  49. Can you buy a Silicon Valley Maybe
  50. Let the other 95 of great programmers in
  51. Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
  52. Sam on Startups Venture Capital and the Y Combinator
  53. How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake You Can Make as a New Software Engineer

  54. How a Scientifically Proven Technique Can Improve How Well You Learn and Remember
  55. The Deal With Solar太陽能-能源市場的攪局者

  56. The Deal With the Hyperloop[伊隆·馬斯克公司系列]Hyperloop偉大設想

  57. How (and Why) SpaceX Will Colonize Mars移民火星 — SpaceX公司的方法和理由

  58. The Cook and the Chef: Musk"s Secret Sauce 翻譯15%
  59. unlimited-vacation-policy-really-means

  60. Survive and Thrive

  61. Lessons Learned After Shutting My Startup, Following A Six-Year Struggle,Geatwear之死:一個牛仔褲定製網站的自述

  62. First Round State of Startups

  63. Project Mezzanine: The Great Migration at Uber[矽谷熱門公司技術巡禮2]:UBER數據大遷徙

  64. Deep Lessons from Google and eBay on Building Ecosystems of Microservices

  65. Working for yourself: The day I did something

  66. Hadoop creator Doug Cutting on evolving and succeeding in open source

  67. Getting Real: Be Yourself (by 37signals)

  68. Inside the clone factory: The Samwer brothers" story http://36kr.com/p/5040142.html

  69. Playboy Interview: Google Guys

  70. Somewhere that"s right for you: choosing your first startup

  71. five keys to a successful google team,Google人力副總裁:Google的成功團隊具有五個關鍵要素

  72. How to Design a Better Pitch Deck · The Macro

  73. 4 Lessons For SaaS Startups From Optimizely"s Early Days

  74. Coding is boring, unless…,稀土掘金:編程很沒勁,除非你……

  75. The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss

  76. On building product at Medium

  77. high-output-management

  78. What Technology Will Look Like In Five Years

  79. Full stack startups

  80. search-architecture in instagram

  81. Venture Capital in Transition

  82. What I learned from passing on investing in Twitter & Zynga

  83. 「Meaningful」 startups

  84. Stack Overflow and the Zeitgeist of Computer Programming

  85. Do Fewer Things, Better

  86. Developer Turned Manager

  87. What I Learned from Blowing An Interview
  88. Pondering Homejoy』s Failure

  89. You Don"t Need To Understand Programming to Appreciate This Awesome Rant

  90. Why biomedical superstars are signing on with Google : Nature News & Comment

  91. Fail at Scale

  92. The Top 100 Hacker News Posts of All Time

  93. Is the caliber of Google engineers decreasing

  94. Startup Playbook:【獨家】最乾的乾貨:YC年度創業生存手冊

  95. product insights from wechat,今天,我們來聊聊微信的產品哲學聖經(上)

  96. Growing Your Tech Stack: When to Say No

  97. The Stack Behind Netflix ScalingNetflix發展背後的技術

  98. This Is How You Design Your Mobile App for Maximum Growth

  99. Flipboard"s Fanfare Fades as Executives Exit, Sale Talks Stall

  100. late bloomer, not a loser.

  101. What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies

  102. WhatsApp"s Co-Founder on How the App Became a Phenomenon

  103. What do people in Silicon Valley plan to do once they are over 35?

  104. The Stack That Helped Medium Scale To 2.6 Millennia Of Reading Time

  105. The Most Important Startup"s Hardest Worker Isn"t a Person

  106. Getting (the Right) Stuff Done

  107. Google』s growing problem: 50% of people do zero searches per day on mobile

  108. Y Combinator vs. Graduate School

  109. 18F — Managing technical debt:務實的技術債務管理

  110. Engineer"s Guide to US Visas

  111. How Can We Achieve Age Diversity in Silicon Valley?

  112. Destroy all hiring processes

  113. Epic slide deck from former Yahoo board member lays out the future of tech and media

  114. Rebuilding Our Infrastructure with Docker, ECS, and Terraform,如何使用 Docker、ECS、Terraform 重建基礎架構?

  115. Measure Anything, Measure Everything,測量所有,量化一切!

  116. WeWork Used These Documents To Convince Investors It"s Worth Billions

  117. You don』t have what it takes

  118. Five Years of Building Instagram,建立Instagram的5年

  119. Backend infrastructure at Spotify

  120. Success at Work, Failure at Home

  121. Inside Facebook"s Artificial Intelligence LabFacebook如何使用「我們」的數據去構建人工智慧

  122. 2016-career-launching-companies-list

  123. Negotiating Comp Means Making a Deal with a Devil

  124. Why WhatsApp Only Needs 50 Engineers for Its 900M Users擁有 9 億用戶的 WhatsApp,工程師只有 50 人

  125. GitHub CEO: What I Learned From Our Company"s Harassment Scandal

  126. Why I Fucking Hate Unicorns and the Culture They Breed

  127. chasing the shiny and new

  128. Some advice from Jeff Bezos

  129. My favorite interview question

  130. Here"s What a Real Growth Strategy Looks Like

  131. Don』t build it in-house. There is an API for that.

  132. How Uber Scales Their Real-time Market Platform

  133. advice-for-preparing-for-transition

  134. How Zuck"s Old TA Helped Facebook Master Mobile Ads

  135. An Open Letter to Anyone Moving to San Francisco for a Tech Job


  137. The art of iterating quickly

  138. Uber"s Phantom Cabs

  139. A Leader』s Guide To Deciding:What, When, and How To Decide

  140. What are some decisions taken by the "Growth team" at Facebook that helped Facebook reach 500 million users?,tech2ipo.com

  141. Why I left the best job in the world

  142. Life…

  143. How Slack Uses Slack

  144. Service-Oriented Architecture: Scaling the Uber Codebase As We Grow,Uber從單體架構轉向微服務架構

  145. Airbnb Shares The Keys To Its Infrastructure

  146. 『Give Away Your Legos』 and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups

  147. What Makes Uber Run

  148. Ben Horowitz』s Best Startup Advice,本·霍格維茨的創業建議

  149. Five years, building a culture, and handing it off.

  150. Doing Data Science at Twitter,分享丨在twitter搞數據科學是怎樣一種體驗?

  151. Learning as a New Grad on the Uber Money Team

  152. How I Built a $5k/mo Side Project in 5 Months (longform post)

  153. How we work - Pair Programming

  154. 8 Reasons to Turn Down That Startup Job

  155. Why you can"t find a technical cofounder

  156. Greylock Partners Teardown

  157. How It Ticks: Building the Airbnb Apple Watch App

  158. One of the biggest mistakes I』ve made in my career

  159. Regretting the Golden Handcuffs

  160. APIs Are The New FTEs

  161. GitHub: Scaling on Ruby, with a nomadic tech team

  162. Subtraction = Growth

  163. The journey of a startup, from idea to growth

  164. An honest guide to the San Francisco startup life

  165. How Instacart Built Its On-Demand Grocery Delivery Service

  166. How Do Stock Options and RSUs Differ?

  167. Not Every Startup Should Be Venture-Backed

  168. Dropbox: the first dead decacorn為什麼說 Dropbox 會是第一家死掉的「獨角獸」?

  169. AppNexus" First Pitch

  170. Ways to think about cars

  171. Does giving other people credit build your confidence? I think so

  172. You Don』t Need to Know How to Code to Make it in Silicon Valley

  173. the-technology

  174. one-year-review YC

  175. How An Early Facebook Employee Messed Up, Got Fired, And Cost Himself $185 MillionFacebook創業早期事:我是如何損失掉1.85億美元的?

  176. StackOverflow Update: 560M Pageviews A Month, 25 Servers, And It"s All About Performance

  177. Continuous Deployment at Quora

  178. Scaling Asana.com
  179. Slow Growth Lessons in a Hack-Assed World

  180. Building LinkedIn"s New Engineering Bootcamp

  181. Tinder and Hookup-Culture Promotion

  182. How Netflix Reinvented HR

  183. How Two Non-Technical Cofounders Grew & Sold Their Startup for Millions

  184. Developers Who Can Build Things from Scratch

  185. Taking the "D" Out of CRUD with Soft Deletes

  186. This guy used an insane get-rich-quick scheme to become a start-up millionaire in three weeks

  187. Uber』s Secret Weapon

  188. Bigger Isn』t Always Better: How A Big Round Can Hurt Your Startup

  189. 「Don』t Take Advice」 and More Startup Advice

  190. Why You Should Be A Morning Person

  191. When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China對於佔領全球的微信,國外頂級風投公司是如何評價的呢?

  192. Change Your Name

  193. What Does It Mean For Start-Ups To Create Value?

  194. Thirteen Months of Working, Eating, and Sleeping at the Googleplex
  195. 10years.firstroundFirst Round回顧種子輪融資十年歷程,總結分享十大經驗

  196. Don』t Listen to Your Users And other lessons from building a consumer-facing app,tech2ipo.com


  198. If your product is Great, it doesn"t need to be Good.

  199. What Makes Founders Succeed

  200. Moving-Fast-With-High-Code-Quality

  201. The Verge"s web sucks

  202. Sarah Smith"s answer to What are some of the biggest red flags in an interviewee?

  203. Introducing Nurse: Auto-Remediation at LinkedIn

  204. The Duct Tape Programmer

  205. Paul Graham』s Startup Advice for the Lazy,太忙沒時間?10分鐘讀完Paul Graham為「懶人創業者」總結的創業經

  206. Killing over-communication: an internal memo from our founders

  207. Architecting Backend for a Social Product

  208. iOS Build Infrastructure

  209. Guido on Python [LWN.net]

  210. So You"re Leaving Your Startup Job...

  211. Stop Whiteboarding

  212. Inside the sad, expensive failure of Google+深度解讀Google+失敗內幕:缺乏遠見 忽視用戶

  213. How to find a startup worth working for

  214. A guide to PR for startups Craig Kerstiens

  215. Speed as a Habit

  216. Welcome To The Unicorn Club, 2015: Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies

  217. How I validated my startup idea

  218. Everything Is Data ? Only Once

  219. Silicon Valley』s Dirty Secret

  220. What are Bloom filters?

  221. A Conversation with Alan Kay

  222. Want a Better Pitch? Watch This.

  223. Kevin Systrom"s answer to What is the genesis of Instagram?

  224. A Framework to Maximize Your Startup"s Hiring Success

  225. A Brief History of Scaling LinkedInLinkedIn架構演化歷史解析

  226. inside-operation-inversion-the-code-freeze-that-saved-linkedin

  227. Airbnb, My $1 Billion Lesson,10億美金的教訓——我居然錯過Airbnb的天使輪

  228. Programmers are distraction for your startup

  229. Behind the App: The Story of Circa
  230. The education of Airbnb"s Brian CheskyAirbnb創始人Brian Chesky的自我成長之路

  231. stewart-butterfield-of-slack-experience-with-empathy-required

  232. Brigade』s Experience Using an MVC Alternative

  233. What I Learned From Steve Jobs

  234. Behind the App: The Story of 1Password

  235. What I Learned When I Gave Up the 『9 to 5』,放棄「朝九晚五」的收穫

  236. 7 Important Lessons from Airbnb"s 7 Rejections

  237. Startup CEOs: Forget 「Full Stack」 and Focus on Creating Real, Differentiated Value

  238. The Never Ending Road To Product Market Fit

  239. After the Layoffs

  240. MadLib Feedback

  241. What Does a Startup COO Actually Do?

  242. The CEO』s Challenge:Engineering Alignment

  243. 12 Things I Learned from Ben Horowitz about Management, Investing, and Business

  244. Write code every day

  245. What do Stanford GSB founders look like? http://36kr.com/p/5043595.html

  246. Maker to Manager: What a startup founder does

  247. Back to SF after the U.S. Digital Service

  248. silicon-valleys-youth-problem

  249. the-role-of-a-senior-developer

  250. luck_and_the_entrepreneur

  251. I"m Joel Gascoigne, and This Is the Story Behind Buffer,我是喬爾加斯科因,buffer背後的故事

  252. The Moment I Fell in Love With the World of Startups

  253. Your Career is a Mess

  254. Microservice Trade-Offs【大牛觀點】Martin Fowler談微服務的優缺點

  255. Jepsen: On the perils of network partitions

  256. Why Invest in Tools?

  257. Behind the App: The Story of Alfred:tech2ipo.com

  258. Coding for Obsolescence

  259. Playing Startup

  260. Engineering Management

  261. Three hundred programming interviews in thirty days

  262. Kevin Hale"s Soapbox: Wufoo"s Buildup to SurveyMonkey"s $35M Acquisition

  263. Top Hacks from a PM Behind Two of Tech"s Hottest Products

  264. This is the Biggest Mistake a Young Entrepreneur Can Make

  265. On Interviewing Software Engineers a?? zdfs

  266. Getting Code to Production With Less Friction and High Quality

  267. Profits vs Growth

  268. Curation and Algorithms

  269. Storytelling 101: Writing Tips for Academics

  270. Memories of Steve

  271. Peer Code Reviews At Loose Cannon at New Fun Blog

  272. The One-Person Product,一個人的產品_36氪

  273. The Happy Demise of the 10X Engineer

  274. Who Will Be Hurt Most When The Tech Bubble Bursts? Not VCs

  275. Don』t Follow Your Passion: Career Advice for Recent Graduates矽谷頂級VC本·霍洛維茨:創業光有激情?然並卵

  276. The fabulous life of tech billionaire Marc Benioff

  277. The One Hiring Mistake You Didn』t Know You Were Making

  278. The Art of the Dojo

  279. Tending the Spark

  280. Adam Leventhal"s blog

  281. Culture Hacking With A Staff Database

  282. On Managing Developers

  283. Why Open Source Works for LinkedIn

  284. Thinking Methodically about Performance

  285. Accidental lessons from a first-time manager

  286. LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman on the biggest lie employers tell employees

  287. Why 1-1 meetings are crucial to your team』s success

  288. My advice to non-technical founders

  289. 19 Successful People Who Barely Sleep

  290. On writing

  291. What is The Best Way to Explain Your Startup?

  292. Chasing the next billion with Sundar Pichaitech2ipo.com

  293. Silicon Valley hiring is not a meritocracy

  294. The Case For Setting Impossible Deadlines

  295. Firing Well | Monday Note

  296. Code Review Best Practices

  297. no-stack-startups

  298. The Mind of Marc Andreessen

  299. How a Side Project Became an Obsession

  300. Sharding the Asana Database

  301. What If Everybody Didn"t Have to Work to Get Paid?

  302. How I worked remotely from 11 cities in 3 months,tech2ipo.com

  303. The Real Teens of Silicon Valley

  304. Companies Drain Women』s Ambition After Only 2 Years

  305. Want to Hire More Diverse People? Raise Your Bar.

  306. Software Based Companies Should Be Judged On Their Rate Of Innovation

  307. The Importance Of Founders

  308. Hiring lessons from GV』s design event series

  309. Why Silicon Valley Will Continue to Rule

  310. Behind the Scenes: Building Airbnb』s First Native Tablet App

  311. Bottled Water: Real-time integration of PostgreSQL and Kafka

  312. Grouplets - Mike Bland

  313. The Secret Sauce of Silicon Valley

  314. Improving developer productivity at Asana: Phips Peter

  315. The 10 Most Important Things I"ve Learned About Building An Entrepreneurial Mindset

  316. How Do I Know If I Should Take A Job At A Startup?

  317. Foursquare』s Dennis Crowley Can』t Stop Believing

  318. Spotify Engineering Culture

  319. Etsy CTO On Its Conservatively Crafty Tech Philosophy

  320. The Hidden Costs of Microservices

  321. How to Impress an Interviewer

  322. Google Couldn"t Kill 20 Percent Time Even if It Wanted To

  323. Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods

  324. 「The Future of Version Control」

  325. What Do the Founding Teams of Billion Dollar Companies Look Like?
  326. Marissa Mayer on Yahoo"s 20-Year Love Affair With The Color Purple

  327. Subtle Mid-Stage Startup Pitfalls

  328. A culture that attracts quality candidates

  329. Dave Goldberg had an incredible life戈德伯格的非凡人生:一切來之不易

  330. What Defines an Engineering-Driven Culture

  331. Andreessen Horowitz, Deal Maker to the Stars of Silicon Valley

  332. Meet the Founder Who"s Building a New Startup Every Month

  333. Ten Career Lessons

  334. Product Market Fit is Not Enough

  335. Work Is Better Than Talent

  336. The On Demand Economy:

  337. The Golden Ratio: Design"s Biggest Myth:設計的大迷思:原來黃金比例根本只是一場誤會!

  338. Work/Life Balance and What That Means When Things Fall Apart

  339. Forbes Welcome

  340. Does a good engineering culture matter?

  341. Jerry on Java: Simplicity

  342. Front End of Innovation Blog: Why Big Companies Fail at Acting Like Start-Ups

  343. How to pick a co-founder

  344. Why Dropbox Needs to Own Collaboration to Become a $100b Company

  345. What did Billion Dollar Companies Look Like at the Series A?

  346. Why Billionaire Investor Reid Hoffman Is Betting Big on Bitcoin

  347. The full-stack employee,全棧員工,工作的未來就是人人成為瑞士軍刀

  348. What does it take to be a great entrepreneur?

  349. Dawn of the data center operating system

  350. Out of the picture: why the world"s best photo startup is going out of business

  351. similarities-of-disruptive-companies

  352. career-decisions.html

  353. Three Simple Rules for Building Data Products that People Will Actually Use

  354. Apple"s Tim Cook leads different

  355. How to Write Without Writing

  356. The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn

  357. Values

  358. How to Ruin Your Company with One Bad Process

  359. Mentors Are The Secret Weapons Of Successful Startups

  360. The Idea Person

  361. How I got 2.3 million app downloads (without spending a cent on marketing)

  362. Ten Things I Learned Researching Ten of the World』s Fastest Growing Startups,我們能從世界上增長最快的公司身上學到什麼?

  363. Mindful VC - Transitions

  364. The virality of LinkedIn Endorsements

  365. Y Combinator』s Sam Altman On The Elements Of A Successful Startup

  366. Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design

  367. Friendster Founder Tells His Side of the Story, 10 Years After Facebook

  368. How we upgrade a live data center

  369. Why do we care about Xiaomi? http://wallstreetcn.com/node/215227

  370. My Y Combinator experience

  371. Coding Like a Girl

  372. Using Services to Break Down Monoliths

  373. Hiring Momentum: Underrated Component of Startup Success

  374. How Dropbox got 75,000 wait-list signups from Digg.

  375. Interview with Raffi Krikorian on Twitter"s Infrastructure

  376. Unicorns vs. Horses

  377. Startup Priorities

  378. Generalists and specialists: thoughts on hiring

  379. Storytelling for Startups

  380. Startup advice, briefly

  381. Where to start up a startup

  382. Advice for first-time founders

  383. Beauty of Testing

  384. The Challenge of Changing People』s Behavior

  385. Why We Killed Off Code Reviews

  386. Creating Unicorns

  387. Cofounder management

  388. Replacing Middle Management with APIs by Peter Reinhardt

  389. The Path Matters

  390. The Most Diabolical Python Antipattern

  391. Designing Twitter Video

  392. 20 questions for 2015

  393. What no one talks about when building a team: letting people go

  394. How to behave at work

  395. mvps-and-excellence

  396. How we run hackathons

  397. A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services

  398. 10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned和最優秀的人一起,我花一萬小時學到了這些

  399. 12 Things I Learned from Chris Dixon about Startups

  400. Elizabeth Royal』s Morning Routine on My Morning Routine

  401. Kafka at LinkedIn: Current and Future

  402. Software engineers should write
  403. A mile wide, an inch deep

  404. Designing the Hiring Process

  405. Scaling Elasticsearch to Hundreds of Developers

  406. Successful startups say 「no」成功的創業公司敢於說「不」

  407. The Four Meta Secrets of Scaling at Facebook

  408. Silicon Valley History 路 Patrick Collison

  409. The Age of Unicorns

  410. Why to Join a Startup by Jessica Livingston

  411. The Three Unconventional Questions To Ask Every Job Candidate

  412. Don"t Hire Anyone Over 30: Ageism in Silicon Valley

  413. What Doesn"t Seem Like Work?

  414. A year of designing at Facebook

  415. The 30 Best Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs in 2014

  416. Coding is not the new literacy

  417. What The Hell Is A Startup Anyway?

  418. Building an MVPP: Minimum Viable Product We』re Proud Of

  419. Money = Time

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  612. Rate-of-learning: the most valuable startup compensation,tech2ipo.com

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  615. Pmarchive - Luck and the entrepreneur, part 1: The four kinds of luck

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  641. Big company vs. startup work and compensation不要搞創業崇拜,在大公司上班比在創業公司好太多了

  642. Niche to Win, Baby.

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