Am I offended when my son-in-law wishes me a 「Happy Eid」? No—I』m delighted to share his joy at the celebration that ends the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
I imagine that some people would be offended—including many of those who are offended when someone wishes them 「Merry Christmas」 even if they are non-Christian. I wish they could take it in a better spirit.
I』m delighted if someone wishes me a happy Hanukah, or Passover. I like to be reminded of these holidays, so I can share in the joy and celebration.
The greatest holiday of all, for me, is Christmas. Christmas was named after 「Christ」, a word that means Messiah or Savior. Personally, I do not believe that Jesus was God (except to the extent that we are all 「children of God」, as Jesus said) or that he had supernatural powers. I do consider Jesus to be one of the greatest of all prophets; his 「Sermon on the Mount」 is deeply inspirational to my spirit. But my non-belief in this christ does not interfere with my joy for the greatest holiday of all, the holiday in celebration of children and the miracle of birth, the holiday that happens to be called Christmas.
Historically, Christmas was celebrated in ancient Rome long before Jesus was born. It was the holiday of the 「unconquered sun」, and it celebrated, on December 25, the fact that the sun had reversed its journey in the heavens; days were beginning to become longer.
When the early Christians chose a holiday for the birth of Jesus (they had no real idea when it had occurred), they picked December 25 because that was the most joyous holiday in ancient Rome. For this reason, many early Protestants forbade the celebration of Christmas; it was a pagan holiday. It did not appear on US calendars in Protestant New England.
Indeed, in the early US, Christmas was celebrated in a pagan way, with drunkenness and raucous behavior. The poor would invade the wealthy neighborhoods and demand food and drink in a ritual they called 「wasseling」; this is preserved in some of our Christmas Carols: oh, we won』t go until we get some … so bring it right here! Christmas Eve back then was closer in spirit to the way we now celebrate New Year』s Eve.
Then, in the early 1800s, some New Yorker made a conscious effort to transform Christmas from drunken revelry to a celebration of children. Notably, they made up legends (what we might today call fake news) about the way the Dutch celebrated Christmas in old New York; it is true that the Dutch had picked St. Nicholas as the patron saint of their city. Washington Irving wrote some tales of the old Dutch practices. But then came the truly transformative event, the poem The Night Before Christmas written in 1823 by Clement Moore, who was then a professor of divinity.
It worked. Christmas was transformed into a celebration of children! There were some later changes and additions, including 「A Christmas Carol」 by Dickens in 1843, and Coca-cola helped make Santa big and fat, but those were small compared to what Moore』s poem accomplished. And that is the way I celebrate it every year.
Christmas is an unusual holiday. We give gifts to our children anonymously! We must not spoil them ourselves, but we can have this stand-in named Santa Claus (who bears almost no similarity to the original St. Nicholas) spoil them for us. And although there is a lot of pontification about him knowing when you』ve been bad or good—most kids know that they have been good enough. (My mom claimed that once she was given only a piece of black coal, but I didn』t know whether to believe her.)
The problem with Christmas is the name. It includes 「Christ」 because the early Romans decided it was the birthday of their Christ, named Jesus. This has made an unfortunate and artificial barrier to the celebration of the greatest of all holidays.
When my son-in-law wishes me a happy Eid, I don』t care what the word Eids means. I wish that I could say 「Merry Christmas」 to strangers without some of them taking offense!
Ironically, many people argue that Christmas has lost its 「true meaning」, which should be a solemn devotion to Jesus. In my mind, that is backward! Christmas (despite its name) has a deeper meaning—about the miracle of birth and children, and spoiling children anonymously, one day ever year. It is magical and wondrous and great fun.
Now that you have read all that, I hope you won』t be offended by my closing paragraph. You can undoubtedly guess what I am going to say.
Merry Christmas!