Robert Harper會如何評價Rust?

Robert Harper應該只喜歡他的SML吧(逃



Two examples have arisen just this summer, Rust (from Mozila) and Swift (from Apple), that exemplify the trend. Although I have not had time to study them carefully, much less write serious code using them, it is evident from even a brief review of their web sites that these are serious languages that take account of the academic developments of the last couple of decades in formulating new language designs to address new classes of problems that have arisen in programming practice. These languages are type safe, a basic criterion of sensibility, and feature sophisticated type systems that include ideas such as sum types, which have long been missing from commercial languages, or provided only in comically obtuse ways (such as objects). The infamous null pointer mistakes have been eradicated, and the importance of pattern matching (in the sense of the ML family of languages) is finally being appreciated as the cure for Boolean blindness. For once I can look at new industrial languages without an overwhelming sense of disappointment, but instead with optimism and enthusiasm that important ideas are finally, at long last, being recognized and adopted. As has often been observed, it takes 25 years for an academic language idea to make it into industrial practice. With Java it was simply the 1970』s idea of automatic storage management; with languages such as Rust and Swift we are seeing ideas from the 80』s and 90』s make their way into industrial practice. It』s cause for celebration, and encouragement for those entering the field: the right ideas do win out in the end, one just has to have the courage to be irrelevant.

大概就是說我們三十年前搞的東西你們工業界的人終於開始接受了= =

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TAG:編程 | 計算機科學 | 卡內基梅隆大學CarnegieMellonUniversity | Rust編程語言 | 程序設計語言設計 |