比如Coldplay的Viva la vida以路易十六的口吻描述了法國大革命。
Bob Dylan - Tempest
The pale moon rose in its glory
Out on the Western townShe told a sad, sad story
Of the great ship that went downIt was the fourteenth day of AprilOver the waves she rodeSailing into tomorrowTo a golden age foretold
Bob Dylan - Hurricane
1966 年,黑人拳擊手 Robin Carter(又名 Hurricane)涉及謀殺而被監禁。這首歌認為該案件審判為種族歧視,屬於民權運動有關的反抗歌曲。
Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night
Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hallShe sees the bartender in a pool of bloodCries out, 「My God, they killed them all!」
Here comes the story of the HurricaneThe man the authorities came to blameFor somethin』 that he never donePut in a prison cell, but one time he could-a beenThe champion of the world
Bob Dylan - Joey
1970 年代美國黑手黨的故事,主角是 Joe Gallo(真實人物)。不過歌中把他描繪成很正派的人,儘管實際並不是這樣,這一點也引起了一定爭議。不過不管這些因素的話,歌曲本身的敘述非常動人。
Born in Red Hook Brooklyn in the year of who knows when
Opened up his eyes to the tune of an accordionAlways on the outside whatever side there wasWhen they asked him why it had to be that way
"Well" he answered "just because".
Bob Dylan - Desolation Row
其中有一處提到了 1920 年 3 個黑人被處以私刑的事件:
They"re selling postcards of the hanging
They"re painting the passports brownThe beauty parlor is filled with sailorsThe circus is in townHere comes the blind commissionerThey"ve got him in a tranceOne hand is tied to the tight-rope walkerThe other is in his pants
And the riot squad they"re restlessThey need somewhere to goAs Lady and I look out tonightFrom Desolation Row.
Roger Waters - Watching TV
題材有關某事件,這裡不作過多說明。關於這個的英文歌有點多, Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Philip amp; Morgan 也各都有一首(自行點鏈接)。
Roger Waters - It』s A Miracle
Miraculous you call it babe
You ain"t seen nothing yetThey"ve got Pepsi in the Andes
Mcdonalds in TibetYosemite"s been turned intoA golf course for the JapsThe Dead Sea is alive with rapBetween the Tigris and Euphrates
Pink Floyd - A Great Day For Freedom
紀念 1989 年柏林牆的倒塌。
On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the groundAnd with glasses high we raised a cryFor freedom had arrived
Pink Floyd - Waiting For The Worms
Waiting to turn on the showers and fire the ovens
Waiting for the queers and the coonsAnd the reds and the JewsWaiting to follow the worms
當然,這首歌所在的專輯 The Wall 是經典概念專輯,整張專輯都是連續的,所以這首歌單獨聽可能感覺不太完整。
Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones)
其中提到了 Mary Whitehouse,一位在 1970 - 80 年代反對性開放、性多元化以及贊成加強審查的英國社會活動家。這首歌有一段對她進行了抨擊:
Hey you Whitehouse,
ha ha, charade you areYou house proud town mouse,
ha ha, charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the streetYou"re nearly a real treatAll tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?You gotta stem the evil tideAnd keep it all on the insideMary you"re nearly a treatMary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
Neil Young - Cortez The Killer
16 世紀西班牙殖民者 Hernán Cortés 在墨西哥建立殖民地的故事。
Neil Young - Ohio
1970 年美國反越戰示威活動中 4 個學生被槍殺的事件。
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We"re finally on our own.This summer I hear the drumming,Four dead in Ohio.
Iron Maiden - The Longest Day
1944 年二戰中的諾曼底登陸。
In the gloom the gathering storm abates
In the ships gimlet eyes await
The call to arms to hammer at the gatesTo blow them wide throw evil to its fate
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
以殖民地區的角度描寫地理大發現和歐洲的殖民擴張。歌詞對此持消極態度,認為殖民擴張帶來了 pain and misery,囚禁了殖民地區民眾的自由。
Iron Maiden - Empire Of The Clouds
1930 年英國 R101 號飛艇在法國墜毀的故事。歌曲敘述長,伴有大量 solo。
Mist is in the trees, stone sweats with the dew
The morning sunrise, red before the blueHanging at the mast, waiting for commandHis majesty"s airship, the R101She"s the biggest vessel built by man, a giant of the skiesFor all you unbelievers, the titanic fits insideDrum roll tight, her canvas skin, silvered in the sunNever tested with the fury, with the beating yet to come
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great
Near to the east, in a part of ancient Greece
In an ancient land called MacedoniaWas born a son to Philip of MacedonThe legend his name was Alexander
Iron Maiden - Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour Lyrics
Hiroshima 是廣島,講的就是 1945 年向廣島投原子彈的事件。
Deep Purple - Jack Ruby
Jack Ruby 是在肯尼迪遇刺後槍殺掉刺客的人。歌曲以第一人稱描述了 Ruby 的心路歷程。
Billy Joel - We Didn『t Start The Fire
發行於 1989 年,是對過去幾十年歷史的回顧。其中提到了許多歷史事件與人物:
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, TelevisionNorth Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe
U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love)
One man caught on a barbed wire fence
One man he resistOne man washed on an empty beachOne man betrayed with a kiss
Sex Pistols - Belsen Was A Gas
關於德國納粹集中營 Bergen-Belsen。不過這首歌爭議較大,因為「a gas」在 1960-70 年代是一個流行俚語,等同於「great」,所以這首歌是在說集中營生活很 great......當然,Sex Pistols 寫過很多這樣極具爭議的歌曲,自己看著辦吧。
Leonard Cohen - Joan Of Arc
15 世紀聖女貞德被處以火刑時與火焰的對話。
Now the flames they followed Joan of Arc
As she came riding through the darkNo moon to keep her armour brightNo man to get her through this very smoky nightShe said, "I"m tired of the war,I want the kind of work I had before,A wedding dress or something whiteTo wear upon my swollen appetite."Well, I"m glad to hear you talk this wayYou know I"ve watched you riding every dayAnd something in me yearns to winSuch a cold and lonesome heroine"And who are you?" she sternly spokeTo the one beneath the smoke"Why, I"m fire," he replied,"And I love your solitude, I love your pride."
Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
And I was "round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and painMade damn sure that PilateWashed his hands and sealed his fate...I stuck around St. PetersburgWhen I saw it was a time for a changeKilled the Tsar and his ministersAnastasia screamed in vain
Patti Smith - Amerigo
Amerigo 是 15 世紀著名探險家,其名字為 America 的來源。歌曲描繪了當時進往 New World 的探險。
I saw the new
The inconstant shifting of fortuneAnd now I write to youWords that have not been writtenWords from the New World
Patti Smith - Constantine『s Dream
歌中提到了 St. Francis, Constantine, Columbus 等歷史人物,並對藝術進行了探討。
I dreamed a dream of St. Francis who kneeled and prayed
For the birds and the beasts and all human kindAll through the night I felt drawn in by himAnd I heard him call like a distant hymn
《尼伯龍根之歌》大約作於1200年,作者為某不知名的奧地利騎士。講的是尼德蘭王子齊格弗里德早年曾殺死巨龍,佔有尼伯龍根族的寶物。他愛慕勃艮第國王鞏特爾的妹妹克里姆希爾特並向她求婚。Slpppyhead的故事?? ——Galen Crew
腦子裡第一印象是 Zombie
Zombie 是小紅莓樂隊也就是卡百利(Cranberries)於1994年發行的專輯No need to Argue中的一首單曲,這首歌也是首著名的抗議歌曲。由樂隊主唱多Doris所寫的歌詞表達了對於北愛爾蘭問題及對愛爾蘭共和軍在1993年惠靈頓爆炸案中造成兩名孩子身亡之事的悲嘆。此曲不同於其他小紅莓樂隊的歌曲,在此曲中樂隊使用了即興重複段的演奏方式,這種更像是垃圾搖滾或者另類金屬的演奏及表現方式在二十世紀九十年代中前期較為流行。這首歌曲一經推出在多個國家大受成功,在法國、比利時、奧地利、澳大利亞、德國及加拿大,《麻木不仁》都曾榮登這些國歌曲榜榜單。資料來源於維基百科…還有印象深刻的一首是今年Eurovision總冠軍那首1944,講述1940年代在蘇聯壓迫下背井離鄉的克里米亞靼韃人的故事的,總決賽烏克蘭女選手唱的很動情,視覺效果也一流ps這首歌一半英文,副歌是韃韃語,還有CD版本比現場差遠了…現場真的要唱哭了1)首推 Viva La Vida -- Cold Play
背景是法國大革命,其歌詞算是路易十六的獨白,而其中歌詞的意思與路易十六的心理活動這一板塊感謝Saul,ta 在Viva la Vida 歌詞有什麼含義? - Coldplay已經解釋的很清楚了。
2)還有 We Didn"t Start the Fire -- Billy Joel
這首歌把全世界從1949 到 1989的大事全部用押韻的 rap 到一起,很帶感
we didnamp;amp;#x27;t start the fire
3)三推 21 guns -- Green Day
居然沒有人提這麼有名的 WHERE IS THE LOVE
瀉藥,Coldplay的單曲《Viva La Vida》。Viva la vida是西班牙語,意思是Long live life(生命萬歲),以路易十六的口吻訴說,其背景是法國大革命前後。此歌曲及所在專輯在2009年獲第51屆格萊美音樂獎最佳音樂獎在內的三項大獎。
從歌詞中可看出,這首歌寫的人物是路易十六,其背景是法國大革命前後。「Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate」這句歌詞可以明顯看出,還有一句形容法國大革命的那股革命風暴的就是「It was a wicked and wild wind」。該段最後一句「Oh who would ever want to be king?」,我想算得上是對路易十六的同情吧。
從viva la vida的歌詞中我們也能體會到作者所描寫的路易十六的無奈與凄涼。
「我」也曾統治世界,也曾令敵人膽寒,而革命者洪水般來襲,致使昨天我還一言九鼎,如今已成階下之囚。Oh who would ever want to be king? 誰又想當王?我是那麼不諳政治。於是我對國家和人民犯下過錯,聖人彼得自然不會為我開啟天堂之門,而我的侍從們,一旦你們離去,也就再沒有誠實可言,國將不國,只有無奈。
「Viva La Vida」歌詞如同旋律一般,鏗鏘有力,激情四射,王侯將相,不過凡人;生命不息,閃耀出生命最絢爛的色彩,足以不朽。
Viva La Vida,生命萬歲。
部分來源:百度百科說到這個怎麼能少了《Europa》呢……歌詞是相當多的歷史名詞的羅列,歷史的冷酷與無情就藏身於這些簡單的名詞之後,後半部分有類似聖詠一樣的合唱,真的非常震撼。還有一首相當燃的《panzerkampf》,講述蘇聯的衛國戰爭。這個只能算是軍歌一樣的那種鼓舞士氣的歌曲吧,不是那種敘事型的。專輯叫《the art of war》,我沒有聽過,從名字看或許會有相同類型的歌曲吧。
以他們其中一個唱片Carolus Rex為例該唱片環繞著17~18世紀初期瑞典的崛起和衰落過程,共有11首歌以下將會說到最喜歡的一首,&<&以下是歌詞,小翼不太懂翻譯所以就不翻譯成中文了=-=
Dreams are seldom shattered, by a bullet in the dark
Rulers come and rulers go, will our kingdom fall apart?Who shall we now turn to, when our leaders lost their heart?
Lives are lost but at what cost, will the grand dream fall apart?Killed by his own or by his foes, turned the tide
300 years still no one knows, the secret remainsBroken dreams so grand, sing of his final stand, long live Carolus
Brought by soldiers hand, back to the fatherland, long live Carolus RexBrought him back to Sweden, where we put him in a chest
Years of war and agony, now the king can finally restWhat will be uncovered, from that cold November night
Fredrikshald, what happened there, will it ever come to light?"Killed by his own or by his foes, turned the tide
300 years still no one knows, the secret remainsBroken dreams so grand, sing of his final stand, long live Carolus
Brought by soldiers hand, back to the fatherland, long live Carolus RexFor their honor
For their gloryFor the men who fought and bledA soldier from Sweden remembers the deadBroken dreams so grand, sing of his final stand, long live Carolus
Brought by soldiers hand, back to the fatherland, long live Carolus Broken dreams so grand, sing of his final stand, long live CarolusBrought by soldiers hand, back to the fatherland, long live Carolus Rex這首歌大約的意思就是描寫卡爾十二世(以下簡稱卡爾醬~)的死亡,首先他的死是個謎,有人說是隨軍人員誤傷,也有人說是敵軍殺死(和古二帝同一命運0.0)。當時他在挪威戰場上,所以到了第二節時就出現Brought him back to Sweden這一句。另外一提的是,當他死了後,當時的俄羅斯很快就再次和瑞典開戰,這一次直接令到瑞典的地區強國身份完蛋。也接了下一首歌的內容。Billy Joel的We didn"t start the fire 堪稱神曲 歌詞就是由各種歷史事件串接而成 其中還包括某次敏感事件
「北京55日」1899年,義和團拳亂導致八國聯軍遠征。1900年慈禧轉向支持義和團對洋人宣戰,1900年6月20日清軍圍困使館55天,終以皇室西逃,聯軍入京而結束。55 days at peking-the brothers four
viva la vida講法國1830年七月革命的,並不是大革命
亨利八世第五任妻子 以通姦罪處死
Joan Baez 的 China 這個才是最應景的
moonlight shadow是紀念披頭士樂隊被槍殺的主唱約瀚·列儂所創作的
謝邀(為什麼這兩天突然一堆人邀我回答一些奇怪的問題,什麼類型都有。。。知乎藥丸么)一時間想起來的只有James Blunt的 《No Bravery》不知道算不算,只是James在科索沃戰爭的時候創作的一首歌,反應的是一種反戰的情緒,姑且算是和歷史相關?想到起他的再更,持續關注此話題(挺有意思哈)
Via via via 講法國大革命的…Coldplay
看題目的時候我就想答viva la vida。。。果不其然。。。竟然被題主搶答了
the foggy dew
Yankee doodle
※有哪些節奏感強,類似wake me up和counting stars的英文歌曲?
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