這首歌沒有被專輯Boyhood (Music from the Motion Picture)收錄。
這首歌叫Ryan』s Song. 是Ethan Hawke特別為這部電影寫的。另外一首搖籃曲Split the Difference也是他為這部電影寫的。以下鏈接是採訪和報導,報導最下方有Split the Difference的試聽:
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/three-boyhood-songs-including-two-746650如果想聽Ryan"s Song,YouTube上可以聽到從電影中截出來的那一部分和別人的翻唱。
以下是歌詞:I hope for us to be together foreverBut to wander wherever I mayI want you to be easy and casualBut still demand I"d stayI want you to know me completely
But still remain mysteriousConsider everything deeplyBut still remain fearlessClimb to the top, look over the ledge
Dance barefoot on the razor"s edgeReach for the stars, grab the tiger by the tailIf I don"t try, I"ll never failIf you go home, you"re rolling the dice
Can"t step in the same river twiceYou love too much, it"ll turn to hateYou never leave home, you"ll never be lateYou eat too much, you"re gonna get fatYou buy a dog, you"ll piss off your catSo take a deep breath and enjoy the ride
"Cause arrivals and departures run side by sideBoyhood 99分鐘 Mason15歲生日家庭吉他彈唱http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJU1pDD百度網盤, 侵刪.
我的有幾處不準,@Meow喵 的比較准,大家看看TA的吧(((o(*?▽?*)o)))英文我自己聽的可能有點錯誤 中文基本抄的 愛奇藝的字幕 (會不會有版權問題)?
重看了一遍電影的這一段,這首歌出現在Happy birthday to you之後,Notre Dame Victory March之前,根據 Boyhood Movie Soundtrack 整理的完整版歌單(如果它的順序沒錯的話),這歌應該叫「Ryan』s Song」 ,是Ethan Hawke自己寫的,不過在網上暫時還沒有單獨找到這首歌。
網上已經有Ryan`s song ,好像不是這一段的配樂。