Mozilla 的 CEO Brendan Eich 為何單因為同性戀就遭遇如此強烈的抵制?

Mozilla 上周將原 CTO Brendan Eich 任命為新的 CEO,但此舉引來更多的,卻是些對業務以外東西的關注。在 2008 年時 Eich 曾出資 1,000 美元支持加州的「8 號提案(Proposition 8)」,希望禁止當地的同性戀婚姻。因為這件事,當時就有部分員工提出了讓其下台的要求。而現在,伴隨著他新官上任,網路上出現了更多的抵制行為。如上圖所示,約會交友網站 OkCupid 已經明確表示「希望自己的用戶不要使用 Mozilla 的軟體來訪問網站」,同時他們還在頁面中提供了 Chrome、IE、Opera、Safari 這些瀏覽器的下載鏈接。不過,要是你堅持使用 Firefox 的話,在頁面最下方還是可以找到 OkCupid 的入口。

在 Eich 上任以後,Mozilla 已經發布了多份涉及多樣性、包容性、LGBT(同性戀、雙性戀及變性者)婚姻質量等內容的聲明,其中一份甚至還是出自 CEO 本人之手。值得一提的是,已經有 3 名董事會成員從 Mozilla 退出,但據稱這和 CEO 的人選沒有關聯。至於 OkCupid 這件事,Mozilla 表示對方從來都沒有和他們聯繫來「確認事實」,接下來不知道 Eich 要如何來挽回局面了。



  1. 他為這一觀點僅僅捐獻了1000美元。
  2. 他從未在公開場合表達過自己的觀點。
  3. 他從未對此發表過任何的憎恨或者歧視性談話。
  4. 他從未利用自己在Mozilla的職位脅迫僱員支持他的觀點。
  5. 他的觀點僅僅是個人的,和Mozilla毫無關係。



Brendan Eich已經辭職了。看Hacker News上關於此事的評論,很多人的觀點是:Brendan是「政治正確」的受害者。在我看來,「政治正確」就是美國版的文革大字報,種族歧視、同性戀歧視、性別歧視,凡是被貼上這幾種標籤,就像文革時被定性為反革命一樣,是很難翻身的。


This My First English Answer, go easy on me.

This is modern politics, something feels right in the past, doesn"t necessarily seem right at current time.

He is a public figure, and we have a lot of discussions of those public figures goes nuts in the public"s eyes.

But this time, it goes beyond that. This time it"s about free speech rights. (When was it ever not about free speech rights?) Does he still has it though? Does he still has the rights to express his mind and belief? Yes, he has. It"s a little bit absurd given the fact he works for a company which dedicated to promote openness, innovation opportunity on the Web, which is the opposite of what the Mr. ex-CEO was doing. He was trying to set our LGBT rights victory which took years of struggle of LGBT advocates back to the Ice Age.

I think he doesn"t have to resign, but an apology is necessary. Or if he keep doing it, it will hurt the entire Company, which he and many other boarders won"t let that happen.

So, in the end, it"s not the public forced him to resign, it"s the public figure himself did the job.

BTW. They all look the same, don"t they? A big shot express something he/she knew it was going to make them look unbecoming and did it anyway. Don"t do the crime if you can"t serve the time. In this case, don"t say something stupid and complain other people making fun of you.

--------------------------------------------------2014-04-05 16:04----------------------------------------------

People treat Discrimination quiet serious in the US, because we do get a lot of complaints about our Gender, our Skin Color and our sexuality. It"s not like it"s not there, IT"S THERE!

You know why do gay people keep whining about how they should be able to get married like straight people are? Because straight people don"t get to go through gay people have to go through.

So next time you complain about Political Correct you think about your family member, what if one of the subjects is your sibling?



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