根據上下文意 這裡應該舉一個真實的例子... so... that"s really ?
期中微生物做的這個話題 先佔坑 晚上來答----------------------------------------------------------------------------
題主截圖裡的英文字母也有寫。殭屍蟻菌,英文名Ophiocordyceps unilateralis,又名zombie fungus,是一種真核菌類,主要存在於熱帶雨林中。冬蟲夏草也來自該種屬(Ophiocordyceps)
其主要感染對象為名叫Camponotus leonardi的一種螞蟻,並對螞蟻有以下作用:
- The drunken walking and convulsions.
- Suggestive of central nervous system (CNS) impairment.
- Ultimately leads the ants to a precise location—outside the nest but above the ground.
- Bite down hard with mandibles onto the main vein on the underside of a leaf then killed by the fungi.
- Programmed time of death—solar noon. (temperature and humidity are optimal for the fungi"s growth and reproduction)
- 像喝醉了一樣的行走方式以及痙攣;
- 螞蟻中樞神經受損;
- 能精確地引導螞蟻去往一個地點:一般是螞蟻洞穴之外上方的植物葉子背面;
- 刺激螞蟻的額部緊咬葉脈,之後往往在正午時分被菌類殺死。(此時溫度和濕度對於該菌類來說適宜生長)
中間那個圓的叫perithecial plate,在發育成熟之後通過噴濺出子囊來感染過路的螞蟻們。這也是被感染的螞蟻會被指引到「螞蟻洞穴之外上方的植物葉子背面」的另一個原因。而受感染的螞蟻大腦肌肉萎縮,體內布滿菌絲,基本只剩下一個空殼。
Experiments resulted in the discovery of candidate manipulator compounds, guanobutyric acid (GBA) and sphingosine, both reported to be involved neurological disorders, were enriched when the fungus was grown in the presence of brains of its target species.
兩個月之前的最新研究表明雖然沒有完全確定感染機理以及為什麼螞蟻會被真菌操控 但是上文中的guanobutyric acid和sphingosine這兩種化學物質可能是罪魁禍首,並證實了這種菌類有物種特異性,對不同螞蟻種類感染情況不同。
The fungus reacts heterogeneously to ant brains of different species causing it to be able to alter the activity of the CNS of some, but not all ants.
好像維基上有介紹前段時間火的不得了的遊戲 The Last of Us 就是以此類菌種為背景 (腦洞越來越大中...
1. Andersen, Sandra B., et al. "The life of a dead ant: the expression of an adaptive extended phenotype." The American Naturalist 174.3 (2009): 424-433.
2. de Bekker, Charissa, et al. "Species-specific ant brain manipulation by a specialized fungal parasite." BMC evolutionary biology 14.1 (2014): 166.
3. Hughes, David P., et al. "Behavioral mechanisms and morphological symptoms of zombie ants dying from fungal infection." BMC ecology 11.1 (2011): 13.
4. Evans, Harry C., Simon L. Elliot, and David P. Hughes. "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis." Communicative 269 Interactive Biology 4.5 (2011): 598-602.
5. Mongkolsamrit, S., et al. "Life cycle, host range and temporal variation of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis/Hirsutella formicarum on Formicine ants." Journal of invertebrate pathology 111.3 (2012): 217-224.
殭屍蟻是存在的,此外也有殭屍蜜蜂、殭屍蟋蟀……細節還是自己去搜索下吧~有的 神盾局好評√