whisky 和 whiskey 兩個詞使用上有什麼區別?

最近對威士忌有點興趣,偶然發現了這件事,whisky 和 whiskey 好像都有在用,美國的威士忌感覺用帶 e 的多一些,蘇格蘭似乎很少(純感官印象)。不知道這兩個詞是不是在地區使用上有偏重?

@dizzarz 的答案有些不清楚。

Whiskey or whisky,不是說在不同的國家 "whisky" 這個詞有不同的拼法,而是不同產地不同釀法做出來的威士忌有不同拼法。


  • Countries that have E』s in their names (UnitEd StatEs and IrEland) tend to spell it whiskEy (plural whiskeys)
  • Countries without E』s in their names (Canada, Scotland, and Japan) spell it whisky (plural whiskies)

這個說法確實流傳很廣,但並不是絕對的。比如 England 產的威士忌就叫 whisky。又比如一些美國廠商,為了強調蘇格蘭血統,還是會拼成 whisky。

As a rule, American and Irish prefer 『whiskey』 and the Scots, Canadians and the rest of the world』s single malt makers prefer 『whisky』. This originated during the 19th century. For in around 1870, Scotch whisky was of very low quality, much of it being distilled poorly in Coffey stills. For exportation to America, the Irish distillers wanted to differentiate their product from the poorer Scotch whisky, thus they added the 『e』 to mark the crucial distinction. Today, Scotch whisky has become one of the world』s greatest spirits, but the spelling still differs. On mass, Americans still spell their spirit with an 『e』, though legally it is spelt 『whisky』. A few distillers, Maker』s Mark and George Dickel for example, prefer the Scottish spelling, this is to be attributed to their Scottish ancestry.

This difference in the spelling comes from the translations of the word
from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic forms. Whiskey with the extra "e" is
also used when referring to American whiskies. This "e" was taken to
the United States by the Irish immigrants in the 1700s and has been used
ever since.

What is the difference between whisky and whiskey?



Whisky和Whiskey主要是地區上的劃分,美國人和愛爾蘭人更喜歡用Whiskey,而蘇格蘭人,加拿大人和世界上其他製造威士忌的地區都使用Whisky。這其實起源於十九世紀,在1870年左右,蘇格蘭威士忌的質量非常低(當時主要使用的科菲蒸餾器 Coffey Still)。愛爾蘭商人把威士忌出口到美國的時候,希望把自己的產品和蘇格蘭威士忌區分開,因此他們在拼寫中加上『e』以示重要區分。現在,蘇格蘭威士忌已經成為了世界上最好的烈酒,但是由於以前的習慣,現在的拼寫還依然不同。在大部分情況下,美國人還是用加上『e』來拼寫他們的威士忌,雖然從法律意義上來說『whisky』才是正確的。在美國,像『Maker』s Mark』和『George Dickel』這樣的製造商還是更喜歡蘇格蘭的拼寫方式,這主要歸功於他們的蘇格蘭血統。


·國家的英文名里有e的(比如美國UnitEd StatEs 和愛爾蘭 IrEland),一般拼成 whiskEy(複數是whiskeys)

·英文名里沒有e的國家(比如加拿大Canada,蘇格蘭 Scotland 和日本 Japan),拼寫威士忌為whisky(複數是 whiskies)




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