20 世紀的 30 年代,茅盾《子夜》中有這麼一句話:「傻孩子!『多頭』就是買進公債,『空頭』就是賣出。」
至於為什麼叫多頭,空頭,而不是直接買和賣,是因為在金融市場中,比如股市中,多頭和空頭更多的是表達一種對市場未來的預期,也就是說投資者在交易對市場前景的看好或看衰。多頭代表看好股市將來上漲,所以現在買入股票,以備將來高價賣出從而盈利,這些買多的投資者叫做多頭;反之,空頭的話,代表投資者看衰股市的前景,覺得價格會下跌,那麼他們就會現在賣出股票,待將來價格下跌後,再買入,這樣就相當於高賣低買,也盈利了,這些買空的投資者叫做空頭。總之,多頭和空頭都是賺的一個差價。The term "short" was in use from at least the mid-nineteenth centu。ry。It is commonly understood that "short" is used because the short-seller is in a deficit position with his brokerage house。Jacob Little was known as The Great Bear of Wall Street who began shorting stocks in the United States in 1822.
至少從十九世紀中期開始使用「短」這個術語。 通常理解,使用「短」,因為賣空者與他的經紀公司處於赤字位置。Jacob Little被稱為「華爾街的大熊」,在1822年開始在美國「借入(並賣空)「股票。
所以,也許要追溯到當時從經濟公司借入股票時候的記賬方式?頭寸多了 就是多頭 頭寸空了 就是空頭
多頭英文是long-position,空頭是short-position也叫long,英文是這麼解釋的:Situation where an investorpurchases (or contracts to purchase) commodities, financial instruments, and shares, etc., with the intention of holding them in anticipation of a price increase. An investor with a long position is a bullspeculator, and will receivedelivery of the actual commodity, instrument, or share if he or she holds the position into the delivery period (instead of offsetting it with a counter-contract). Opposite of short position. Also called long具體就看翻譯人怎麼翻譯的吧。