

直接reg或者logit都有問題。直接reg的問題跟linear probability model類似。直接在logit裡面加fixed effects也有問題,因為這個時候沒有辦法做de-meaning把fixed effects去掉,所以簡單的用unconditional maximum likelihood去估計logit model是不一致的。

有一支文獻研究這類情況,叫conditional logistic model或者fixed-effects logit model.

Stata "clogit"命令的幫助文件有一個簡介。http://www.stata.com/manuals13/rclogit.pdf

Greene教材第7版17章對conditional logit有詳細介紹。Greene, William H. 2012. Econometric analysis. Harlow: Pearson Addison Wesley. Chapter 17.

As @李一鳴 points out, using logit will lead to the complication of non-linear diff in diff.

Luckily, study has been done in "Identification and inference in nonlinear difference‐in‐differences models", Athey and Imbens.

The key idea is that, while the absolute amount(porbability) in nonlinear model is not fixed, the QUANTILE across time and location (I assume you need to take difference using time panel and use a "control" group) is fixed.


Puhani.The treatment effect, the cross difference, and the interaction term in nonlinear DID models. IZA Discussion Paper 2008,No.3478.

Ai C,Norlon EC.Interaction terms in Logit and Probit Models. Economic Letters,2003,80:123-129.

Identification and Inference in Nonlinear Difference‐in‐Differences Models


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