pastor; minister; clergyman; priest; clergy 翻譯為漢語時譯成「牧師」,請問和「牧」有什麼關係?有什麼典故或歷史來源嗎?
若指稱神職人員,「神官」之類的不是更易理解。。wiki上寫的:The word "pastor" derives from the Latin noun pastor which means "shepherd" and relates to the Latin verb pascere - "to lead to pasture, set to grazing, cause to eat".The term "pastor" also relates to the role of elder within the New Testament, but is not synonymous with the biblical understanding of minister.那把這些都稱作「牧師」,是不是有些微妙的差別在翻譯過程中就遺失了。。
pastor是一個教會/教區的領袖,翻譯成牧師非常貼切。這個詞新教色彩比較濃,新教教派一般少用Priest,但如果用了也是和Pastor是等同的。所以一個新教Priest也就是一個新教牧師(除了聖公會)。Priest的比較本質的翻譯是「祭司」。不只是基督教有Priest,很多亂七八糟的宗教都有,都叫Priest。耶穌本人就是祭司High-Priest 。如果不在新教語境下翻譯成牧師那就完全不對味了。天主教語境下有人翻譯成神父,約定俗成也沒什麼問題,但那是從Father翻譯來的,是個稱呼不是一個職位。還有用音譯的「司鐸」,正式,但不明就裡。如果按原意翻譯成「祭司」廣大基督教信徒可能就不太樂意了,濃濃的「迷信」味道就出來了。個人認為日本聖公會的翻譯比較好:「司祭」,既忠實本意又沒那麼重的迷信味。大部分新教認為「人人都是祭司(Priest)「。可以直接與上帝溝通,不再需要Priest摻和。牧師和平信徒的差別在於牧師是教會的領導者,牧師的職責是牧養教眾,所以新教絕少用Priest一詞,而用Pastor
Minister也是一個新教味比較濃的詞。準確地說是由某種教會權威認可的事工/管理人員。大部分教派pastor一定是一個minister,但minister不一定是pastor。甚至minister可以是平信徒(layperson)。一個Minister最常見的除了牧師之外的工作對象,一個是傳道(特別常見),一個是教師,一個是音樂敬拜。各個教派對於Minister的定義差別還挺大。和Minister對應的的詞是Ministry(事工)。minister翻譯我也不知道是什麼。應該根據具體的工作範圍來定吧。在很多情況下可以翻譯成牧師,也可以翻譯成傳道人,或者傳道牧師之類的。Clergy也可以說就是天主教味的Minister這些詞里只有Pastor還可以做頭銜。你可以說Pastor Wang但不能說Priest Wang。續題目下方評論欄提供現成的維基條目,
作一些關於語詞引申轉喻轉義方面的補充 ---
而語言語詞的產生,以及將具象的語詞,就其語族人所認為有的 抽象意義,予以引申、轉喻、轉義,將同一個語詞,轉做各種用途,是語言語詞的很正常的現象,不勝枚舉。而那也離不開使用該語言的人群的生活環境、生活經驗,跟整體文化,以及因之而生的語言語詞思維 -- 這有跟不同語言文化重疊者,也有自身較為獨特者。而就這同一種生活現象而生,且做了轉喻的詞,漢語早在《管子》就有《牧民篇》。這當中的「牧」,也是用了本是用來指稱具象的現象,放牧牛馬羊的「牧」這個詞,被轉喻引申,轉用到非放牧的領域,用到政治領域,是取其抽象概念,轉而使用這個詞,只是之前似乎並未被用到宗教領域而已。這是一例。
在猶太語裡面,有 牧者 本義的這個詞,在其文化當中,一再轉義轉用後,被用於指稱在特定領域(在此是宗教領域)其內的特定種人。
之後源於猶太人的基督教,其宗教開枝散葉到使用不同語言的民族文化當中之後,又被一再跨語言,以可對應的語詞來對譯(放牧並非猶太族生活的獨特現象;而在不同語言文化當中,要拿仝著語詞來跟 引領、管理和照顧甚或教導,跟這些種抽象概念做連結,也不難)。
因而在該宗教的不同的語言當中,成為專稱,不同語言語詞與其對應的專稱。也因而在譬如英文裡面,其本義有 放牧者 之意的這個詞 pastor (且不論它是英語本土詞或借詞),就有我們所見的,被用於指稱基督教神職人員。而在中土基督教,在漢語,也就有了以 牧師 這個詞,來對應指稱同一個宗教的神職人員。你從維基上摘的那兩段接下來幾段不都是講的牧羊的典故嗎?這是維基上你摘的兩段接下來的話:Present-day usage of the word is rooted in the Biblical image of shepherding. The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) uses the Hebrew word ??? (ro?eh). It occurs 173 times and relates to the feeding of sheep, as in Genesis 29:7, or to the spiritual feeding of human beings, as in Jeremiah 3:15, "Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding" (NASB).
Christ"s Charge to Peter by Raphael, 1515. In telling Peter to shepherd his sheep, Christ appointed him as a "pastor". English-language translations of the New Testament usually render the Greek noun ποιμ?ν (poimēn) as "shepherd" and the Greek verb ποιμα?νω (poimaino) as "to shepherd". The two words occur a total of 29 times in the New Testament, most frequently referring to Jesus. For example, Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd" in John 10:11. The same words in the familiar Christmas story (Luke 2) refer to literal shepherds.
底下這幾段說的是「教會工作者」:In five New Testament passages though, the words relate to church workers:- John 21:16 - Jesus told Peter: "Shepherd My sheep" (NASB)
- Acts 20:17 - the Apostle Paulsummons the elders or presbyters of the church in Ephesus to give a last discourse to them; in the process, in Acts 20:28, he tells them that the Holy Spirit has made them bishops, and that their job is to shepherd the flock of God among them.
- 1 Corinthians 9:7 - Paul says, of himself and the apostles: "who tends a flock and does not use the milk of the flock?" (NASB)
- Ephesians 4:11 - Paul wrote "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers" (NASB)
- 1 Peter 5:1-2 - Peter tells the eldersamong his readers that they are to, "shepherd the flock of God among you" (NASB)
Many Protestant churches call their ministers "pastors".
Bishops in Western Christianity often bear a formal crosier in the form of a stylised shepherd"s crook as a symbol of their pastoral/shepherding functions.
In the United States, the term pastor is used by Catholics for what in other English-speaking countries is called a parish priest.
The use of the term pastor to refer to the common Protestant title of modern times dates to the days of John Calvinand Huldrych Zwingli. Both men, and other Reformers, seem to have revived the term to replace the Catholic priest in the minds of their followers.
Some Protestant groups today view the pastor, bishop, and elder as synonymous terms or offices
The term pastor is sometimes used for missionaries in developed countries
In some Lutheran churches, ordained clergy are called priests, while in others the term pastor is preferred.[citation needed]