

Ladies, many of you have been asking us how to be elegant, and how elegant women should behave. Being elegant is not just choosing beautiful clothes, it is a way of life for every instant. Therefore, we inaugurate a new series of articles: 「the etiquette of an elegant lady」. We will publish during the following weeks about how an elegant lady should walk, speak, get dressed etc. Today we start the first lesson: the eight attitudes an elegant lady should definitely avoid. Ladies, are you ready?


Lesson 1: She doesn』t speak loudly


An elegant lady uses a voice strong enough for people seated nearby her to hear her, but not people in the entire room. There are two reasons for this. First, she doesn』t want to bother the people she didn"t intend to talk to. Second, an elegant lady doesn』t need to speak loud for people to be willing to listen her, what she says is smart enough for that.


My advice: only people within 2 meters around you should be able to hear you, not more.


Lesson 2: She doesn』t laugh loudly


For the same reason, she doesn』t want to bother those who were not taking part of the joke. They probably didn』t hear the joke, so they don』t need to hear the laugh. The elegant lady respect that.


My advice: never exaggerate your laugh, if you have a natural loud one, simply learn how to control it.


Lesson 3: She is not into gossips


An elegant lady doesn』t gossip nor talk about negative information regarding somebody else. Why? Because if you do so, we could think you would also gossip about us one day.


My advice: If somebody is talking about gossip, you may listen politely, without showing a particular interest.


Lesson 4: She is always polite


「Please」, 「thank you」, 「my pleasure」, 「you are welcome」are essential parts of her vocabulary. Of course, she doesn"t use slang words, doesn』t swear. On the contrary, she uses sophisticated words to express her meaning, but her politeness should never seem exaggerated.

西班牙王后Letizia, 法國前總統夫人Carla Bruni-Sarkozy


My advice: politeness opens people』s hearts, give them the best of yourself.


Lesson 5: She is not capricious


An elegant lady is first a lady, not a girl. She shall not behave like a spoiled child, but is able to accept irritations and annoyances with a smile. Being able to take upon oneself is a key element for an elegant lady. As a consequence, she should never look upset or angry in public, but always present an open face. Also, if she has to complain it is for serious reasons, she would then do it politely.


My advice: a smile is also a key which will open you many doors.


Lesson 6: She knows how to receive compliments


Of course, modesty is here the best reaction, but if somebody is complimenting you on some really impressive skills or actions there is no need to show an excessive modesty. An elegant lady knows her own quality and is thankful towards people recognizing it.


My advice: if you think you deserve a compliment, simply accept it with a genuine 「thank you, I appreciate your remark」 and that will be enough.


Lesson 7: She is not pretentious


Elegant women are often knowledgeable, but they don』t take it as a reason to show-off their culture. Being elegant is not being pretentious or having a feeling of superiority.


My advice: even if you feel much smarter than people around you beware not to impress them too much with your culture or intelligence, they would feel uncomfortable.


Lesson 8: She knows the proper manners


There are no good or bad manners, only appropriate or inappropriate one, it all depends on the environment you are. The elegant lady knows how to adjust her behaviour, she knows when she has to follow an upstanding etiquette (at a gourmet restaurant for instance) and when to be slightly more casual.


My advice: etiquette is giving the best of yourself for the others, wherever you are you should try to find out how to behave in order to make people happy being with you.


I hope this advice have been useful. Please, tell us in the comments what you would like to know about the elegant lady』s behaviour. And if you have any other questions, or your want to organize etiquette classes for your company, you are more than welcome to write to us!


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Academie de Bernadac


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