


Dear Sir

We represent Chrome Hearts LLC in anti-counterfeiting matters. A lawsuit has been filed in United States Federal District Court to shut down websites selling products bearing a counterfeit version of our client』s trademark(s). A copy of the Amended Complaint and an Injunction issued in the lawsuit is available at httpgbcinternetenforcement.net, which will be updated regularly throughout these proceedings. A list of relevant trademark registrations is available in the Amended Complaint.

The Court has issued an injunction permitting our client to freeze funds in any related financial accounts. Our client is seeking over $2 million in damages per defendant as authorized by 15 U.S.C. Section 1117 as well as attorney fees.

Our investigation has determined that your account is linked to the information listed in Schedule A attached to the Amended Complaint and TRO. Specifically, it is linked to the Online Marketplace Account identified by the URL

which was confirmed to be offering for sale products bearing counterfeits of at least Chrome Hearts』 Cross Trademark.

Each Defendant shall immediately serve upon Chrome Hearts LLC a written report under oath providing

(a) their true name and physical address,

(b) all websites on any platform that they own andor operate,

(c) their financial accounts, including all PayPal accounts, and

(d) the steps taken by each Defendant to comply with paragraph 1, a through f, of the Injunction.

This email also confirms your obligation to preserve any evidence that may be relevant to these proceedings, including computer records, sales records and inventory of unsold counterfeit products.

You were properly served via email and electronic publication pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 4(f)(3).

You are advised to seek U.S. legal counsel.


Greer, Burns Crain, Ltd.



沒過幾天又收到一個叫做GBC(Greer Burns Crain)美國律所發來的郵件,裡面有案件編號,大概意思是他們確認我侵權了,如果我21天內不去美國應訴的話,法院就要進行缺席判決。






比如,近期的案子Chrome Hearts LLC v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule 「A」; Case No. 17-cv-1109。可以看到案件號為17-1109,原告為Chrome Hearts, 即克羅心。


4, 這時你應該立刻下架侵權產品。我建議暫時店鋪也關閉,客戶付款的錢只要流進PayPal,都是拿不出來的,只會白白損失。

5, 大多數案件都會在美國伊利諾里州的Northern District Of Illinois執行,這個州的知識保護權益特別嚴,所以GBC都把案件放在那裡。

6,這種案件一般都是快速審判,流程為立案一周後做動議案Notice of Motion(聽原告陳述案情),然後一周做Motion Hearing(聽雙方陳訴,基本中國賣家不可能去美國反駁GBC)。最後,即是立案後21天,法官判決(大多缺席審判,賣家不會到場)。GBC拿到法院判決Default Judgment Order,結束。

7. Default Order一般會按照如下判決,










· 自己總結經驗教訓,美國是個非常重視知識產權的國家,隨便賣涉嫌侵權的產品到美國十分危險,在新產品把關上一定要慎之又慎,做好功課。現在全世界都很重視知識產權,所以最好自己註冊品牌和商標圖案,以免不必要的麻煩。據我了解,光美國就有610個律所幫助品牌商維權,其中有幾個比較著名的,專門涉及電商的就有GBC(Greer Burns Crain),SMG(STEPHEN M. GAFFIGAN, P.A.), Keith A. Vogt和Epstein Drangel。這幾個美國律師各為其主,分別代理不同的品牌。


我也來,我是上個月被Greer Burns這個律師事務所投訴,說我雷朋眼鏡侵權。查了很久終於在店鋪里發現了所謂侵權的產品,只是有個"O"的標誌而已。我這裡貼個圖,千萬小心這個。

不知道有沒有人了解Keith A. Vogt這個律所?幾個月前被他們投訴,我自己寫郵件解釋了自己並不是故意侵權,希望得到諒解。他們除了發給我看侵權的證據外,就不回復我了,所謂證據也就是幾張我網店產品截圖而已。實在沒辦法找了律師處理,賠了50%,呵呵,買個教訓。




UGG,在1979年,一位衝浪運動員Brian Smith,買了一些澳大利亞制的羊皮靴子帶到美國,開始在紐約出售,主要為在加利福尼亞的衝浪者用。後來他建立了UGG Holding公司,註冊了UGG商標,但是由於經營不善,1995年,Brian Smith將股份賣給Deckers(德克斯)戶外用品有限公司運營,該公司使好萊塢明星穿著而走紅美國,進而在多個國家獲得認可。2009年冬天,雪地靴借著德克斯公司UGG商標的勢頭迎來了他們的春天,銷量暴漲,一夜成名。2010年之後,更多的澳洲雪地靴品牌(如PACIFIC、JOMVOX、AUKOALA、iPure)正式進軍中國,開拓國內市場。


We represent H-D U.S.A., LLC, owner of the HARLEY-DAVIDSON Trademark,

in anti-counterfeiting matters. A lawsuit has been filed in United

States Federal District Court to shut down websites selling products

bearing a counterfeit version of our client』s trademark(s). A copy of

the Amended Complaint and an Injunction issued in the lawsuit is

available at &< H-D U.S.A., LLC v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule 「A」; Case No. 17-cv-7999 &>, which will

be updated regularly throughout these proceedings. A list of relevant

trademark registrations is available in the Amended Complaint.

The Court has issued an injunction permitting our client to freeze

funds in any related financial accounts. Our client is seeking over $2

million in damages per defendant as authorized by 15 U.S.C. Section

1117 as well as attorney fees.

Our investigation has determined that your account is linked to the

information listed in Schedule A attached to the Amended Complaint and

TRO. Specifically, it is linked to the Online Marketplace Account

identified by the URL ,

associated with the AliExpress account

(PDF attached), which was confirmed to be selling products bearing

counterfeit versions of at least the HARLEY-DAVIDSON Trademark.

Each Defendant shall immediately serve upon H-D U.S.A., LLC a written

report under oath providing:

(a) their true name and physical address,

(b) all websites on any platform that they own and/or operate,

(c) their financial accounts, including all PayPal accounts, and

(d) the steps taken by each Defendant to comply with paragraph 1, a

through f, of the Injunction.

This email also confirms your obligation to preserve any evidence that

may be relevant to these proceedings, including computer records,

sales records and inventory of unsold counterfeit products.

You were properly served via email and electronic publication pursuant

to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 4(f)(3).

You are advised to seek U.S. legal counsel.


Greer, Burns Crain, Ltd.


作為一個eBay 澳大利亞站點新店鋪,如何提高曝光率,吸引更多的顧客? ?
阿里巴巴未來有可能入股甚至收購 eBay 嗎?

TAG:eBay | PayPal | 侵權 |