

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10525

Memory Manager Improvements:

In Windows 10, we have added a new concept in the Memory Manager called a compression store, which is an in-memory collection of compressed pages. This means that when Memory Manager feels memory pressure, it will compress unused pages instead of writing them to disk. This reduces the amount of memory used per process, allowing Windows 10 to maintain more applications in physical memory at a time. This also helps provide better responsiveness across Windows 10. The compression store lives in the System process』s working set. Since the system process holds the store in memory, its working set grows larger exactly when memory is being made available for other processes. This is visible in Task Manager and the reason the System process appears to be consuming more memory than previous releases.

簡要翻譯:win 10中,增加了壓縮頁倉庫,暫時不用的內存頁不再直接換到pagefile,而是壓縮保存到內存中的倉庫,此倉庫在system進程的工作集中。


memory - Windows 10, "System" process taking massive amounts of RAM

至少4G內存 並且推薦使用SSD 這樣會好很多 你讓系統2G內存 還總讀寫虛擬內存 又慢又卡

內存少就不要安裝360這種垃圾東西 也不要用firefox了 用edge吧

我可不可以認為在win10的內存管理下,RAM和CPU在一定的推薦配置下,SSD和HDD的差距縮小了? 因為照這個推測,在RAM和CPU沒有瓶頸的情況下,可以減少物理Paging和IO



為何win10 1709(秋季創意更新) 重啟會自動恢復一些程序為重啟以前的工作狀態?
Win10 Build 15002對舊程序在高分屏下模糊的改進效果如何?

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