


從兩個方面談起,網站結構 資源復用


如何合理安置help deskcustomer service(在線客服)?在需要的時候出現。何謂「需要的時候」,取決於用戶在您的網站中期望達到的目的和所處位置的關係。想像一下,若客戶在一款互聯網產品介紹網站中期冀了解產品是否能幫助自己增加職場競爭力。那麼進入網站首頁,一個在線客服的彈窗(或控制項)顯然是不合理的,因為用戶甚至不了解產品的特性,何談對其與自身是否產生特定關聯自知?此時他們或許需要通過閱讀理解完產品的特點大綱,或在對產品適用情境下的追進說明中插入在線幫助。

解決方法之一:在用戶可能需要時,再讓在線客服和他們say hello。

那如何安置並處理「幫助文檔」,或其它媒介的在線幫助呢?找到一篇國外文獻Journal of Knowledge Management Practice,非常詳盡地羅列了應用下非人工在線幫助的一系列事項,網站亦可有效借鑒。其中一處:

? Model tasks by identifying the profile of the audience according to level of experience, preferred type and level of support, and learning styles;

? The support tools must minimize semantic distances, that is, use the audiences vocabulary and point of view;

? Whatever the help tools, the application』s state should be preserved. Users should be able to return where they were and continue with their task;

? Knowledge imbedded in the support system can be updatable by the users and the system administrators;

? And, the structure of the help system and the application must match.

  1. 用戶需要您的「幫助文檔」與其對貴產品的知識儲備銜接上,不希望文檔的難度和自身對產品的知識儲備水平不一致,無論用戶被錯認成新手還是專家,都會造成挫敗感。
  2. 請儘可能地讓幫助文檔內的語言平易近人。
  3. 讓您的幫助文檔具有合理明晰的層級。
  4. 不要讓幫助文檔成為全屏應用,用戶使用網站的目的絕非僅僅瀏覽幫助文檔(應用性網站),這是輔助工具。



客服回答的問題有多少重複率,反映的問題是否典型。QA系統是您的救星。Nielsen Norman Group做了再明確不過的解釋。

Strategic Value of FAQsSet the Tone of the Organization

Any conversations or QA with people should be polite, personable, and reflective of the organization』s culture or brand. Because these conversations are also public, they serve as indicators to prospective customers of how easy it is to resolve problems and to find a helpful person to talk to.

  • Does the company deal fairly, honestly, and responsively with customer concerns?
  • Is the organization being candid about problems and feature requests?
  • How fresh is the latest information?

Unfavorable answers to any of these concerns mean that the visitor will likely find some other place to do business.

Provide Decision Support for Prospects, Customers, and Recommenders

When people read FAQs they often look for more than just an answer. They may be judging your products, services, and company prior to purchasing. Good FAQs provide answers to these tacit questions:

  • Could I get an answer to my questions easily, or is there an endless loop of unhelpful documentation and no contact information?
  • How credible is the provided information?
  • Are the answers written in clear, grammatical language?
  • Do the answers seem factual and frank or more like marketing hype?
  • Does the FAQ openly acknowledge the problems or limitations that everyone knows about?
  • Is the relevant big problem that』s in the news today also being addressed by the organization?
  • Can I dismiss all my concerns before spending money?
  • How mature is the product or service? What doesn』t it do yet?
  • Are others able to use it the way I want to?

Every good salesperson at your company knows how to address presales questions and can probably dictate the FAQs you need to publish.

Improve Your Website"s SEO and Increase Site Visits

Put an FAQ link in the footer and pay attention to SEO. Question format matters because people often type questions into web-search engines these days. Peopledon』t search for your solution, they search for their problem. If you』re careful to use the vocabulary of your users, these very targeted web-search queries will better match your questions, so people can go straight to your best answer from the search-engine results page. Site-search usability is important too.

Reduce the Burden on Customer Support Staff

No one wants to have (or to be in) an army of support people who answer the same questions day in and day out. It』s expensive and boring. Your customers also don』t want to call you to get information that you already know they want and need. Their time is money too.

Forums are great, but FAQs work 24/7. If you can afford both, use them to help each other. Every question and answer has the potential to help someone else, and customer support people can use FAQs too. You may want to develop both an inside and an outside set of FAQs. --- FAQs Still Deliver Great Value


但是QA不是萬能的,就連Nielsen Norman Group網站也表明了態度:在萬千FAQ中尋找你需要的那個實在是一個不那麼愉悅的過程。是的,甚至遠不如在線客服(即使需要長時間的排隊等候迴音)。

Reading FAQs Is Cumbersome

FAQs often can be read from end to end, but good, large FAQs are chunked by topic and designed to be visually scanned. The goal should be for people to be able to rule out most of the topics quickly, and then just read the parts that have something to do with the question at hand. Good information design in an FAQ can help people both locate what they need and discover other information they may want. --- FAQs Still Deliver Great Value

Don Norman沒有給出確切的解決方案,但是指明了建設性的方向。請閱讀下方其對FAQs系統的牢騷和無奈。

Good Websites Don』t Need FAQs; We Already Have Search

Search is a frequently tried FAQ alternative, but search is rarely enough. The big problem with a search-only approach is that your vocabulary and your users" vocabulary probably talk past each other. (The "verbal disagreement phenomenon.") Regrettably, most people are also not skilled at forming effective search queries. Plus, site search rarely works as well as major search engines.

Because you need to know what users』 FAQs are in order to tune your search results, you might as well show the current FAQs in order to provide the best service. Some websites use quicklinks, a kind of first-aid navigation shortcut list, as a way to work around poor search results or outdated navigation structures. An FAQ may be more practical, however, because it offers more context than a list of links as well as room to talk about the topics. Your FAQ content can also be usefully indexed by search engines. --- FAQs Still Deliver Great Value

這是一個結合了Qucklinks + FAQs (Quicklinks is a vague term and an inconsistently helpful feature on intranets) 和傳統搜索功能的例子: MOO | Support


似乎還有更棒的解決方案:Pubble - FAQ

我們需要的是結合傳統FAQs和傳統搜索功能,幫助用戶提問和定位癥結並給出答覆。AJAX技術可以幫助我們在大數據中輕鬆找到用戶可能需要的(參考知乎的搜索下拉框)。Pubble - FAQ 在每次搜索框中輸入字詞後空格提鍵時(keyup),發送一次請求,從資料庫中載入到與問題內容相近描述的已有問題(和它們的答案,如果有的話)。Pubble - FAQ 的另一個特點是把最常問的問題置頂,最新的問題(與用戶提問內容無相關性)放在其下。














好的客服系統對 App 的影響究竟有多大?

TAG:網頁設計 | 交互設計 | 在線客服 | 解決問題 | 交互設計師 |