R語言 安裝完軟體後如何進行界面語言的設置?
找到程序安裝的文件夾。一般是program files &>&> R &>&> R-3.2.1, 然後有個名字是 etc 的文件夾,
然後點擊Rconsole, 選擇打開程序是notebook, 中文是記事本的txt程序。
但是,保存的時候,windows會問你,你不是管理員,沒有許可權。使用個人電腦的話,只要自己給自己賦予許可權就好了。因為pc的話,有兩個系統設定賬號,一個是管理員,一個是使用者。賦予許可權給使用者,使之可以『修改Rconsole』的話,只要右擊Rconsole那個文件, 點擊屬性。
點擊使用者, 點擊編輯。然後全打勾就行了。
再執行以下修改語言的那個操作,R 的語言就成了英文的了。
"I read FAQ on CRAN, but it was a bit confusing to a novice like me. So here is the screenshot. First, go to the "etc" folder under R program files folder. Then locate Rconsole file. Find the line "language = ", change it to "language = en" if you want to run R in English. Save the file. Windows (I am using Windows 7.) told me that I have no permission to change the Rconsole file and that I should contact the administrator. Thank you. ! I am the administrator/user. I had to right click on the Rconsole file icon, select Property and grant a permission to modify the file to myself, the user."
How to change language setting of R on Windows: Sociological Inquiry在人大經濟學論壇上看見針對windows系統下改變語言的非常簡單的解決方案,右鍵單擊桌面上R語言的圖標,點擊彈出窗口中的屬性,在屬性窗口的目標框中最後的的Rgui.exe"後面加上空格以及language=English,即「...Rgui.exe"[空格]language=English點擊確認關閉屬性欄,再打開R時就變成英文的界面了。原帖鏈接 [求助]如何將R的中文界面轉化成英文界面!!
Internationalization of the R.app
R and the R.app GUI introduced
support for internationalization in R 2.1.0. Among other things this means that
both messages and GUI elements can be translated into various languages. R.app automatically detects user"s settings in the
International section of the System Preferences and uses that
information to offer translated messages and GUI if available. Please note that
both Language and Formats information is used so they should
be set up consistently.
can override the auto-detection performed by setting `force.LANG" defaults setting, such as for example
defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
of the system setting. If you don"t know what Terminal is you can use
this R command instead:
system("defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8")
but do not forget to quit R and start R.app again afterwards. Please note that you must always use
`.UTF-8" version of the locale, otherwise
R.app will not work properly.
and for the console. When opening new documents R.app
assumes UTF-8 and only if the document violates UTF-8 rules, it will try to
fallback to legacy encoding, usually Mac Roman.
試試這個鏈接裡面的建議:R for Mac OS X FAQ
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