如何看待封殺劣跡藝人和BBC因打人停職Jeremy Clarkson?

我們都很愛英版Top Gear 但這次是猩猩作大死 不處罰不行

Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson called his producer Oisin Tymon "lazy" and "Irish" and threatened to get him sacked, before punching his face, witnesses have claimed. The presenter of Top Gear, who has been suspended pending an internal BBC investigation into his conduct at a hotel in Yorkshire during filming of the show, is said to have threatened to have Tymon sacked during the heated row over food.A guest at the hotel where the BBC team were staying said Clarkson was furious to find that there was no hot meal available when he and his co-presenters James May and Richard Hammond returned from a drinking session at a nearby pub.、

猩猩和他的朋友們(龜隊長和鼴鼠)從pub歸來發現劇組沒有準備熱飯菜 於是鬧了40分鐘 侮辱製作人Oisin Tymon 還打了製作人。 猩猩被BBC停職 22季Top Gear最後三集暫停播出。


Jeremy Clarkson "punched producer and called him lazy Irish"

下面是吐槽 -

說好的LaFerrari, Porsche 918 Spyder 和 Mclaren P1 的同台競技哪去了?! 三家廠各種奇葩條件好容易最後湊到一起啊! 猩猩你還我這場備受期待的三台最強Hyper Car的比賽啊!

大家都知道這show的靈魂是猩猩 但是猩猩的奇葩胡鬧也實在是太過了 即使是按Top Gear的標準。 這季的阿根廷特輯 地球人都知道是他在故意掛刺激性的車牌挑逗阿根廷人的神經 (暗示英格蘭贏了與阿根廷的馬島戰爭) 搞到整個劇組幾百號人在阿根廷老兵的圍攻下倉皇逃跑 (連續在城鎮被圍攻 最後各種慌不擇路) 差點出人命好不好






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