shrimp 和 prawn 區別是什麼?中文翻譯是什麼?

翻譯一篇論文 裡面這兩個詞作為兩個species出現了 有沒有簡潔明了體現兩者差別的中文專用名詞?

Prawns are larger in size, and have larger legs with claws on three
pairs. They have branching gills. Shrimp are smaller, have shorter legs
and have claws only on two pairs. Their gills are lamellar, i.e. plate-like.

Prawns and shrimp are both decapod crustaceans
i.e. that they have exoskeletons and 10 legs. They can be found in salt water
and fresh water all over the world, typically swimming in search of food. Both shrimp and
prawns tend to stay near the ocean floor. They also have similar
flavors, and come in a wide range of sizes from minuscule to quite large.

In commercial farming and fisheries, the terms shrimp and prawn are often
used interchangeably. But of late, the term "prawn" only signifies freshwater
forms of palaemonids and "shrimp" for the marine penaeids.

In the United Kingdom, the word 「prawn」 is more common on menus than
「shrimp」; while it』s the opposite in North America. The term 「prawn」 is also
loosely used to describe any large shrimp, especially those that come 15 (or
fewer) to the pound (such as 「king prawns」, yet sometimes known as 「jumbo

Australia and some other Commonwealth nations follow this British usage to an
even greater extent, using the word 「prawn」 almost exclusively. When Australian
comedian Paul Hogan used the phrase, 「I"ll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie
for you」 in an American television advertisement, it was intended to make what
he was saying easier for his American audience to understand, and was thus a
deliberate distortion of what an Australian would typically say.

In Britain very small crustaceans with a brownish shell are called shrimp,
and are used to make potted shrimp. They are also used in dishes where they are
not the primary ingredient.

這篇講的蠻詳細的,總結起來就是口語和日常生活中認為shrimp 指小蝦 ,prawn指大個蝦

在養殖和漁業領域,shrimp特指海水蝦 ,prawn指 淡水的長臂蝦類。


如果淡水養殖的話prawn 肯定指的是沼蝦類,翻譯成長臂蝦也行,因為有這個俗稱。

但是麻煩的是prawn 如何翻譯 在對蝦也有用prawn做英文名字的,亂就亂在這兒了



拉丁文名:Penaeus monodon Fabricius

英文名:Giant tiger prawn

中國對蝦(對蝦屬、對蝦科) 俗名:大蝦、對蝦、肉蝦、東方對蝦

拉丁文名:Penaeus chinensis (Osbeck)

英文名:Chinese shrimp


拉丁文名:Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man)

英文名:Giant freshwater prawn

所以我個人建議如果是泛指的提到shrimp 肯定是對蝦,泛指prawn 則是長臂蝦/沼蝦。

如果是特指的話 海水養殖+prawn 有可能指的也是對蝦,還得根據上下文來判斷。


」butterfly 「 冷凍蝴蝶蝦仁


看到一篇論文講到這個區別 所以我決定把shrimp翻譯成鹹水蝦類 prawn譯成淡水蝦類了





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