羅永浩對 Google Play 的道歉,英文原文有什麼不恰當之處嗎?
呵呵,羅黑找不出語法錯誤,一國內長大的裝什麼地道美國人啊。你所謂的毛病僅僅前兩條就全部扯淡。my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta Industries. 自己搜,絕對沒問題,地道用法。a Chinese Android device ,毫無問題,還是自己google,看看多少國外媒體報道用。呵呵,敢問你英語啥水平啊?底特律生的?
2014年9月10日編輯:經過某人提醒,我發現「my name is blabla, CEO of blaba」是慣用句式,並沒有句式雜糅的問題,這個我確實屬於一廂情願了。
第一句話「To whom it may concern:」就暴露了問題
習慣用法是每個單詞首字母大寫,就像對待對方的名字一樣,像這樣:To Whom It May Concern:其它我建議修改的句子有:
my name is Luoyonghao, CEO of ...
my name is Luoyonghao. I am CEO of ...或者
I am Luoyonghao, CEO of...理由:my name is CEO 顯然不對。a Chinese Android device manufacturer
an Android device manufacturer based in China理由:避免造成Chinese修飾Android的印象。類似的容易造成誤解的有: a Chinese food companyyour Google Play Terms of Service
the Google Play Terms of Service理由:感覺。and how we corrected our mistake.
and how we have corrected our mistakes.
理由:感覺。we provide a built-in app marketplace and crawled some...
we have provided a built-in app marketplace and crawled some...或者we have been providing a built-in app marketplace to our customers and we have crawled some...理由:provide和crawled前後不一致這不是在介紹自己的產品,而是說明自己的錯誤行為,用現在完成時可以表達自己做了些什麼。based on the demand of our users
based on the demands of our users理由:demand和demands的區別很微妙,根據我語感這裡應該用demands,不是很確定。
our crawling behaviour aforementioned
the aforementioned crawling behaviour理由:印象中aforementioned一般是放在名詞前面,經過查詞典確實有這個要求:always used before a noun(參考:Aforementioned)We have recently found out... We immediately took down...
We have recently found out... We have already taken down...或者We have recently found out... After we noticed the problem, we immediately took down... We have recently found out... We immediately took down... the moment we noticed the problem.We recently found out... We immediately took down...
看了之後覺得所謂新東方講師也不過如此。最後一句如果改成 Should you have any questions, please contact us at XXXX 會更加地道一點,注意只是更地道點而已,整篇語法用詞中規中矩個人覺得沒有問題。
※用英語寫 Email 時第二行「問好欄」應該寫些什麼?
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