

All I can say is in Canada, this kind of thing is very unlikely to happen. Just use Pharmacist license as an example. If someone wants to open a pharmacy, they will have to have a designated manager, who must be a pharmacist. And when the pharmacy is open for business, there must be a pharmacist there physically (does not have to be the designated manager). If anything happened, and someone sued the pharmacy, the designated manager will be responsible (partially at least. And if that involves a medication error made by another pharmacist, they would be responsible as well). Of course the license of the designated manager is attached with the actual pharmacy license, both issued by the College of Pharmacist. The College have a database. If someone is designated manager of multiple pharmacies, they will know. It is possible for one pharmacist to be the designated manager in different pharmacies, but usually not more than 2. If there are too many, it is suspicious, and it is unlikely they will be able to manage them well. Now, if I rent my license out to another pharmacy, but I am not actually there, anything happened, I will be responsible. That is a HUGE liability, and I could risk losing my license. And my license is my livelihood so no way I will take that risk. I cannot imagine anyone would want to take that risk. And obviously the "renting" of license itself is illegal.

I imagine the same would go with any professional license. We all have a discipline board...

At work, so no Chinese input...I will translate it later if I have time.



在加拿大,這種情況很罕見。以藥劑師執照為例,如果有人想開藥房,則必須任命一名藥劑師擔任指定經理(designated manager),同時,當藥房開門營業時,還必須有一名藥劑師駐店(可以不必是上述指定管理人)。一旦發生任何事情,有人要起訴藥房,則指定經理必須負責任(至少需要負部分責任,如果牽扯到另外一位藥劑師所犯的藥方錯誤,則他們都需要為此負責)。指定經理執照是與藥劑師執照是相關聯的,都由藥劑師學會頒發。學會有一個資料庫,通過資料庫他們會得知指定經理是否存在在多個藥房執業的情況。有可能一家藥房的藥劑師會在另外一家藥房擔任指定經理,但是通常一個人不會在超過兩家藥房執業。同時執業的藥房太多會引起懷疑,一個人不太可能同時完成多家藥房的工作。如果我把我的執照租給了另外一間藥房,而我人卻不在那裡,一旦有事情發生,我就必須為此負責。這種事情發生的可能性非常高,我的執照是我謀生的工具,我不能冒被吊銷執照的風險。我無法想像誰會願意承擔這種風險。同時,租執照這事本身顯然也是違法的。 我想其他任何職業的執照也是如此。我們都有紀律委員會的監督。







公司公然侵犯員工私人空間 如何抵制?

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