Rediohead 的 Banana co. 這首歌的含義是什麼?怎麼理解?






When the trumpet sounded

everything was prepared on earth,

and Jehovah gave the world

to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda,

Ford Motors, and other corporations.

The United Fruit Company

reserved for itself the most juicy

piece, the central coast of my world,

the delicate waist of America.

It rebaptized these countries

Banana Republics,

and over the sleeping dead,

over the unquiet heroes

who won greatness,

liberty, and banners,

it established an opera buffa:

it abolished free will,

gave out imperial crowns,

encouraged envy, attracted

the dictatorship of flies:

Trujillo flies, Tachos flies

Carias flies, Martinez flies,

Ubico flies, flies sticky with

submissive blood and marmalade,

drunken flies that buzz over

the tombs of the people,

circus flies, wise flies

expert at tyranny.

With the bloodthirsty flies

came the Fruit Company,

amassed coffee and fruit

in ships which put to sea like

overloaded trays with the treasures

from our sunken lands.

Meanwhile the Indians fall

into the sugared depths of the

harbors and are buried in the

morning mists;

a corpse rolls, a thing without

name, a discarded number,

a bunch of rotten fruit

thrown on the garbage heap.

Pablo Neruda: 「La United Fruit Co.」 from Canto General

香蕉共和國 「香蕉共和國」的綽號最初被賦予經濟命脈被美國聯合果品公司和標準果品公司(Standard Fruit Company)控制的宏都拉斯、瓜地馬拉、哥斯大黎加等中美洲國家。1871年,美國鐵路企業家亨利·梅格斯(Henry Meiggs)在哥斯大黎加建築首都聖何塞和檸檬港之間的鐵路,讓中美洲各國出口香蕉到美國。梅格斯之侄基斯(Minor C. Keith)甚至娶哥斯大黎加總統之女為妻,1870年之前美國人並不認識香蕉,然自該鐵路建筑後的28年內,美國共消費了1,600萬串香蕉。「香蕉共和國」此一辭彙於1904年由美國作家歐·亨利在小說《Cabbages and Kings》中首創,以虛構的"republic of Anchuria"來影射被美國控制的宏都拉斯,稱她為香蕉共和國。[1][2]

自此,這兩家公司操控這些國家的經濟命脈,又自行或透過美國政府插手這些國家的政治、經濟,甚至操縱更改總統人選。例如1951年瓜地馬拉總統阿本斯宣布將聯合果品公司在瓜地馬拉的大片土地收歸國有,曾任職於聯合果品公司的美國國務卿杜勒斯於1954年策動其競爭對手阿馬斯(Carlos Castillo Armas)從宏都拉斯入侵,導致阿本斯辭職。智利詩人聶魯達為此寫了一首名為《聯合果品公司》的諷刺詩。



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