最近在回味一些以前讀過的經典文學作品,發現大部分經典文學作品都能以小見大,反映 一個社會一個時代的變遷,或者反映作者深刻的洞察力。但是我用這個公式去套《傲慢與偏見》時,發現套不進去。說是愛情故事吧,範圍格調作為名著來說又顯得小了低了;想想情節安排上吧,在名著中也不是顯得鶴立雞群;描述手法上和現實主義浪漫主義又相去甚遠。所能想到的也就只有一些諷刺他人的價值觀。望不吝賜教。
有些人說別人讀書少,其實讀書多少和一個人的人品道德是沒有關係的。傲慢與偏見小說和電影我都看了,尤其是凱拉娜塔里版的,看了很多遍。我認為簡奧斯汀寫作確實是有局限的,比如專註與中產階級小門戶的女性,寫的也是愛情。 一,傲慢與偏見成為經典,是小說描寫反映了英國中產階級的生活,思想和文化。 二,作為女性地位不高的當時(比如女人只能嫁個有錢的丈夫才能生活得好,不然是沒有財產繼承權的,所以幾個女兒才會想方設法參加舞會、和軍人約會。)作為女性作家寫出來這樣的作品,是反映了女權意識的覺醒的,比如伊麗莎白面對帥氣有錢的男主,可以保持自己的自主選擇和人格的獨立,對於配偶的選擇是以其人品的好壞選擇的,是掌握主動權的,而不是男性及其財產的附庸。這是對獨立女性的讚美,所以作者給了他們圓滿的結局,相反其他的女性歸宿都不是太好,除了她姐姐。可能有這樣的獨立思想,簡奧斯訂一直都是單身。
四,男女戀愛時候的傲慢與偏見,其實是個挺有意思的話題,男主覺得女主對他有偏見,女主覺得男主很傲慢,當產生了這樣奇妙的誤會的時候,女主在男主的眼中就會變得傲慢,男主在女主的眼中也會變得偏見。所以他們倆到底誰傲慢誰偏見?我覺得他們倆身上兩種都有。 所以這部小說即反映了英國當時中產階級社會生活,也是一種女性獨立意識的覺醒和讚美,同時還是好的愛情小說。要知道經過時間淘汰流傳下來的,都是有它獨特的魅力的。答主不要過分糾結諷刺別人價值觀的問題,要多看它提倡什麼歌頌什麼。可能你沒有仔細看,或者沒有看英文原版。可以再看看想想。呃,我忍不住強答一個。
6-一個人在你面前展示的未必就是他(她)性格的全部,換言之,人是會變的(如達西先生和伊麗莎白);7-什麼是好的愛情,什麼是瞎胡鬧(如伊麗莎白與幾個妹妹的對比)8-女性要有趣要堅強,更重要的是,要自尊自愛(如伊麗莎白)……如此種種,實在太多。更不用說裡面那些有趣的對話描寫,人物性格描寫以及通過對彬格萊先生與達西先生的年收入描寫反射出當時人們的生活水準。等等這些題主都視而不見,單單看到了「諷刺」與「無用」。只能說,題主讀書太少,牛嚼牡丹,還是別看《傲慢與偏見》吧,這對您對這本書,都是好事。ps:最近楊絳先生去世,正好她寫過一篇:《傲慢與偏見》有什麼好?楊絳:有什麼好 —— 讀奧斯丁的《傲慢與偏見》 (評論: 傲慢與偏見)
幾乎可以完美解決樓主的問題。竊以為,這樣讀《傲慢與偏見》才是非常好!能經過時間沉澱的東西,都是好的,你覺得不好,那是因為你蠢 ————詳情參照童話故事《皇帝的新衣》
簡單來說,《傲慢與偏見》滿足了大多說人的「幻想」——每個人都想碰到這樣的一段姻緣,一路扶持到老,最後有所回味,訴於兒孫。Elizabeth和Dancy愛情過程不是那麼乏味和平淡,甚至有誤解和埋怨;最初受門第世俗影響,相愛相殺,到最後彼此理解,一路扶持,終成眷屬。他們之間的愛情大約是「天註定」,逃不過緣分的牽繫。其實,最後每個女孩都想做Elizabeth,碰到一個喜歡自己的Dancy;每個男孩也希望是Dancy,碰到自己的Elizabeth。Elizabeth不是最美的,但在Dancy眼裡,或許看她一眼開始,就開始關注她了;Dancy當然是高富帥,但Elizabeth最後愛他,不只是物質和錢。如果Dancy只是一個小牧師或者商人,Elizabeth也會遇見他——當然,只不過Elizabeth遇見了最好的「Dancy」。緣分二字,真是妙不可言。可以想像, 之後他們的生活,會很甜蜜,當然也少不了家庭帶來的苦惱——就因為這樣,Dancy和Elizabeth才更真實,更有血肉,才更希望自己是Dancy和Elizabeth。不過,生活終究不是劇本,並不能容得下那麼多的誤解,所以,就愛情來說,世間遺憾的事情總是很多。而《傲慢與偏見》,美的像一個童話,恰是最好的結局。沒有人會反感美,所以,註定,很多人會一直喜歡《傲慢與偏見》....
這學期開始學 Pride and Prejudice,一個學期下來,不僅對英語的遣詞造句有了更深的感覺,更重要的是從這本書學到的核心價值觀的東西。奧斯丁一生未婚,在客廳的一個角落裡寫出了數部小說,最有名的應該就是《傲慢與偏見》吧。在這本書里可以看到作者對愛情和婚姻的看法,這裡有不懂事因為外貌吸引而跟人私奔的Lydia, 有為了結婚而結婚的Charlotte,有「愛在心間口難開」的Jane,有趨炎附勢攪和別人愛情的Miss Bingley,但更有堅守愛情信念、敢愛敢恨的Lizzy,從作者塑造的這些人物當中,我們可以看到婚姻或愛情的許多種形態(當然這也是社會大背景和個人選擇決定的)。雖然主題很局限,只是單純的鄉村愛情故事,但其實反映了當時英國的一些陳腐觀念,如 審美標準,女性要「淑女」;女孩子要嫁一個有錢人等等,從女性視角來分析可以洞窺到很多東西。
一首小詩:——聶魯達(Pablo Neruda)
如同一個吻,封緘了你的嘴。 如同所有的事物充滿了我的靈魂, 你從所有的事物中浮現,充滿了我的靈魂。 你像我靈魂,一隻夢的蝴蝶, 你如同憂鬱這個字。我喜歡你是寂靜的,好像你已遠去。
你聽起來像在悲嘆,一隻如鴿悲鳴的蝴蝶。 你從遠處聽見我,我的聲音無法企及你。 讓我在你的沉默中安靜無聲。並且讓我借你的沉默與你說話,
你的沉默明亮如燈,簡單如指環。 你就像黑夜,擁有寂靜與群星。 你的沉默就是星星的沉默,遙遠而明亮。 我喜歡你是寂靜的,彷彿你消失了一樣, 遙遠且哀傷,彷彿你已經死了。 彼時,一個字,一個微笑,已經足夠。 而我會覺得幸福,因那不是真的而覺得幸福。書名起得好…並且內容對的起書名
其實我寫這篇回答完全就是給自己加戲Σ(|||▽||| )
沒錯這個答案是我抄襲,注意是抄襲━Σ(?Д?|||)━,題目下某位答主的高論的(`Δ′)!本來是想著,隨便找一篇言情小說,也就有那位答主說的這些套路了,既然如此,我也就不怕懟乾脆玩一票大的吧(〃?ω?)哦呵呵,看到這個回答實在是很無語╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
三生三世十里桃花通過主人翁的對白,各色配角命運的描寫,那些家長里短的對話,甚至知乎說的「抄襲了還死不承認」的語言,描述的正是那個時代的作者幻想的天神上仙的最純粹的生活,也是他們價值觀最赤裸裸的展示,無論那上面披了多麼華麗的外衣╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭更甚至,如果把目光放遠一點,你會發現,小說裡面人的思想行為和他們展示的世界觀價值觀與三次元的現實,幾乎沒有什麼不同:1-父親都希望女兒們能嫁個好老公,衣食無憂(如九尾狐族王);2-女孩子們都容易被小白臉欺騙(如白淺在人界化名素素與夜華生子);3-男人為了……也會讓人肉麻地阿諛奉承(如牧師柯林斯);【等等著一條寫出來究竟有什麼偉大啊(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻】
【這麼歧視女性也是夠了&<(`^′)&> 】【肉麻的阿諛奉承都是女性,男性貪慕虛榮就是例外是么(`Δ′)!】4-你會在意結婚對象到底有權沒權(如夜華的側妃素錦);
【你說是好的愛情就是好的愛情啊ヽ(`⌒′メ)ノ】【那素錦的感情不用說是壞的了,那難道與之對比的白淺的感情就是好的么(# ` n′ )】8-女性要有趣要堅強,更重要的是,要自尊自愛(如聘則為妻奔是妾生了孩子跳了誅仙台最後突然自尊自愛的有趣有堅強的白淺)
幾乎可以完美解決答主的問題(〃?ω?)。竊以為,這樣讀《三生三世十里桃花》才是非常好!——本來只是覺得《傲慢與偏見》是盛名之下其實難副的名著,今天看到答主的話,才恍然大悟這樣一本名著與現在一些暢銷然而沒品的書,好像也沒什麼區別(〃?ω?)編輯於 17/07/31(〃?ω?)
——淺談主要角色的「傲慢」與「偏見」及形成過程Report: general analysis of the process from main roles』 pride and prejudice一,首先一個是有必要先強調電影視覺效果對原著文化氣息和人文形態的補充和深化。
Firstly, after watching the movie of this novel, I』d like to discuss the complement and improvement of cultural atmosphere and character features by the visual and sound effects from this film.簡單的談,所謂好的電影,必定是能夠在細節上營造真實感,從而貼切地還原出那股時代氣息來。Simply speaking, those so-called excellent movies must be perfect in creating true feelings on the experience of appreciating details, so it can make it happen and we audiences could learn the air of that age.應該最為普遍的講,世界上任何一個國家和民族的文化基因裡面都對舞蹈和音樂有著天然的敏感和領悟,對舞會的展現最能用來反映特色的鄉鎮文化,這一點在電影版本中無疑是展現的最為玲離盡致。Of course, generally viewing, all of the countries and nations has the natural knowledge of allergy and perception on musics and dances, and definitely, it is apparent that movie is better to show the dancing party of a little county』s culture. 還有那些家居擺設,房間布局,吃穿用品,映入人們眼帘中的,是寧靜鄉村小鎮的閑適生活,是羊鵝禽畜的躁亂吵鬧,還有那些破舊書籍的滄桑感,鋼琴迴響的悠揚聲,還有暖色的落日燦暉和歐式城堡肅重風格的明暗對比,那獨屬於 年代的裙擺和發扎,還有那一幕漫步在田間、不自覺地微笑以致於瀰漫到整個空氣中的少女情懷,隨風而飄的髮絲似乎在象徵著一種由內而生的自由與美好...From the literal description, we can imagine the total layout, like the setting of houses and rooms, and the articles for use. What emerged in our eyes are the leisure lifestyle of that peaceful small town, the noises of walking sheep and swimming gooses, and the old taste of shabby books on the shelf, the echoes of piano played by a servant, and the very contrast between the warm-toned ray of light and the western solemn buildings, and also the most of impressive scene, a young maid wandering around the field, with a smile coming from the corner of her mouth, which causes the whole air full of a kind of freedom, and her hair waving by the breeze seems to be free and nice from the inside.正如有「夏初陽」評論道,全片那種舒緩的節奏瀰漫著濃厚的文藝氣息,體現了典型的英國文藝電影的特色。就如同法國電影的歡快調皮的小清新,德國電影的歷史和思考的沉重,自然、莊園、古典服飾和英國口音所構成的文藝成為了英國電影的標誌。好的文學和好的電影都能夠打動人心,甚至讓人情不自禁想回到作品中的那個時代,成為作品中的某個人物。想來文學創作的最高狀態,即是原型人物創造的活性特徵。
Just like the critics remark that there was a comfortable charm of rich perfection to literature, and displayed the typical aspects of British. And as the same high-leveled as French loveliness and easiness and German heaviness of thinking its history and future, the UK words always symbolize itself by the natural clothes and special accent. We all know the good literature and film can both touch people, even making us want to go back to that romantic time and to be one of those roles.二,其次是在於獨特的英式口音、語言和當時的英國文化,包括其中所折射的婚姻觀、愛情觀和不同階層間的社交禮儀(舞蹈和音樂,女性地位,社會潮流,)。Beside, the second point is the picture that reveals the language and the culture of marriage and view of love and social rules in different classes at that time.最為明顯的是階級差異感。以達西、檳利先生和凱瑟琳夫人為代表的所謂上層社會,穿著名貴,談吐文雅,始終波瀾不驚的面容,住宅的奢華,還有帶假髮的白人僕人,語言上的嚴謹和來自百年血脈所帶來的貴族式驕傲,處處顯示著一種身份和層次上的距離感.The most unique is difference of class in society. For instance, like the Mr.Darcy and Mrs Catherine on behalf of the upper class, they usually dressed up properly and decently, speaking with politeness and good education, having a unchanged face, and lived a rich life even with the white men as servants, and the preciseness of language and blue-blooded pride inherited form the hundreds of ancient generations而小鎮上的人則大多性格隨性而平庸,或者想法勢力、短見和愛慕虛榮,加之語言上的粗俗、淺薄,同時他們待人接物卻顯得真摯而誠信,到處散發著生活的親切感,但又在宗教上面,貧困交加的底層人民則更願意在耳邊禱詞聲中繼續著春秋大夢,更別提小女兒莉迪亞的私奔帶給貝尼特家族名譽和經濟上的損害——近乎病態的婚姻規則,凱瑟琳夫人對麗茲低賤出身的無情踐踏和肆意嘲笑等等。However, the people of litter town, they were easy and ordinary, or kind of snobbish with short sight and fever of fame and vanity, and meanwhile they treated others sincerely and honestly, expressing the closeness to life, but for the religions, the lower poor grass roots preferred to embrace dreams not pray near their ears, and not to mention the damage of reputation and economy for Benet family by one younger daughter』s ignorant elopement——a crazy customs of marriage, and those cruel sarcastic remarks and unreasonable laughs to Ms.Lizzy.至於平庸的柯林斯先生,他在舞會上不得已「孤芳自賞」的無奈處境則更加披露出當時社會看重名利的偽裝與無情。As for the common person, Mr.Collins, he had no choice but only to take care himself, and this helpless situation exposed more of the mercilessness to pretend pay attention to personal states and fame of family.
當然了,對於柯林斯而言,最大的諷刺無非是被麗茲拒絕的那一段描述,縱使有著女性在財產繼承上的歧視與弱勢,而男權社會中的柯林斯先生有著法理上佔有資產的權利和義務,卻仍舊逃避不了被麗茲拒絕和被作者諷刺和嘲笑的命運.of course, for Mr.Collins, the most ironic thing was he failed to propose to Ms. Elizabeth, and unlike the fact that women are naturally vulnerable and they suffered the discrimination form the whole society within a very long time, he had the priority and duty of taking properties, but he was still involved into the fate to be rejected by Lizzy and criticized by the author and readers.這種來自篤信教義、任務性質的婚姻建立與女性個人不肯屈服宿命的抗爭所對立,以致於不免顯得有些極端的行為表現也是獨有的時代特色,否則小說中的貝尼特太太又何苦疲命於幾個女兒的終身大事、只為求個好的婆家出身,倘若不是這樣的近乎瘋狂和勢利,又哪裡會有那麼多的王子與公主的浪漫故事情節,又怎麼能夠平衡個人幸福與家族存亡之間的窘境,又如何去面對來自社會道德的批判。This sort of building marriage for someone』s faith to God and task of life is not compatible with struggle for females to fight for their destiny, so it seems to have a bit of extremism. Or why Mrs.Benet thrived to marry her five ladies only for a good marriage. Without this almost crazy and nervous behaviors, how people can make a story to tell so many romantic and fantastic plots of prince and princess, to keep a balance between the individual happiness and dilemma of family, and to confront the remarks form the social morality.果然就像後來又接受柯林斯先生的夏洛特小姐總結道「我應該像別人一樣快樂,並不是每個人都經得起浪漫」,永遠不要輕易質疑一個人的信仰,因為人們不知道它承載了多麼沉重的絕望,這一點即使洒脫如麗茲也只有表示理解與祝福。Surely enough, as Ms.Charlotte complained in the movie, who later accept Mr.Collins, saying that it is not true for everyone to experience that romantic fever and i should be happy like others. In the light of this lesson, even free and easy as Elizabeth was, what she did was just to understand and wish friend a better life. Do never doubt one person』s belief, because no one knows how much hopeless pressure it carried.
對於最後的完美結局,在身世和環境的巨大裂縫面前,也只有靠作者的一筆之力來填補這道縫隙,當物質條件難以改變時,拉近思想、增進共識便成了豪門愛情的唯一解,在書中所涉及到待人接物、世俗禮儀的喜劇笑點,到處都是奧斯汀風格的幽默與諷刺,這或許也是作者本人想要通過集中批判舊時代禁絕人慾的婚姻制度來樹立一個「願天下有情人終成眷屬」的幸福榜樣。For the perfect ending, standing on the front of huge gap, only by the author』s power with a pen to make it up, especially, when material condition cannot be changed and the only method for lovers in the rich and powerful families is to deepen common ground and increase talks. All the funny points like how to greet people and how to socialize are filled with Austin』s humor and mockery. Maybe, the author also wants to set a good example with happy ending by lovers, to concentrate on criticizing the outdated and unfavorable marriage of stopping personality and desire.古往今來,多少愛恨情仇皆是如此情狀,讓人又不得不欣慰感嘆於小說和影視里即便誇張但也少見的個性解放,從這個意義上講,電影或者說小說原著,也有意無意地承擔起了給予人們希望的教化功能,即便生活並不處處美好,但總有一塊聖地能夠暫作保留。Of all ages, endless lessons of love and hatred have worked like it, making people to feel tough and difficult for the exaggerated but rare individual liberation. To this extent, novels and movies take on the duty to provide people with hope and motivation. Although the life of beauty is not everywhere, there is always a piece of the Garden of Eden.
第三點則是對人物形象的淺解。The last one is simple analysis of characters.
上個世紀末的中國流行著這麼一句話:城市好比一片森林,每一個男人都是獵人,每一女人都是陷阱。In the last century of China, one saying goes that the city is just like a jungle, with hunters for every man and traps for every woman. 在愛情觀上,不得不說來電很重要,譬如如金庸先生就對此是深有個人體會的,不然也難以輔就《倚天屠龍記》那樣的經典。On the concept of perceiving and interpreting love, we have to admit that generating sparks among young people is absolutely critical.一個人只有在最為專心於一身特長的時候,其所爆發的魅力才會如黑洞般地吸引整個大廳的光華,也正是從這一刻起達西先生從不屑一瞥到默默關注,而對於什麼是愛情催化劑的片刻交鋒也在思想的舞台上開始把兩個人關聯到一起,是華而不實的詩歌還是洋溢著青春歡樂的舞蹈。Only one person focusing on the another one』s specialty like dancing and singing, it would break out with a intense glamour, seemingly a streak of light across the dark sky, and a black hole attract the total brilliance in the hall.當然,給曖昧感充電也很重要。第二次對年輕女性和傲慢字眼的討論,達西傾向於女性應該擁有音樂、繪畫、舞蹈、和學識還有個人魅力,而麗茲則認為達西表露出了潛在的歧視性,並且認為達西先生過度的、冷酷的驕傲自視反而是一種對他人的冒犯和錯誤。
Because keeping the sense of ambiguity is also very important between relationships. The second time, to discuss the issue about young ladies and the meanings of pride, Darcy was inclined to the view that young females should have the knowledge of music, painting, dancing ability and individual charms, but Lizzy felt that Mr.Darcy showed a potential impolite discrimination and held that it revealed some mistakes and offence for his excessive and grim comments. 因為對於久居上流的達西和長處於底層社會的伊麗莎白,二人的看法和見解、理解這個世界和對待他人的思維定式都是不可避免地限制於自身極其所代表的社會階層,因為這種處處相對、處處摩擦的情況反倒是普遍的、正常的社會現狀,上流社會有他們所謂籠中的高貴,而下層群體卻也自持所謂的驕傲。而後來達西主動地攙扶伊麗莎白上馬車,在雙手觸碰的那一刻間,這種看似展示禮貌但別有深意的舉動,在千萬觀眾看來卻是愛情根種的萌發。這也就不難奇怪電影在此處給了兩個特寫,一個是麗茲的詫異眼神,另一個則是達西不禁觸電的右手. That makes some sense that for these two guys, one from the upper class and another form the ground, their fixed views and ways of recognizing and understanding this world and others are influenced by the class and identity, and this inharmonious condition for every language and behavior is absolutely normal and universal. The up has their own dignity in cage, and also the low group has their so-called pride. Furthermore, Darcy helped Elizabeth get on the carriage with his left hand, during the very flashing moment, this self-evident action represented the root of love in thousands of audiences』 eyes, which is very gentleman but deeply meaningful. No wonder that in the part, the movie gives a special close-up shot to unfold that first growing fire before people』s hears. 第三次交流,達西在舞會上主動邀請伊麗莎白跳一支舞。這對於極為自負的達西來說,的確是不可多得的破冰之舉,同樣在潛意識裡性格自負的麗茲,也必然不會拒絕這進一步窺探和了解達西的好機會,而這一交流過程,料定又是一番言辭和思想上的爭鋒相對。The third one conversation, Darcy tried to invited Ms.Lizzy to have a dance in the ball, which must be so rare action of ice-breaking for the arrogant gentleman Darcy, likewise, for Lizzy who had the arrogant personality inside her mind, she would not reject this opportunity to get an access of learning Mr.Darcy, and without any doubt, it must be a furious debate of views and prejudices by each others』 languages.在維克漢姆的問題上,鏡頭極為明智的略去了所有的旁觀者,把整個的舞台交託給兩個年輕人,使得戲劇衝突從雙方原本的嘗試接觸發展到兩人終於產生了第一次觀念上的裂痕,是背信棄義還是另有隱情。在黑暗角落的思考,讓人看到外表隨性而為的小女孩麗茲其實也有著屬於自己成長道路上的心事和煩惱,與後來鞦韆上的獨處如出一轍。
Upon the issue of Mr.Wickham, the camera veiled all the spectators around these two angry young people, having them perform in the whole stage, and turned the dramatic conflict into a crack in mind and thoughts from the friendly touch for both at the first steps, the betrayal and dishonesty, or something more behind the lies. Thinking alone in the dark corner, people got that the little girl Lizzy also had the worries and troubles on the adult-way of growth, although with comfortable and lovely look.第四次的碰面,對於麗茲而言,既有著填補空虛生活和繼續探索神秘達西所帶來的驚喜,又有與凱瑟琳夫人對於家事門風的小小辯駁,還有達西不請自來、得見伊人一面的突然拜訪,還有之後二人在滂沱大雨中爆發的大衝突。
The next meeting, at least for Lizzy, she can enjoy the process of realizing Mr.Darcy』s mystery and fill her lonely and quiet life, with Mrs.Catherine to talk about the family』s education, and later the sudden visiting by Mr.Darcy without calling on, just for having a look on his dreamed girl, and finally, they burst out quarreling in the heavy rain. 說來總是有些難以言表,兩個人之間有哪怕是極為微弱的引力波,在經過一次次的語言和情緒交流後,最終也會因為越來越近的距離、越來越明顯的勢能而導致不可避免的碰撞。Very strangely, even with a weak force of attracting among two lovers, and after tremendous emotional communications, because of the closer distant and detailed cognition, they would crush into each other at the end, by the powerful potential energy. 像達西和麗茲的這兩種性格,除了堅定地維護自己的信仰外,也不遺餘力地想要保證身邊朋友和家人的幸福感,這種共性的潛在弊端則在於當二人的立場對立時,衝突也就不可避免。在那片淅瀝瀝、嘩啦啦、紛紛揚的雨中,達西表露心意,情感上無以復加的積累還是打敗了源自理性上的驕傲,但戲劇性的地方在於這份來之不易的表白卻又被兩個人自以為對朋友和家人的關懷照顧、對家事門風的表現給攪成碎片,或許到最後兩個人也不清楚到底是在爭吵著什麼,是傲慢的性格和無知的見解,還是不對等的家庭環境和社會地位,又或者僅僅是內心長久以來關聯到對方的、那種無法忍受和終於消解的衝動和渴望... 而一封長信對誤解的消融,仍舊是遲了一步,那滴眼淚還是流了下來。Like the two characters of Darcy and Liz, in addition to firmly maintaining their beliefs, they also spared no effort to ensure the happiness of their friends and family members. The potential drawback of this commonality is that when two people stood against each other, conflicts are inevitable. In the rain, and the rain came hurtling up, Darcy showed the feelings, with emotional accumulation and the defeat incapable of further increase of the source of self pride, but the dramatic turning is that this confession is not easily to win the two person from the thoughts of taking care of their friends and families, and family name of performance to stir into pieces, perhaps for the last two people were not clear in the end, what were they really quarreled, the arrogant character and the ignorant opinions, or the family environment and social status, or just very simply about the hearts for a long time to endure and suffer something related to each other, which is unbearable and finally dispelled the impulse and desire... A Long letter to the misunderstandings of the ablation, was still too late, that teardrop still fell down.第五次,可謂守得雲開見月明。在拜訪達西住所的時候,對比於過往的種種誤解,伊麗莎白又看到了他生活的一面,深長的林蔭道,清澈的湖水,高大寬敞的城堡,精美的宗教壁畫和曲線優美的人身雕塑,還有獨屬於達西本人的傳神雕像,睹物思人也不過如此了。
當然了,最驚喜的就是兩人再次相遇,自然是要免不了一番問短家常來結束這種稍顯尷尬的偶遇,不經意的對話中仍然透露著對對方習慣與生活的關注和期待。在特寫鏡頭裡面,柔媚的陽光和整潔的裝飾,色度和人物表情配合的恰到好處。似乎對於人們來說,能夠看到萬年不化的達西式笑容可以說是一件值得驕傲的事情,兩個人的交流也逐漸變得更加真誠而自然。The Fifth can be described as good start. While visiting the Darcy』s residence, in contrast to the misunderstandings of the past, Elizabeth saw the side of his life, the long avenue, the clear lake, and the tall and spacious castle, displaying with some religious murals and exquisite graceful-curved personal sculpture, and unique to Darcy himself vivid statues, lovesickness is just like this scene. Of course, the most pleasant surprise was that two people met again. Naturally, it』s unavoidable to ask such a short greetings to finish this embarrassing encounter. In casual conversation, they still revealed their concerns and expectations for their habits and life. In close-up, gentle sunshine and clean decoration, color and character expression are just perfect. It seemed to be a proud thing for people to see the Darcy-style smile that was not changing for thousands of years. The communication between the two people became more sincere and natural.得益於兩座尖銳冰山的交融,生活正在逐漸變得更加美好,畫面也逐漸地轉變為兩個男人商量著應當如何幫助對方找到真愛,焦躁,不適,緊張,出汗... 細緻到應該用什麼樣的言辭,應該保持怎樣的禮儀,要怎麼稱呼,要怎樣交談,當然了還有適當的對話練習,這些事情可能是有史以來男人們一生之中最為考驗和期待的樂事了。從這一刻起,故事情節終於走上了我們所一貫熟悉的追求者之旅。所以說有時候愛情來的太快就像龍捲風,歷經坎坷的大女兒珍終於獲得了自己的幸福。Thanks to a thaw for the two icebergs, life was becoming more beautiful, the picture was gradually changing for the two men to discuss how to help each other to find true love, anxiety, discomfort, nervousness, sweating... Carefully to think over about the use of what kind of words should be and what kind of manners, and how to call and how to talk, of course they had several proper practices, all these things may be the history of the men in their lives to experience the most fun and looked forward to the test. From this moment, the storyline was finally on the journey we have always been familiar with. So sometimes love comes too fast like a tornado, and the biggest daughter, Jane, finally got her own happiness.
愛情是黑洞,是黑箱,是海森堡不確定性。任何曾經試圖通過一系列的假設和原則來解析這一情感和身理生化反應的方法和過程,大多總是不可避免的困擾於外部參考信息的低效率處理,比如對達西從一段情感投入不對稱的關係當中拯救好友檳格利先生的誤解,比如軍士維克漢姆先生通過陳述過去的部分事件而有意隱藏真實情況的欺騙性誘導,以營造己方弱勢地位的手段試圖干擾伊麗莎白對達西個人人品的客觀判斷,這便是典型的信息不透明;Love is a black hole, a black box, and a Heisenberg"s uncertainty. Anyone who has ever tried to process through a series of assumptions and principles to analyze the emotions and physical and biochemical reactions, are inevitably blocked by the inefficiency of endless information, such as the relationship which Darcy saved for his friend from an unbalanced reaction, and take the behavior of deliberately hiding the truth for example, the Sergeant Mr.Wickham induced by stating some events of the past, to create his own weak position of objective judgement, trying to disrupt Elizabeth』s views on Darcy』s character, which is typical of the information opacity.
In addition, there are from the thoughts of natural dialogue between the two sides, like conflicts and contradictions in the value judgment of logic and language understanding, which in turn contains the difference of family education, environment and cognitive structure, with the formation of others and of their own self-confidence and doubts, even if, constantly that enlarges the suspicion chain into a heavy mental shackles, also lost the original sensitive sharp judgment. People often make efforts to the half, but do not know that the proper torment will bring people the space to think, and make people different from others around.過度標榜自信和對個人信條的偏執,從來不肯輕易的低頭,如同「傲慢」與「偏見」,就彷彿兩把利刃時刻割裂著情感上的包容與尊重。
Too much principles and insisting on self-belief are so strong. It is never easy to bow. As arrogance and prejudice, it"s as if two edges cut apart emotional tolerance and respect.男主角達西那種不冷不熱、略顯冷漠的面部表情和出口即是諷刺與批判的腔調,女主人公伊麗莎白身上所隱含著的自立與剛強,凸顯著喜怒分明的稜角——一個是嚴謹的,好於沉默、不喜歡解釋緣由,不懼怕流言蜚語,另一個則是天生叛逆、性情活潑,熱衷於探尋事實的真相,總好奇世事的變化多端; The leading actor Darcy, was slightly cold being neither hot nor various facial expressions, and what he spoke is always the satire and criticism of the tone, and the clues to Elizabeth had implied independence and boldness, and highlighted the angular——one is rigorous, silent, does not like to explain why, not afraid of rumors and tale, and the another is rebellious, with lively temperament, and keen to explore the truth, wondering the most changeable world;還有身材矮小、不受待見的柯林斯先生,為了教職的名位和身份而不得不尷尬地奔波在舞廳的人潮中來尋找一位恰當的未來伴侶,還有受制於鄉俗舊禮的大女兒凱蒂小姐,即便發現了中意的彬格利先生,卻因為在自我情感表現上的些許懦弱、羞怯與被動而坐等痛失原本美好的愛情追求,甚至將其歸結於所謂的階層宿命論等等,看到這些陰差陽錯,不禁讓人嘀笑皆非,為之扼腕!And the unpopular Mr. Collins, for the faculty of rank and identity embarrassing rushing in the ballroom in the crowd, just wanted to find a suitable partner in the future, moreover, being limited to the Customs, the biggest daughter Ms.Katie, even if she found herself like Mr.Bingley, but because of the poor performance of expressing her inner feelings, shy and passive, and waiting for the loss , an original beautiful pursuit of love, even will be misled by the so-called class of fatalism and so on.seeing these people can not help but see a strange combination of circumstances, what a pity for those missed lovers!
All of the above is to express an old point of view: love needs practice, needs the relaying for both sides, and it needs a little bit of accumulation. Because the initial emotional throb is very easy, but trying to maintain this congenial move is very difficult, as the film indirectly implied through the characters by the view from God, saying that if without sides』 proper encouragement, who dare fall in true love regardless of countless dangers, this sentence can be regarded to use in the textbook Level. (so it"s important to say that EQ is very critical!)至於女主人公麗茲的幸福,那種格格不入於同時代的小女兒姿態,過早覺醒而成熟的性格一樣會帶給人迷茫和掙扎。
天真爛漫式地抱有著對愛情自由的憧憬與渴望,甚至敢於在骨感的現實面前展露出自己的利爪;她有著社會底層的自卑感,也會因為他人的道聽途說而作出錯誤的判斷,她的品格並不是絕對地完美,她的見識也並非多麼的廣博;同樣地具有虛榮心,也同樣在乎別人的讚美和批判,她的傲慢和偏見讓自己跳脫出了平庸的女性身份,卻也正是這種傲慢和偏見給自己帶來了無窮無盡的麻煩和困擾。As for the happiness of Lizzy, the gesture that does not fit in that age, the character of awakening maturity will bring people confusion and struggle.To have a vision of naivete and longing for love and freedom, and even in front of the skinny reality to reveal her claws; she has a lower social inferiority, also because of the hearsay and others she might make wrong judgments, her character is not absolutely perfect, her experience is not so extensive; and she cares about other people"s praise and criticism as well, her pride and prejudice make her escape form the mediocre female identity, but it is also the kind of pride and Prejudice bringing her trouble and distress to the like..對於伊麗莎白,那種極為複雜的矛盾性格,夾雜著自我天性的傲慢、對世俗的鄙夷和對現實的叛逆而又無力。而對於這種矛盾,也只有達西的深情告白能夠再次為可能的突破點。因為表面的傲慢,兩人彼此分離,因為內心的堅持,兩人終成眷屬。正如麗茲坦言道「他和我太像,我們都很固執」,現在看來,這一對同樣固執、同樣驕傲、同樣堅持自我的人,兩個人如此相像,倒真是天作之合的般配。For Elizabeth, the very complex character of contradiction is mixed with the arrogance of self nature, the disdain of the worldly and the rebellion against the reality. But for this kind of contradiction, only Darcy"s deep confession can be a possible breakthrough. Because of the surface of arrogance, two people separated from each other, because of the heart"s insistence, two people got married. As Lizzy said that we are alike too much, and we are very stubborn. Now it seems that the same stubbornness and equal pride, insisting for themselves, two people so alike, really deserved to be a heaven-made match.最後定格回影片本身,最令人印象深刻的兩個鏡頭莫過於,一個是伊麗莎白單純樂觀又好似狡黠聰慧的莞爾一笑,還有就是達西先生嚴肅又顯一絲木訥的凝視目光,兩者都是純粹的,也都是誠摯的。The final impression back to the film itself, two shots of the most impressive things, that one is lovely and innocent Elizabeth smiling softly, with a crafty hint of wit, and the another is Mr.Darcy』s serious stare, looking a litter dull, both of which are pure, and are sincere.