

補充一句 你乘坐中國的民航就遵守中國的規定。

另外再補充一句 不要糾結題目問的民航法 請你們先了解下:法律法規文件涵蓋了國家法律、政府行政法規、部委規章。

《中國民用航空總局令》還真屬於法律法規 是具有法律效益的呢。

至於那些說開機沒影響 確實有的國家規定是保持飛行模式就可以。但你乘坐哪個國家的航空器 就要遵守哪個國家的規章制度。就像你生活在大天朝 殺人得償命 你非拿法國還是挪威法律來說沒有死刑?合理么?

無論飛行模式甚至開機是否會對航空器安全造成影響 現行法律法規是這樣規定的 (有一說新法規做了修改了)在此之前還請配合!!



Mobile phones on aircraft

our research has found that these items can interrupt the normal operation of key cockpit instruments, especially Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, which are increasingly vital to safe landings. Two different studies by NASA further support the idea that passengers" electronic devices dangerously produce interference in a way that reduces the safety margins for critical avionics systems.

There is no smoking gun to this story: there isno definitive instance of an air accident known to have been caused by a passenger"s use of an electronic device. Nonetheless, although it is impossible to say that such use has contributed to air accidents in the past, the data also make it impossible to rule it out completely. More importantly, the data support a conclusion that continued use of portable RF-emitting devices such as cell phones will, in all likelihood, someday cause an accident by interfering with critical cockpit instruments such as GPS receivers. This much is certain: there exists a greater potential for problems than was previously believed.

On October 31, 2013 the FAA issued a press release entitled "FAA to Allow Airlines to Expand Use of Personal Electronics"


in which it announced that "airlines can safely expand passenger use of Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) during all phases of flight." This new policy does not include cell phone use in flight, because, as the press release states, "The FAA did not consider changing the regulations regarding the use of cell phones for voice communications during flight because the issue is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)."

This FAA press release was quickly followed up by an FCC press release entitled "Chairman Wheeler Statement on In-Flight Mobile Services Proposal"


in which FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler states, "modern technologies can deliver mobile services in the air safely and reliably, and the time is right to review our outdated and restrictive rules." This has led to media speculation


that the use of cell phones for voice communication on board an aircraft in flight will soon be allowed.

Some airlines have installed technologies to allow phones to be connected within the airplane as it flies.Such systems were tested on scheduled flights from 2006 and in 2008 several airlines started to allow in-flight use of mobile phones.


Some airlines that are installing the equipment are also considering the issue of "phone-free zones" and "quiet time" on long flights.

[citation needed]

Status of specific regions and individual airlines[edit]Emirates Airline

On 20 March 2008, Emirates Airline flights began allowing in-flight voice calls on some commercial airline flights.


European services

AeroMobile and OnAir allow the use of personal electronics devices aboard flights. The services are most readily available in Europe and are licensed to specific airlines.




Since 26 August 2014 Qantas permits mobile phones (and other portable electronic devices weighing less than 1 kg) to be switched on during the entire flight, if the devices are in flight mode while on board the aircraft.



Jetstar (owned by Qantas) adopted the same arrangements on 30 August 2014.



On 30 August 2006 the Irish airline Ryanair announced that it would introduce a facility to allow passengers to use their mobile phones in-flight.


This service started on 19 February 2009 with 20 of their Dublin based aircraft.


Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines" stated position is that "Mobile phones interfere with the flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety."


Mobile phones on corporate jets

Dassault Aviation implemented a new concept designated SafeCell on 2 April 2009 when the Falcon 2000 commenced flying.


United Kingdom

On 18 October 2007 the Office of Communications published proposals


for the technical and authorisational approach that would be adopted to allow this for European GSM users on the 1800 MHz band on UK registered aircraft.


and on 26 March 2008 Ofcom approved the use of mobile phone-supporting picocells aboard aircraft in the United Kingdom. Airline companies will have to first equip the aircraft with picocells and apply for licences.



Regulations and practice in the United States[edit]

To prevent disruption to the cellular phone network from the effects of fast-moving cell phones at altitude (see Technical discussion, below), the FCC has banned the use of mobile phones on all aircraft in flight.


The FCC did, however, allocate spectrum in the 450 MHz and 800 MHz frequency bands for use by equipment designed and tested as "safe for air-to-ground service" and these systems use far more widely separated ground stations than standard cellular systems. In the 450 MHz band co-channel assignments are at least 497 miles apart and in the 800 MHz band only specific sites were authorized by the FCC. The 450 MHz service is limited to "general aviation" users, usually corporate jets, while the 800 MHz spectrum can be used by airliners as well as for general aviation. The 450 MHz spectrum is named AGRAS while the name of the 800 MHz service is under review following an auction of the spectrum in 2006.

[citation needed]

The FAA in 14 C.F.R § 91.21 prohibits the use of portable electronic devices, including mobile phones, for all commercial flights and for those private flights being made under instrument flight rules (IFR). It does allow that the airline (or, for privately operated aircraft, the pilot) can make an exception to this rule if the operator deems that device safe. This effectively gives the airline, or the private pilot, the final word as to what devices may safely be used aboard an aircraft as far as the FAA is concerned although the FCC restriction still applies.


  • Note that for aircraft operated by an airline the pilot is not considered the "operator" and cannot legally allow exceptions to the airline"s restrictions although the pilot may dictate additional restrictions.

On February 11, 2014, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure approved the Prohibiting In-Flight Voice Communications on Mobile Wireless Devices Act. The bill would forbid airline passengers from talking on mobile phones during a flight.


In September 2014, bipartisan group of lawmakers opposed the FCC ending ban on mobile phones aboard, citing safety as one of the main concerns.






















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