How to become a youkai?

I want to live in Gensokyo without getting killed by the dangerous youkais

Don"t do this. If you really have became a youkai, you"ll get killed by Hakurei Reimu or Kirisame Marisa. The best choice is to put on a sin pocket and live with Yukari. You"ll get protection and slavery.Or you may prepare some spell cards.

Put on black-framed glasses, lift your belt higher, and recite some poems. You can also go to criticize Shameimaru Aya. This way, you can not only become a youkai(?), but also learn precious life experiences, and might be able to become the man/woman that changed Gensokyo.

Reimu, who wears red, stands no chance against you.

The only downside is that time might go faster for you, but there is also a chance that your lifespan increases. This, however, depends not only on your personal efforts, but also the progress of history.

Oh, and Suwako might want to kill you as well. Watch your back.

---An Experienced Elder


Don"t try at home, or a certain agency might invite you over for tea.

As the secretary of the human village of Gensokyu,I would like to send some experience as an older.

As a normal person live in Gensokyu, you should learn how to survive under the threat of youkai.I recommend my book to you ,which are the Perfect Memento in Strict Scene and Symposium of Post-mysticism. In my book you can learn how to live as a normal person under peace.This is also the duty of our the Hiedas.

There"s a discipline you must keep in heart , the youkai is the enemy of human villagers.No one can deny that.No one can question that.No one can shake it.

If you still want to become a youkai ,please remember that Reimu is watching you.

Reimu would kill the ones who became a youkai, but if you really what to live in Gensokyo, you can try other ways like what Huo Qinge and Ibaraki Kasen did. Maybe it"s a safe way to be powerful and immortal.


dude its so dangerous if you become a youkai from a man, you will be killed by Reime for sure.its the rule for the people in Gensokyo.



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