

最近剛剛搬家,新居 3G 和 GPS 信號不是很好,經常定位不成功。遂只得使用無線路由器定位。然而頭痛的是,無論我如何重置,路由器中的原地理位置信息仍然無法清除。




在蘋果官網論壇的幫助區里,有這樣一個帖子:After moving router, WiFi iPad shows...: Apple Support Communities

帖主遇到的問題是,搬家後,一個 iPad 在 WiFi 下定位總是顯示原地理位置,而 iPhone 則無此問題。


Your iPhone shows the correct location because it includes a GPS receiver that makes use of A-GPS or assisted GPS. The assisted part uses location data available with connected cell phone towers and/or with an available wi-fi network with the location of the associated wireless router"s MAC address that has been recorded/registered to help speed up the initial GPS acquisition from a cold start.

The wi-fi only iPad does not have a GPS receiver nor a cellular data connection. It is relying on the recorded location of the router"s MAC address for location services.

Apple formally used Skyhook"s service for this. Skyhook includes an option at their website to register the location for your router"s MAC address with their database for location services.

Skyhook: How It Works

Note: User submitted data is processed immediately by Skyhook. For most devices, this will mean you should immediately see the difference in your location. If you are moving an existing access point in our system, it may take up to 7 days for the new location to take effect on the device. Depending on the update frequency of our partners, data entered here can take up to 7 days to be included in their results.

I"ve read that Apple switched from using Skyhook"s system for this to their own, but I don"t know how this is updated in Apple"s new system. A problem with this is it came under big time scrutiny not long ago in regards to privacy concerns. Google acquired this from available wi-fi routers while updating their street view maps - without anyone"s knowledge or permission. Not sure if Google was fined but Apple came under some scrutiny as well.

Point being, Google was "clever" and got into some trouble over this. If this is being done automatically with Apple"s new system for this, it may take several days or longer for the new location for your router"s MAC address to be updated.

如果你懶得讀的話,我就簡單的總結一下,如果你搬了家,發現 WiFi 定位在原地址,那麼就去這個網站(Skyhook: How It Works)更新下你的 WiFi 信息。你需要用到你的路由器的 MAC 地址,還有你得自己能從地圖上認得出自己家在那個位置上,如果你知道你自己的精確經緯度,那就更好了。

值得注意的是,如果你的 WiFi 以前未被 Skyhook 採集過地理信息,即你使用 WiFi 定位時,顯示的是無法定位而不是定位不準確,那麼你剛剛提交的數據會被立即使用。但是如果你的 WiFi 已經被採集過地理位置信息,那麼你剛剛提交的數據將在一周內被採用,這取決於 Skyhook 的辦事效率。

據說現在蘋果已經採用自己的 WiFi 定位系統,所以請不要仰仗這一個方法來準確定位你的 WiFi,剛剛的帖子里有人選擇的方法是等待,希望來一個「自動」升級,但他/她這一等可就是一個月。







TAG:Wi-Fi | 無線網路 | 路由器 | 計算機網路 | 定位地理 |