本次遊行讓人 人心惶惶
但是 需要說明的是 非常幸運 伯克利校園及生活區未受太大影響 本次遊行前當地警方控制十分嚴格 各種封路 限制遊行範圍 還有…這事兒和UC Berkeley as a college真的沒關係…只是發生在Berkeley as a city的事件…
How to speak 平成廢宅 in English? Antifa!他們不過是比平成廢宅和大腸花廢物更好動一點。
1. 國會眾議院少數黨領袖,民主黨資深議員Nancy Pelosi周二發表聲明,譴責Antifa組織的暴行:- "Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts."
- "The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted."
註:Nancy Pelosi代表之選區為加州第12區,在San Francisco County之內,毗鄰Berkeley。
Pelosi condemns 『violent actions』 of antifa protesters
2. Berkeley市長,拉美裔民主黨人Jesse Arreguin周一接受電視台採訪時稱Antifa是『犯罪團伙』(a gang):
- "I think we should classify them as a gang. They come dressed in uniforms, they have weapons."
- "I think we need to think about that in terms of our law enforcement approach"
Berkeley Mayor: We Should Classify Antifa 『As A Gang』
3. 弗吉尼亞州州長,民主黨人Terry McAuliffe接受採訪時批評了騷亂事件(包括發生在Berkeley與Charlottesville的)中『多方面的』暴力行為,但拒絕點名Antifa:
- "Here』s what I do as governor, I denounce any individual who commits a crime, who commits violence on our citizens. We will get you, and we will arrest you, plain and simple. I don』t care what the group is."
When Asked to Denounce Antifa, Gov. Terry McAuliffe Denounces Violence on Many Sides
4. MSNBC新聞節目Morning Joe主持人Joe Scarborough在28日的節目中痛批Antifa:
- "Who is running Berkeley and why can"t they protect free speech?"
- "This sort of thuggery going on in your streets, on your college campuses, is an absolute disgrace."
Antifa Violence Finally Covered on MSNBC
5. Washington Post華盛頓郵報專欄文章分析稱Antifa和Neo-Nazis新納粹組織在道德方面無差:
- "Both practice violence and preach hate. They are morally indistinguishable. There is no difference between those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Hitler and Himmler and those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Stalin and Dzerzhinsky."
注1:本文作者Marc Thiessen是共和黨人,專欄作家,曾擔任小布希總統演講撰稿人。
注2:該文收穫了大量負面評論,點贊最多的包括:Opinion | Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis
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