最簡單的例子比如Normal distribution,X_1, X_2分別滿足某個參數的Normal Distribution, 那麼顯然a*X_1 + b*X_2也還是一個Normal Distribution。 所以Normal Distribution就是一個stable distribution。Stable distribution並不是特別多,有名的除了Normal 還有Cauchy Distribution和Levy Distribution。世界上有那麼多分布,為什麼穩定分布如此重要呢。來舉個例子,比如這是我們學校物理系的Yakovenko一篇論文里的圖,他研究了一下英美收入人群的比例,發現這個分布的尾端是滿足power law的,而中間呢卻滿足Boltzmann Gibbs分布(也就是數學家說的指數分布),於是就會想到統計物理的粒子的問題,於是開開心心的發了一篇文章
但是在實際生活中,經濟學家應用更多的是stable distribution
比如著名的曼德博就用stable distribution研究棉花的價格,Boston University的Stanely也用levy distribution研究過標準普而指數。為什麼Stable distribution如此常見呢,直到我上學期才大約自己想明白這個問題。
我們都知道簡單的中心極限定理,當數量很大的一堆iid放在一起,最後就趨近於Normal Distribution。但是一個問題是,如果這些iid的方差是發散的,那麼我們沒辦法輕鬆愉快的應用CLT所以就有了廣義中心極限定理,而廣義中心極限定理的結果就是stable分布。
Model the heavy tailed distribution...
The most interesting example is the Lévy flight, a kind of random walk. I once read a paper using Levy flight to do heuristic optimization, as the levy flight allows some big jumps when searching for the optimal value. This could help us find the global optimal solution and avoid being trapped in some local optimal value.
There is another example as Cauchy distribution is a member of the alpha-Stable distribution in the stochastic limit theory.
You could also check that the well known student t distribution with degree of freedom 1 is just a Cauchy distribution. In addition, non-central t distribution also follows a Cauchy distribution with a different location parameter...However, the t distribution with dof 1 is useless...
In general, I do not think the Cauchy distribution could be very useful. This distribution is ,somehow, too pathological....The tail of Cauchy distribution is too heavy for the real applications... I think that Cauchy distribution is just like Cantor set or Dirichlet function which serve as some interesting/intuitive examples in mathematics
※如果要求用 100 個問題隨機猜詞,只能回答「是」或「否」,是否可以猜出世界上所有名詞?
※設 a,b,c∈R,已知 a>b,b>c,如何證明 a>c?
※十二個題 從裡面抽六個題出卷子 概率題 我男朋友對不對?