為什麼 Google+ 中的信息流只有 +1 而沒有 -1 的按鈕,以後會有嗎?











既然是 反對,那麼何不在評論中寫上 為什麼反對的理由呢?


認可就按+1,不認可也不要設置一個 -1 去打擊別人的積極性嘛

-1 也容易讓人人為地去搞破壞




我覺得這個問題和 Facebook 為什麼沒有 Dislike 按鈕是相似的,Quora 上有這一問題的答案。http://www.quora.com/Would-Facebook-ever-add-a-Dislike-button-Why-or-why-not?q=facebook+unlike


Brittany Darwell, Facebooking is in my job description.

5 votes by Chase Darwell, Mike Madden, Murtaza Ali Akbar, (more)

The amount of information gained by a dislike button will outweigh what I see as exaggerated potential disadvantages.

First, what are the benefits of a dislike button?

Good for users

Facebook like and dislike would become a simplified rating system for all products, places and media across the web.

This is good for people who will increasingly make decisions based on recommendations from their social network. As it is now, when go to Yelp or Netflix or Amazon, I might see that a few of my friends like a restaurant, movie or product, but what does the absence of likes mean? Does it mean my friends dislike it, feel neutral about it, or that they are unaware of it? Dislike adds another category without overcomplicating the system, which would prevent people from responding at all.

Good for Facebook

Knowing what people do not like gives Facebook even more information to leverage in unique ways. I see a dislike button as one more advantage Facebook would have over Google in both search and ads.

A dislike button would also increase engagement on Facebook and connecting sites.

Good for Brands

Facebook ads are great because you can target people based on declared likes and interests. Imagine the possibilities for advertising to people who have declared dislikes. You could serve unique ads to change their minds about a product or you could pitch a competitor.

Facebook has been revolutionary for brands because it creates a direct line of communication with fans. A dislike button would connect brands to people who don』t like the brand or a particular product. Think about what you could learn from these people. Wouldn』t it improve products and services?

Now, thoughts on the main arguments against a dislike button:

Dislike will make Facebook hostile

People overwhelmingly use Facebook to connect with people they know. Just because a dislike button exists, doesn』t mean people will start giving thumbs down to their friends』 shared items. In fact, you might think twice about being negative at all if you knew your friends would see it.

Either way, I don』t see people being bothered much by the dislike button. YouTube has a like and dislike, and though the anonymous comments occasionally get vicious, it has little effect on overall use of the site.

Dislike isn』t social

Mashable founder Pete Cashmore recently wrote, 「While Like buttons connect Facebook users to their interests, Dislike buttons serve no such purpose. Like buttons are about connection; Dislike buttons are about division.」

However, millions of people have already joined Facebook groups and pages about things they dislike. Do a search for 『I hate』 or 『sucks,』 and see that people doconnect based on common dislikes.




Google+ 上面有哪些值得關注的人?

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