

有,不過主要的更新應該都是修正技術上或者字形上的各類 bug, 而沒有對設計進行過更改。

最顯著的更新,應該是在 Windows 8.1 中加入了微軟雅黑 Light. 而這個字重實質上是方正蘭亭纖黑和 Segoe UI Light 組合而成的,字形和微軟雅黑有些許的不同。



Evolving the Microsoft Yahei Font:

As our Insiders from China likely know, Microsoft Yahei is the font we use to display Windows UI text in the Chinese (Simplified) language. We』ve heard your feedback, and with this build we』re updating this font to improve the legibility, symmetry and appearance.

Notable improvements include:

We』ve added three additional weights for Microsoft Yahei: Semilight, Semibold and Heavy. The additional weights will be installed by default in ZH-CN builds, and available as an optional feature to download for non-ZH-CN builds.

We』ve scaled the glyphs to improve inter-character spacing. This makes reading easier and increases character recognition.

We』ve tuned the fonts with our new hinting algorithm so that the glyphs will be less jagged at small sizes.

We』ve redesigned all punctuations and symbols in the new fonts per customer feedback.

If you use this display language, we would really appreciate you keeping a close eye on how the display font looks with this build, and logging feedback to share your thoughts.


中文 typography 是否有 modern 和 contemporary 的時期之分?若有,應該如何界定?

TAG:字體 | 微軟Microsoft | 微軟雅黑 | Windows8 |