Richard Stallman 為什麼用龍芯處理器的龍夢電腦?
I stopped using the OLPC because the OLPC project made their machine act as a platform for running Windows. Now I use a Lemote machine which has a free startup program and all free software. Since the processor is a variant of MIPS, Windows does not support it.
I am using a Lemote Yeelong, a netbook with a Loongson chip and a 9-inch display. This is my only computer, and I use it all the time. I chose it because I can run it with 100% free software even at the BIOS level.I would ideally like to have a machine with the speed and memory of a laptop, and the display size of a laptop too, combined with the same freedom that I have now on the Yeelong.
Until I can have them both, freedom is my priority. I』ve campaigned for freedom since 1983, and I am not going to surrender that freedom for the sake of a more convenient computer.
I do hope to switch soon to a newer model of Yeelong with a 10-inch display.
然而現實世界中, Intel ME 卻真應驗了 RMS 當年提及的那種潛在隱患。
在 2013 年 龍芯 2f 進行促銷的時候,我還發郵件詢問他是否得知這一消息,因為在那之前我從新聞了解到他的龍芯筆記本在南美某次演講之後被盜了。
Reasons not to use IntelDon"t use Intel processors newer than Core2, because they have the "management engine" back door and no one can shut it off.
Here is more information about this back door.
Richard Stallman的個人網站上寫明了為什麼不用intel處理器的電腦,因為硬體層植入了後門而且關不掉。2006年以後的全部平台intel晶元(移動端,主機端,伺服器端)都含有這種後門。
Sb!在中國理想主義者能贏!Richard Stallman是院士!
Richard Stallman:我家的智能馬桶從主板IC設計到操作系統都是GNU自由軟體!如果我的智能馬桶蓋上用到了任何商業的(非開源的)代碼,我就拉不出屎來。
說句難聽的,我覺得Richard Stallman這樣的偏執狂跟孔乙己和堂吉柯德沒有區別,可憐的理想主義者。這個人很狂熱。對不贊同他的極端思想的同行抱有深深的敵意。話說,這個邪教頭為什麼不讓他的父母給他DNA信息讓他自由的創造自己,按照他的理念,他一出生就是閉源的,他不是個自由人。
TAG:自由軟體 | 理查德·斯托曼RichardStallman | 龍芯 |