




  1. 鵝媽媽童謠vs黑童話


  2. 鵝媽媽是一個作者嗎?

    鵝媽媽是翻譯過來的,英國的童謠叫做 nursery rhymes 而鵝媽媽( Mother Goose )是指英國鄉村婦女,美國人就叫童謠mother goose.而童謠的年代很久遠, 現在有很多本Mother Goose童謠( 我認為最早的就是18世紀的,在那之後出現的就認為是後來再出現的啦 ).至於baidu百科( 其實這頁百科寫得不錯 只是有一點點錯 鵝媽媽童謠版本不唯一 英文出版物裡面有很多不同年代不同編者的,有些童謠被改編出很多版本 額~還有別的問題就看下面啦 )裡面的那張The Real Mother Goose 電子書請戳,這本書就是一般我們看到的鵝媽媽了,不過這本其實是1916年才出版的.

  3. 鵝媽媽=黑童謠?

    不知道什麼時候開始網路上開始有很多鵝媽媽童謠的相關搜索項,然後只有一些看起來比較黑暗的童謠.這絕對是斷章取義啊.既然我們在研究的是外國童謠,那麼我們就應該去問外國人而不是問中國人,所以我們應該在英文網頁上找答案( 請戳上面幾個鏈接 ).鵝媽媽童謠是非常非常多的,童謠裡面的故事也是形形色色各種各樣的,但是童謠裡面的內容大體都非常可愛啊~雖然也有比較黑暗的,但是也不是像中文聽起來那樣啦,中國人跟老外觀念不同,笑點也不同啦,

然後來看幾條網路上搜索的比較多的吧~(說得這麼輕鬆愉快讓你們完全感覺不到我是看了 (大概起碼) 7、8個鐘啦~所以快給我點個贊啦 )

  • My mother has killed me

    My mother has killed me

    My father is eating me,

    My brothers and sisters sit under the table,

    Picking up my bones,

    And they bury them under the cold marble stones.

    baidu搜索裡面出現的以及很多人在動畫裡面聽過的,我完全沒有在英文網頁里看到. 我不知道它的具體來源到底是什麼,但是應該不是鵝媽媽里出現的.
  • Who killed Cock Robin?:Cock Robin

    Who killed Cock Robin?

    I,said the Sparrow,

    With my bow and arrow,

    I killed Cock Robin.

    Who saw him die?

    I,said the Fly.

    With my little eye,

    I saw him die.

    Who caught his blood?

    I,said the Fish,

    With my little dish,

    I caught his blood.

    Who"ll make his shroud?

    I,said the Beetle,

    With my thread and needle,

    I"ll make the shroud.

    Who"ll dig his grave?

    I,said the Owl,

    With my pick and shovel,

    I"ll dig his grave.

    Who"ll be the parson?

    I,said the Rook,

    With my little book,

    I"ll be the parson.

    Who"ll be the clerk?

    I,said the Lark,

    If it"s not in the dark,

    I"ll be the clerk.

    Who"ll carry the link?

    I,said the Linnet,

    I"ll fetch it in a minute,

    I"ll carry the link.

    Who"ll be chief mourner?

    I,said the Dove,

    I mourn for my love,

    I"ll be chief mourner.

    Who"ll carry the coffin?

    I,said the Kite,

    If it"s not through the night,

    I"ll carry the coffin.

    Who"ll bear the pall?

    We,said the Wren,

    Both the cock and the hen,

    We"ll bear the pall.

    Who"ll sing a psalm?

    I,said the Thrush,

    As she sat on a bush,

    I"ll sing a psalm.

    Who"ll toll the bell?

    I,said the Bull,

    Because I can pull,

    So Cock Robin,farewell.

    All the birds of the air

    Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,

    When they heard the bell toll

    For poor Cock Robin.


    To all it concerns,

    This notice apprises,

    The Sparrow"s for trial,

    At next bird assizes.

    這是baidu百科上的版本實際上是沒有最後的NOTICE的,而且這也不是鵝媽媽,這是 Tommy Thumb"s Pretty Song Book 上的所以不是鵝媽媽刪除了這部分內容,是本來就沒有記,雖然年代跟比較早期的鵝媽媽是一樣的(18世紀) 但是其實這首童謠是更早期出現的(16世紀),只是到了1744年才有正式出版物寫下.

  • Ten little nigger boys went out to dine:Ten Little Indians

    Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;

    One choked his little self,and then there were nine.

    Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;

    One overslept himself,and then there were eight.

    Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon;

    One said he"d stay there,and then there were seven.

    Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks;

    One chopped himself in half,and then there were six.

    Six little nigger boys playing with a hive;

    A bumble-bee stung one,and then there were five.

    Five little nigger boys going in for law;

    One got in chancery,and then there were four.

    Four little nigger boys going out to sea;

    A red herring swallowed one,and then there were three.

    Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo;

    A big bear bugged one,and then there were two.

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun;

    One got frizzled up,and then there was one.

    One little nigger boy living all alone;

    He went and hanged himself,and then there were none.


    One little, two little, three little Indians

    Four little, five little, six little Indians

    Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians

    Ten little Indian boys.

    Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians

    Seven little, six little, five little Indians

    Four little, three little, two little Indians

    One little Indian boy


  • Lizzie Borden took an axe:Lizzie Borden

    Lizzie Borden took an axe,

    and gave her mother forty whacks.

    When she saw what she had done,

    she gave her father forty-one.

    這個也不是鵝媽媽,是19世紀才發生的一宗慘案( 一個女人的父母被砍死了,但是女人並沒有被當作兇手抓起來,當時的陪審團認為她不是兇手 ),然後它是skipping-rope rhyme,就是發生了一件很轟動的事情,然後小朋友跳繩的時候就唱出來.( 就是 白鬍子~白鬍子~鬼一樣可怕~~一樣的... )

  • There was a crooked man:There Was a Crooked Man

    There was a crooked man,and he walked a crooked mile,

    He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;

    He bought a crooked cat,which caught a crooked mouse,

    And they all lived together in a little crooked house.


  • Three blind mice:Three Blind Mice

    Three blind mice! See how they run!

    They all ran after the farmer"s wife,

    Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.

    Did you ever see such a thing in your life

    As three blind mice!


    Three Blinde Mice,

    Three Blinde Mice,

    Dame Iulian,

    Dame Iulian,

    the Miller and his merry olde Wife,

    she scrapte her tripe licke thou the knife.


  • Sing A Song of Sixpence:Sing a Song of Sixpence

    Sing a song of sixpence,

    A pocket full of rye;

    Four-and-twenty blackbirds

    Baked in a pie!

    When the pie was opened

    The birds began to sing;

    Was not that a dainty dish

    To set before the king?

    The king was in his counting-house,

    Counting out his money;

    The queen was in the parlor,

    Eating bread and honey.

    The maid was in the garden,

    Hanging out the clothes;

    When down came a blackbird

    And snapped off her nose.




不要黑化歐洲童話童謠了啦~黑化的是成年人,所以原問題的現代意義什麼的,其實就是哄小朋友睡覺的童謠而已( 有一些是小朋友在玩的時候唱得童謠,跳繩啊什麼的 ),也不是什麼鬼怪傳說.真要說可以旁敲一下當時的社會環境研究人文歷史什麼的話...也可以啦~

資料都盡量提供鏈接了,因為鵝媽媽童謠故事是來自英國的( 其實德國和法國也參和了很多腳 ),所以其實所有的資料都是來源英文wiki.( 如果有興趣的話來跟我討論吧~~我非常喜歡這些古老的童謠和童話故事~~我有很多電子書的網址喲~ )其實並不難找,只是網路上的搜索結果都是用中文在中文網站上搜索,一個傳一個,把故事都說變了味.



鵝媽媽童謠——從來沒有血腥或恐怖 (2010-01-04 15:06:19)




我看到很多人把一些邪惡小童謠說成是鵝媽媽的。這些小童謠非常冷靜地描寫了一些暴力事件,所以看著還是很驚悚的。比如MY MOTHER HAS KILLED ME, LIZZIE BORDEN, WHEN GOOD KING ARTHUR RULED THIS LAND, ETC.這些小童謠已得到到很多人的好評,沒聽說過但有興趣的可以自己搜索看一下。

我不敢說自己是這方面的專家,但是這些小童謠沒有出現在我見過的任何一本鵝媽媽的集子里。有人因為鵝媽媽如此讓他們激動,而到處找所謂的「未刪節本」或「全本全集」,這是很奇怪的。這些童謠本來就是各種人們搜集的,作為Nursery Rhymes出版,是無所謂刪節或全本的……我見過的THE COMPLETE MOTHER GOOSE(New York.Frederick A. Stokes Compacny),THE REAL MOTHER GOOSE(RAND MCNALLY CO.CHICAGO),DENSLOW"S MOTHER GOOSE, FAVORITE RHYMES OF MOTHER GOOSE以及THE ORIGINAL MOTHER GOOSE"S MELODY 等,往往內容選取上都不一樣……但即使最全面的集子也不會有前面提到的三個童謠

當然像Solomon Grundy和There Was A Crooked Man還是有的,大名鼎鼎的Who killed Cock Robin?也有(但是沒有一些人寫的最後那個Notice);而被阿加莎克里斯蒂採用為標題的TEN NIGGERS(美國1940年版改為《無人生還》)《十個小黑人》原來是TEN LITTLE INDIANS,1868年一個叫Septimus Winner 的人創作的,一開始寫作10 Little Injuns,1869年被改編為(可能是被一個叫J. Green的人)Ten Litlle Niggers,在歐洲廣泛流傳;因此對於這童謠出自於鵝媽媽的說法我深表懷疑……至於Lizzie Borden took an axe這首(見附),是Lizzie Borden 案件發生後,流傳開來的一個jump-rope rhyme;不能說是鵝媽媽里的。




Lizzie Borden took an axe

And gave her mother forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done

She gave her father forty-one.



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