
Checklist: Level Basic


· Take initiative. Learning to expertly navigate virtual interactions can take some time, especially if this is your first time communicating with a possible employer, scholarship interviewer, or admissions committee. Make things easy for yourself: If you are not given the other person』s Skype information, give yours and ask for theirs. Be sure to let them know you』ll be adding them to your Skype account a couple of days before the interview. This will prevent any last minute back-and-forth e-mails trying to coordinate username exchanges.

· 保持主動。學好虛擬交流是需要花些時間的,特別是你在第一次和可能的僱主,獎學金面試官或者入學面試官進行交流的時候。放鬆自己慢慢來。如果你沒有給別人你的Skype信息,那就和他們互相交換信息。確保要讓他們知道你在面試前幾天就加好了他們的Skype賬戶。這樣能避免在最後時刻忙著弄用戶名的事情。

· Check your audio and video feed. An hour before or during the middle of your interview is not the right time to check if you』re easily viewable and hearable.

· 檢查你的音視頻效果。一個小時之前或是在面試進行中檢查你的音視頻設置可不是個好時候。

· Practice looking at the camera. This one might sound silly, but it"s also my favorite. In a normal interview you』d be able to focus on your interviewer to maintain eye contact. On Skype? – It』s a lot more tempting to focus on what you look like on the screen or to look at the video feed of your interviewer. The real trick to eye contact on Skype is to look straight at the camera. Go ahead; test it out with a friend. I always call friends a day before, just to check my audio and video feed and to practice my eye contact.

· 練習看著攝像頭。這點看上去很傻,但是這卻是我最喜歡的。在一個正式的面試中你要集中注意力於你的面試官,保持眼神交流。對於Skype,你在屏幕上的樣子來的重要多了。Skype面試的技巧在於你要盯著攝像頭。試試看,和一個朋友測試一下。我經常會在面試前一天找朋友進行測試,就是為了檢查音視頻效果和練習眼神交流。

· Dress for success. Don』t give in to the temptation: dress professionally from head to toe, not from head to waist. As the member of a scholarship interview committee, I had a candidate who wore pajama bottoms, assuming we wouldn"t see them - unfortunately the candidate didn"t test out before time the angle of their camera. Needless to say, the interview got off to some awkward beginnings.

· 成功的打扮。不要放棄這樣的嘗試:從頭到腳打扮,而不是從頭到腰。作為一個獎學金申請面試官的一員,我曾經碰到過一名面試者穿著睡褲,估計他想我們看不見他穿的睡褲,但是不幸的是他沒有測試攝像頭的角度。不用說,這樣的面試開頭都很尷尬。

· Close other programs in your computer. Having Facebook, Googlechat, or Twitter in the background is distracting—especially if a sudden pop-up window throws you off in the middle of the interview. Want to take it to the next level? Print your notes instead of reading them from the computer. Your eyes look lower than the camera when you"re reading notes from a document in your computer. Definitely something I found out while giving an interview on international politics. Thankfully the interview wasn"t live!

· 把電腦上的其他程序關掉。要是把臉書,谷歌聊天和推特開著是非常分心的,特別是有彈窗在面試一半的時候突然跳出來。你想上一個級別?那就把你的筆記列印出來而不是讀電腦屏幕上的。你在讀電腦上的筆記的時候你的眼睛是朝下的。這是我在一個國際政治的面試中碰到的。幸好這個面試不是實時的!

Checklist: Level Intermediate


· It』s all about the visuals. This is like dressing for success, only Level 2. Your space matters. While your initial reaction might be to just worry about finding a quiet space (like your room), neutral should also describe your surroundings. Ensure your interviewer only has eyes for you—not a messy stack of papers and clothes, or a collage of posters.

· 視覺感受很重要。 這就像成功的打扮一樣,只是上了一層。你的空間很重要。你的初始反應可能是擔心房間是不是夠安靜,中性也可以描述你所處的環境。確保你的面試官只會看到你一個人,而不是一堆的紙頭和衣服,或是一牆的海報。

· Your profile is your firm handshake. Your interviewer isn』t first introduced to you, so much as your username and profile. Much like you might have heard to keep a professional e-mail, the same applies to a Skype username (with an appropriate profile picture). Feel free to divide your professional from private life now. After all, usernames are free!

· 你的姿態就是你有力的握手。你的面試官一開始沒有介紹給你,而是你的用戶名和資料。你可能聽說過e-mail要寫得正式,Skype用戶名也是一樣(附有合適的用戶頭像)。自由切換你的正式場合和私人生活。畢竟,申請一個用戶名是免費的!

· Don』t be afraid to smile. Body language is a little different on Skype. While speaking with your hands can be a little distracting, a smile can go a long way. Through all the nerves, remember that a Skype interview is still very much like an in-person interview, only with a few more technical bugs and less hand-shaking: smile, you』ll make it through.

· 不要害怕微笑。肢體語言在Skype上有點不同。當你用手做手勢時會有一點分心,一個微笑就足夠了。儘管會緊張,但要記住Skype面試仍然很像一個面對面的面試,只是多了一些高科技的元素,少了握手罷了。微笑,你能行。

Checklist: Level Advanced


· Expect the best. Plan for the worst. If you』re comfortable and in the same country as your interviewer, offer a phone number in case technology isn』t on your side. Better yet, if you』re in a different country from your interviewer, ask for a number you can use in case the internet drops. Invest in a little bit of Skype credit, buy a phone-card in advanced, and keep both handy always—you can always call if the internet fails, though most scholarship and admissions committees will take care of that for you.

· 期待最好的結果,做最壞的打算。如果你覺得可以並且在同一個國家的話,你可以給面試官留一個電話號碼以防出問題。最好的是,如果你和面試官不在同一個國家,問一個你可以用的號碼以防網路掉線。在Skype上花點錢,提前買一張電話卡,做好兩手準備。哪怕網路不行你也可以打電話,儘管大多數面試官都會注意到這一點的。

· Internet down! Don』t panic. While hosting a Skype interview as part of a scholarship committee, I saw a candidate show poise and graciousness in spite of some technical bugs. When Skype failed in the middle of a key question, the committee called the candidate by phone (which she had provided just in case), who then proceeded to reassure us that it was fine, reminded us of our question, summarized some previous points and continued like a pro.

· 網路斷了!不要慌張。當我在面一場獎學金申請面試的時候,我看見一位申請者在出現一些技術問題的時候仍然保持了鎮靜。當Skype在關鍵時刻出問題時,委員會就通過電話面試(她當時預留了電話號碼),她之後表示這樣沒有問題,提醒我們之前進行到了哪裡,總結了之前的觀點,像個專業人士一樣接著說。

Remember, a Skype interview is still an interview: All the typical formalities apply! Prepare your notes and questions; follow-up to thank your interviewer; and get a good night』s rest the day before.


Have any questions or tips of your own? I"d love to hear them. Feel free to ask me or share anything, from how to stop saying "Hmm" to dealing with technical issues.



Professor: 我們約 Tuesday 9am EST Skype面試吧。

Alan: 好呀好呀!

Professor: 我 double booked a meeting 和別人。我們約周三同一時間好嗎?

Alan: 沒問題!

Professor: 我Skype你了,你不在線?!!!

Alan: 喂!Professor!你等等!你自己說的9am EST呀!北京時間21點打給我是為什麼啊!你說的是不是EDT呀!我錯了,我錯了還不行嗎。。。我應該把EST看成EDT的。。。Professor。。。






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