



This is not related to democracy at all, because Cliven Bundy supported himself by state rights as well as his family inheritance. But neither stands up to close scrutiny. I would say this more resembles a state of anarchy rather than a state of democracy, because democracy assumes "equality before the law".

However, this phenomenon showed the intrinsic irony in a western democratic society. Suppose the BLM(bureau of land management) people did dispel the crowd by force and caused injuries during the process, who will be responsible for the bloodshed? Theoretically no one has the right to thump the law, and violators should be punished. But in reality, once the protesters were injured during the process and people appeared rather agitated, the cast of the blame is always on the law enforcement section of the government. Any democratic government dare to enforce violence on its people, legitimately or illegitimately, will always risk the chance of being toppled down by a greater force or swamped in civil war.

Thomas Jefferson wrote famously in the declaration of independence:


That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


Clearly the spirit still echo with us nowadays. But who has the right to judge if the government did "destructive ends"? If the government claimed itself being legitimate, while harming civilians (in this case, Bundy"s son) for violating its administrative order or court decisions, is it still legitimate anymore? I would guess most people"s gut feelings would be such a government is reaching out too far. Such popular resentment would risk the whole administration to be discredited and even revolutionized. I believe that"s precisely what BLM tried to avoid.

The federalist"s belief is in a large enough country like United States, different interest group will be in rough balance of each other, and the diversity of the interests guarantees neither side would gain the upper hand to enforce tyranny. Thus democracy will be preserved in the end. But they did not, and could not answer the question coming afterwards, that what if there is severe internal discord which could disintegrate the federal state, and it cannot be solved via "administrative or judicial means", or employment of legitimized state violence. For example, what if the two parties abide different law and could not reach an agreement? What if the court effectively dismissed the case ( like Marbury v. Madison)? What if the court decision is ethically wrong(like Dred Scott v. Sanford)? What if the court decision is right but cannot be easily enforced in real life(like Worcester v. Georgia, Brown v. Board of Education or this one)? What if the effort to enforce it caused further violence and greater injustice to a large group of people(like Whiskey Rebellion) ? I do not think there is a simple answer to these questions in any democratic society. One needs both great political wisdom and great political power to tackle them properly.

In this case, Cliven Bundy felt he was mistreated because:


Well, you know, my cattle is only one issue -- that the United States courts has ordered that the government can seize my cattle. But what they have done is seized Nevada statehood, Nevada law, Clark County public land, access to the land, and have seized access to all of the other rights of Clark County people that like to go hunting and fishing. They"ve closed all those things down, and we"re here to protest that action. And we are after freedom. We"re after liberty. That"s what we want.


and he has a point, that local affairs should be decided by local people in principle. No one will be happy if someone far above from them makes decision impacting his or her daily lives. However, it appears to me that this is merely an excuse for failing to pay the federal tax(or more appropriately, the grazing fee) and being responsible for the delicate desert environment. While I cannot deny his action has an element of valor in it, I think it reflects more on the growing dichotomy in US politics across different levels (federal vs state, individual vs the government) and different interest groups(ranchers vs environmental protectionists), and not just on the spirit of democracy as he claimed.


At here, no effort is made to distinguish democracy from plutocracy, oligarchy, or different forms of democracy, or how its implementation in real life related to various political ideology regarding the notion of justice. I use "legal equality, freedom and rule of law" as a rough definition of democracy at here. For detailed discussion on this topic, the interested reader is encouraged to read the article by GildenPage cited below.

Needless to say, a better understanding of current American politics would be beneficial to the article as it suffers from its poor generality.

As other commentators pointed out, this article could also benefit from a thorough discussion regarding regional autonomy. Unfortunately I knew little in this area. The interested reader is encouraged to read the Atlantic article cited below, which discussed "States" rights" in Cliven Bundy"s case and dismissed his claim, but did not touch the issue of local government of federal land. A few other articles in support of Cliven Bundy expressed disgust with BLM"s mismanagement of federal land in Nevada, and their opinion is partly supported by the US vs Hage case. It would be interesting to find sources corroborating Cliven Bundy"s claim that BLM usurped their power to expel ranchers for ulterior purposes. But what I found are not trustworthy (Quora articles, Bundy"s family"s interviews, conservative websites, etc) in this regard.


Google map of the location:


Court order:

Court Order Granting Motion to Enforce Injunction on Cliven Bundy

Court decision:

File:United States v Bundy Court Order July 2013.pdf

News articles:

Everything you need to know about the long fight between Cliven Bundy and the federal government

Cliven Bundy: 「The citizens of America」 got my cattle back in Nevada

Nevada rancher threatens "range war" against federal government

Right or wrong, controversy surrounding Cliven Bundy continues

Atlantic Journal Article:

The Irony of Cliven Bundy"s Unconstitutional Stand

Wikipedia page:

Bundy standoff

Historical Documents:

Declaration of Independence

The Federalist #10

The Federalist #33

State of Nevada"s Constitution:


Articles that support Cliven Bundy:


U.S. Politics: What are the issues in the dispute between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management?

U.S. Politics: Which side is right in the Cliven Bundy Nevada Cattle Seizure case?

Why You Should Be Sympathetic Toward Cliven Bundy

A similar case in the past:

US vs Hage:

Hage v. US - American Stewards Of Liberty

#07-672: 08-29-07 United States Sues to Stop Illegal Grazing on Federal Lands


GildenPage"s paper on American democracy VS oligarchy:





感謝 @鉛筆詳盡的回答,尤其他列出的 references 對於理解整個事件有極大幫助。早上看到後就想捎帶手做個翻譯,譯畢才發現昨天已有知友@孫旭冉 搞定,但旭冉童鞋是逐句翻譯,在下則盡量成文連貫,也不算做了無用功,希望對大家有幫助。如有謬誤,請法律大牛不吝賜教。以下為譯文:

這與民主關係甚微,Cliven Bundy 主要用州權和家族繼承來為自己辯護,但細察之下這兩點都很難站住腳。要我說,較之民主,他的聲明更應被看做無政府主義。

但這次事件無疑可以折射出西方民主社會的一些諷刺之處。設若 BLM(土地管理局)的人當真以強迫乃至暴力手段驅散民眾,誰應為流血事件負責?當然,理論上沒人有權踐踏法律,暴力行為必將受到相應懲罰。可是現實中如果真發生了這樣的事,如有抗議者受傷,群情激昂,輿論沸騰,政府執法部門必定飽受譴責。任何政府要是敢於對它的民眾施以暴力,無論理由正當與否,它就必然面臨被顛覆的風險,乃至陷入內戰的泥淖。



這種精神仍然閃耀於今。但誰又有權指證政府「正在破壞平等、獨立和自由」?如果政府以破壞社會秩序或執行法庭判決為由傷害民眾(此案當中是 Bundy 的兒子)並聲稱自己所行皆屬合法,它就當真合法嗎?我猜大多數人可能會直覺地認為政府的行為越過了某條界線,由此產生的忿恨會令其統治失去公信力,乃至爆發革命。我相信這正是 BLM 不願看到,亦會竭力避免的。

聯邦主義者的信條是,在一個像美國這麼大的國家當中,不同利益集團應當保持大致平衡,而利益多元能夠保證沒有任何一方能占太大優勢,以致出現專制暴政。因此,民主應當被堅持到底。但他們未曾也無法回答由此衍生的一個問題:當國家內部出現足以使聯邦分崩離析的激烈對抗,又無法以「行政或司法手段」解決時,他們該怎麼辦?同樣,他們也無法回答關於國家暴力合法化之問題。例如,當雙方分別遵守不同法律之規定而又無法達成共識?行政權與司法權衝突該當如何(如馬伯利訴麥迪遜案)?法庭判決違背道義該當如何(如斯科特訴桑福德案)?法庭判決雖正當,但在現實生活中很難執行又該當如何(如伍斯特訴喬治亞州、 布朗訴托皮卡教育局案以及此案)?判決的執行過程中又產生新的暴力行為和對更多人不公平怎麼辦(如威士忌暴亂)?我不認為有任何民主社會能夠給出一個簡單清晰的答案,這需要極高的政治智慧和極強的政治力量。

此案中,Cliven Bundy 認為政府對自己很不公平:「吶,我那些牲口是小事——美國法院判定政府可以沒收我的牲口,但政府順帶沒收了內華達州的獨立地位,內華達的法律,沒收了克拉克縣的公有土地及其使用權,沒收了克拉克縣其他人民在共有土地上打獵、捕魚的一切權利。我們抗議的是這個。我們要的是自由民的地位,和我們的合法權利。」




(#--)/ .


( ̄︶ ̄)↗

我做一下@鉛筆的翻譯,如果有錯請告知。以後有這種事都叫我來翻譯好了,我純當英語提高了。樓下有 @大果 的翻譯看上去比我好,你們可以去看,他有列出中文維基百科的鏈接,由於我看的是鉛筆給的英文鏈接出於英文水平的不足和背景知識的欠缺我做出的簡單的引文解釋有問題,維基中文版居然補足了其背景知識(才知道有中文對應我的眼淚掉下來)。鉛筆後來又做過了更改,從原來認為農場主的不負責任轉為支持其為自己權利的捍衛,並且更改了一些語句,補充了一些例證。(我有很認真地發過私信,結果他不收,大哭。)我的翻譯接近直譯,大果更多是意譯,不過有些語句我的理解和他不同,我明天發私信問他吧(求這次收!)。

This is not related to democracy at all, because Cliven Bundy supported himself by state rights as well as his family inheritance.

1.此次事件完全與民主無關,因為Cliven Bundy是以州權和他的家庭遺產為由支持他的行動。

But neither stands up to close scrutiny.


I would say this more resembles a state of anarchy rather than a state of democracy.


However, this phenomenon showed the intrinsic irony in a western democratic society.


Suppose the BLM(bureau of land management) people did dispel the crowd by force and caused injuries during the process, who will be responsible for the bloodshed?


Theoretically no one has the right to thump the law, and violators should be punished.


But in reality, once the protesters were injured during the process and people appeared rather agitated, the cast of the blame is always on the law enforcement section of the government. Any government dare to enforce violence on its people, legitimately or illegitimately, will always risk the chance of being toppled down by a greater force or swamped in civil war.


Thomas Jefferson wrote famously in the declaration of independence:



That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


Clearly the spirit still echo with us nowadays. But who has the right to recognize if the government did "destructive ends"?


If the government claimed itself being legitimate, while harming civilians (in this case, Bundy"s son) for violating its administrative order or court decisions, is it still legitimate anymore?


I would guess most people"s gut feelings would be such a government is reaching out too far.


Such popular resentment would risk the whole administration to be discredited and even revolutionized. I believe that"s precisely what BLM tried to avoid.


The federalist"s belief is in a large enough country like United States, different interest group will be in rough balance of each other, and the diversity of the interests guarantees neither side would gain the upper hand to enforce tyranny.


Thus democracy will be preserved in the end. But they did not, and could not answer the question coming afterwards, that what if there is severe internal discord which could disintegrate the federal state, and it cannot be solved via "administrative or judicial means", or employment of legitimized state violence.


For example, what if the two parties abide different law and could not reach an agreement?


What if the court refused to make a decision( like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbury_v._Madison)?


What if the court decision is ethically wrong(like Dred Scott v. Sanford)?


What if the court decision is right but cannot be easily enforced in real life(like Worcester v. Georgia, Brown v. Board of Education or this one)?


I do not think there is a simple answer to these questions in any democratic society. One needs both great political wisdom and great political power to tackle them properly.


In this case, Cliven Bundy felt he was mistreated because:


21.在本次事件中Cliven Bundy感到被不公正對待是因為

...(they) have seized access to all of the other rights of Clark County people that like to go hunting and fishing. They"ve closed all those things down, and we"re here to protest that action. And we are after freedom. We"re after liberty. That"s what we want.



and he has a point, that local affairs should be decided by local people in principle.


No one will be happy if someone far above from them makes decision impacting his or her daily lives.

24. 沒有人會高興一些遠離自己的人做一些影響自己日常生活的決定。However, it appears to me that this is merely an excuse for failing to pay the federal tax and being responsible for the delicate desert environment.


While I cannot deny his action has an element of valor in it, I think it reflects more on the growing dichotomy in US politics across different levels and different interest groups, and not just on the spirit of democracy as he claimed.



Bundy standoff

The Irony of Cliven Bundy"s Unconstitutional Stand

Cliven Bundy: 「The citizens of America」 got my cattle back in Nevada














真想點贊,美國步槍協會(National Rifle Association)一直反對政府管控槍支的最大理由之一就是:當這個政府想要侵害公民利益的時候,擁有武器的公民能夠反抗強權,which也是共和黨人一直堅守的價值觀。

現在It"s the time!完美的符合了這一價值觀,對此我又想說求仁得仁又何怨,又想說不作死就不會死,還想說作繭自縛自作自受自己挖坑自己埋。











為什麼最近國內很少有人討論美國總統候選人伯尼·桑德斯 (Bernie Sanders)?

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