如何評價Harvey Weinstein?

第一次知道是看曉松奇談:曉松奇談 好萊塢精英:惡棍天使,很好奇哈維本身是不是像高曉松說的那麼厲害。然後有沒有什麼哈維出品的電影推薦,之前就看了the Reader


今天又有新料爆出,是一段音頻,一方就是大佬Weinstein,另一方是一個叫Ambra Battilana Gutierrez的小模特。下面是音頻的具體內容。

Weinstein: I"m telling you right now, get in here.

Gutierrez: What do we have to do here?

Weinstein: Nothing. I"m going to take a shower, you sit there and have a drink.

Gutierrez: I don"t drink.

Weinstein: Then have a glass of water.

Gutierrez: Can I stay on the bar?

Weinstein: No. You must come here now.

Gutierrez: No …

Weinstein: Please?

Gutierrez: No, I don"t want to.

Weinstein: I"m not doing anything with you, I promise. Now you"re embarrassing me.

Gutierrez: I know, I don"t want to. I"m sorry, I cannot.

Weinstein: No, come in here.

Gutierrez: No, yesterday was kind of aggressive for me.

Weinstein: I know —

Gutierrez: I need to know a person to be touched.

Weinstein: I won"t do a thing.

Gutierrez: I don"t want to be touched.

Weinstein: I won"t do a thing, please. I swear I won"t. Just sit with me. Don"t embarrass me in the hotel. I"m here all the time. Sit with me, I promise —

Gutierrez: I know, but I don"t want to.

Weinstein: Please sit there. Please. One minute, I ask you.

Gutierrez: No, I can"t.

Weinstein: Go to the bathroom.

Gutierrez: Please, I don"t want to do something I don"t want to.

Weinstein: Go to the bathroom — Hey, come here. Listen to me —

Gutierrez: I want to go downstairs.

Weinstein: I won"t do anything and you"ll never see me again after this. OK? That"s it. If you don"t - if you embarrass me in this hotel where I"m staying —

Gutierrez: I"m not embarrassing you —

Weinstein: Just walk —

Gutierrez: It"s just that I don"t feel comfortable.

Weinstein: Honey, don"t have a fight with me in the hallway.

Gutierrez: It"s not nothing, it"s —

Weinstein: Please. I"m not gonna do anything. I swear on my children. Please come in. On everything. I"m a famous guy.

Gutierrez: I"m, I"m feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Weinstein: Please come in. And one minute. And if you wanna leave when the guy comes with my jacket, you can go.

Gutierrez: Why yesterday you touch my breast?

Weinstein: Oh, please. I"m sorry. Just come on in. I"m used to that.

Gutierrez: You"re used to that?

Weinstein: Yes, come in.

Gutierrez: No, but I"m not used to that.

Weinstein: I won"t do it again. Come on, sit here. Sit here for a minute, please?

Gutierrez: No, I don"t want to.

Weinstein: If you do this now you will [unintelligible]. Now go. Bye. Never call me again. OK? I"m sorry, nice to have — I promise you I won"t do anything.

Gutierrez: I know, but yesterday was too much for me.

Weinstein: The guy is coming. I will never do another thing to you. Five minutes. Don"t ruin your friendship with me for five minutes.

Gutierrez: I know — but, it"s kind of, like, it"s too much for me. I can"t.

Weinstein: Please, you"re making a big scene here. Please.

Gutierrez: No, but I wanna leave.

Weinstein: OK, bye. Thank you.

你看看人家自由派是怎麼說話,有沒有grab by the pussy的粗話?特朗普就是low,一比就看出來了。


主要是這幾天FakeNews NYTimes居然造謠好萊塢大亨Harvey Weinstein是個性侵慣犯。








畢竟一個被全好萊塢痛斥的流氓說的:「And when you』re a star, they let you do it,you can do anything.」簡直是一派胡言,怎麼可能是真的呢?









「He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.」



他還得到了偉光正前總統的顧問,女權倡導者Anita Dunn的公關協助。


還有著名女權律師Lisa Bloom幫助他。已交律師處理。



當然,FakeNews NYTimes又傳消息:






誰敢說Harvey Weinstein性侵慣犯,誰就是FakeNews,好萊塢進步女星帶頭打爛誰的狗頭!


judi dench爵士不是說自己的butt上紋了一個韋恩斯坦么,結果第一個跑出來譴責自己的貴人,好萊塢翻臉真是比翻書還快。佩服。








今天要不 @蘇穆羽 吧。可能它離民主黨高層更近,可能有內幕。



Terry Crews reveals he was groped by an unnamed Hollywood executive amid Harvey Weinstein scandal

標題翻譯:Terry Crews揭示他曾被某不願透露姓名的好萊塢商界大佬性侵

牆內同胞可能不熟悉Terry Crews是誰(可能看過Brooklyn 99/神煩警探 美劇的同胞們知道)。首先,這位是的。其次,他長這樣:





全美反特朗普女性大遊行 | 各地現場集合


今天要不挑 @Phil 吧。畢竟人家音樂劇看得跟我一樣多,不過被帶節奏了。


看到了么?這個色狼竟然參加了1月的Women"s March!!! (細思恐極!)

如何評價2017.1.21華盛頓女性大遊行(Women"s March on Washington)?



Former TV anchor says Weinstein masturbated in front of her


大致內容是,一個FNC的女記者,Lauren Sivan去採訪。這個色狼先是騙吻不成,然後說著就開始脫褲子暴露自己的香腸開始當著女記者的面開始打飛機了!!!結果這色狼可能是因為年齡因素,導彈很快就發射了,它找了旁邊的一顆盆栽然後把彈藥給進去了!!!

While partying with a friend and restaurant owner Giuseppe Cipriani, Weinstein offered the journalist a tour of the facilities.

Sivan said she reluctantly accepted the offer, with her friend remarking that if she wasn"t back in 10 minutes she would come get her.

Once in the kitchen of the restaurant, Weinstein attempted to kiss Sivan, which she rejected explaining that she was in a long-term relationship.

At that point, Sivan claims that Weinstein exposed himself and began masturbating.

Weinstein quickly ejaculated into a potted plant near the vestibule leading to the kitchen, according to Sivan, and returned back to the nightclub after cleaning up.

Sivan"s friend, who wished to remain anonymous, reiterated the details of the night to The Huffington Post, who was told about the incident immediately after the two left the club.

The next day, Weinstein called Sivan on the phone to ask if she wanted to get together after he returned from over seas, adding that he "had a great time last night."

Sivan quickly ended the phone conversation, reminding Weinstein that she had a boyfriend. She has not interacted with the movie mogul since.


黨偉大光榮正確什麼的,要我們支持這種人渣我們做不出來呀,不像 @TimberNord 。



Harvey Weinstein在幾十年的時間內付封口費給性侵受害者(複數)



當然我們偉大的he for she 女拳旗手赫敏Emma Watson怎麼能例外???不過這個好像是he inside she (lol) @女木水











好萊塢權色交易大師(King maker if you wanna name him alternatively),性癮者加騷擾狂(BTW,他這行為用騷擾描述算輕的了)。To true liberals, 當你的同儕有大概率(70%我覺得沒問題)是這樣心口不一的貨色時候你是沒辦法說服人的,更可能被標籤成hypocrite。所以去年presidential campaign的media propaganda那塊會那麼適得其反。稀爛對稀爛,那麼新鮮出爐那一坨比陳年老屎會好一點,快餐店地下室那種消息也有人信是因為Weinstein這類人干出來過同樣惡劣的事,然後Clinton恰恰是Weinstein同路人。https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/05/us/harvey-weinstein-harassment-allegations.html

PS:作為一個保守的進步主義者,我覺得US的左翼運動似乎越來越歪,滿活躍的好萊塢同時也是重災區,無論是自由 性別 種族還是階級。


高中senior year見過一次Harvey Weinstein,和他女兒上同一節senior English。那時候在讀指環王三部曲,正好The Hobbit 快要上映了,她爹拿了拷貝來學校看她,順便在學校旁的電影院先給我們班上的都看了,看的時候把所有人手機都收走了。看完電影Harvey Weinstein請這節課的同學吃飯,主要也只說了The Hobbit的拍攝過程沒有更具體的對他本人的了解了。他女兒後來在我們編排表演指環王內容的時候讓她爹運了一批拍攝The Hobbit的道具戲服過來,把班上的人都嚇尿了。


上三張圖 男奧 女克 女奧認證過的好人 豈是爾等小民能理解的?







Sanctimony Bites Weinstein Democrats

By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

One of the few successes of John McCain』s 2008 campaign was a 30-second ad called 「Celeb.」 It interspersed images of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears with Barack Obama and his adoring crowds. A narrator said: 「He』s the biggest celebrity in the world but is he ready to lead?」

Pundits and political pros dismissed the spot as off-target and unconvincing. Mr. McCain seemed almost embarrassed by it, claiming his campaign was just having 「fun.」

Yet the implication that Mr. Obama was a glitzy Hollywood-style confection resonated with voters. Mr. Obama, just coming off his ecstatic appearance in Berlin, saw his poll numbers drop noticeably. His advisers were quoted in the press acknowledging the ad』s power.

Which brings us to Harvey Weinstein. If Hollywood people are anything like normal people, they should be nearly as offended by Mr. Weinstein』s presumptions about them as they are by his alleged bullying of women for sex. Where does he get off assuming his colleagues can be so easily manipulated, will so readily fall in line, just because he cites, as he did in his recent self-defense, their shared liberal politics?

How can somebody with his smarts be so heavy-handed and obvious as to think he can mint an instant pass for his transgressions merely by alluding to his opposition to the National Rifle Association and President Trump ?

Then again, maybe we』re missing the real point. Mr. Weinstein was reminding liberal elites that his trouble is their trouble, because they tolerated him for so long. That』s why this scandal may have legs.

He was a guest at the Obama White House 13 times. He gave hundreds of thousands to the Clintons. In 2016, he hosted or headlined multiple fundraisers for Mrs. Clinton with people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Helen Mirren, Julia Roberts and Sarah Jessica Parker.

He was coached by Team Clinton for a campaign appearance on CBS . In turn, he coached campaign chief Robby Mook on how to answer the Bernie Sanders threat.

He』s also a man who the Los Angeles Times now tells us was 「generally loathed」 in Hollywood. His sexual predations were so well known that they were the subject of a joke on 「30 Rock.」 His behavior, we now learn, has been the subject of ongoing reporting projects at the New Yorker, New York magazine and the New York Times, which finally blew Mr. Weinstein out of the water with its 3,500-word account last week.

His offenses were the 「biggest mess」 Disney had to deal with during its 12-year partnership with Mr. Weinstein, a former executive now tells the Times. Actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan, who related their stories to the paper, as well as Lena Dunham, creator of HBO』s 「Girls,」 have been outspoken in the aftermath about Tinsel Town』s history of covering up for Mr. Weinstein.

Then there is Meryl Streep, who worked closely with Mr. Weinstein, who sang his praises at the Oscars. She claims never to have heard the unsavory stories. Her denunciation of Mr. Weinstein』s alleged sins this week came not when the Times story broke, not when Mr. Weinstein took a leave of absence from the company he created—but only when his board (led by his brother) stuck a final fork in him by announcing his firing.

OK, hypocrisy is a price we pay for civilization. Politicians and Hollywood types especially are in the business of faking sincerity. Yet there is one thing about which the Hollywood-progressive nexus has been perfectly sincere: its conviction that its choice of political party is a testament to its own shining personal virtue. The Democrats』 celebrity enablers played a key role in fostering the inordinate self-righteousness of the modern progressive movement, which has reached ad absurdum proportions lately with the violent bullies of the Antifa movement.

The McCain 「Celeb」 ad, in retrospect, was a signpost. Last year the Democrats finally offloaded a big chunk of working-class and middle-class America, many of whose residents had been Obama voters. The Democrats became the concentrated party of urban blue America, with urban blue America』s special susceptibility to the self-celebritizing aspects of social media.

Republicans and conservatives were understandably delighted by Mr. Weinstein』s ludicrous appeal to partisan solidarity in the midst of his sexual harassment extremis. Maybe progressives would like to come up and watch him shower later?

Donald Trump, of course, has been guilty of offenses against feminism too, though apparently not like Mr. Weinstein』s. Rather, the real connection is this: Liberal hypocrites like Mr. Weinstein were a big reason 63 million Americans voted for a conservative hypocrite like Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump has his faults, but an excess of sanctimony isn』t one. Just maybe when the Weinstein scandal has run its course, progressives will discover the virtue of toning down their own excessive claims to righteousness.

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/sanctimony-bites-weinstein-democrats-1507675466?mod=trending_now_4


miramax 以前 是好萊塢 最大 "文藝片"製作公司,後來成立weinstein company . .也就是說,凡是最近20多年 好萊塢口碑比較好, 比較文藝,獲獎女演員 都有大概率和他有染。而那些純粹的花瓶女星 反倒 得以倖存。。

也就是說那些演技差,素質低,在一些硬漢動作片里 賣弄大波,大長大腿的,相對清白。。 而文藝女神,個個都是婊子。。

其實現在好萊塢搞 這種 老套潛規則 的也就是他這位老兄一人了。。其他大亨,要麼gay,要麼是注重政治層面使屈服。也就是說, 我不搞你,你從非洲收養幾個小崽子吧。。

當然 好萊塢也不是沒有好人,清白的。。低於 10% 吧


最新消息:Harvey Weinstein被自己的公司解僱了。


怕啥?And when you are star, they let you do it. You can do anything. 這道理都不懂?

這時候不應該趕緊上twitter跟Fake News NYT互懟嗎?開個新聞發布會,請上自稱被Fox老幾位主播摸過的女性懟一波保守派,再加上左媒造造勢,還愁輿論不反轉?


左左們不是應該沆瀣一氣嗎?不應該隱瞞不報嗎?這讓我們以後怎麼在川乎上嘲諷左左Fake News?


「And when you』re a star, they let you do it,」 Trump says。 「You can do anything。」


「Whatever you want,」 says another voice, apparently Bush』s。


「Grab them by the p---y,」 Trump says。 「You can do anything。」


Harvey Weinstein只不過親身出來論證特朗普這段話而已。但願他還有機會對著鏡頭說出這樣的話:


維恩斯坦的確沒得洗,但有些回答立刻又把槍頭調轉回來攻擊希拉里,維護川普這是要搞哪樣?你們忘記了Bill O"Reilly那檔子事兒了?你們忘了 Tim Murphy了?


如何評價英國女演員羅莎曼德·派克(Rosamund Pike)?

TAG:好萊塢Hollywood | 性騷擾 | 美國電影 | 希拉里·柯林頓HillaryClinton | 唐納德·約翰·特朗普DonaldJTrump |