從《莫格街謀殺案》來看,被譽為偵探小說「鼻祖」的愛倫·坡對偵探小說有哪些貢獻 ?
了解《莫格街兇殺案》的意義,首先應該了解何為西方通俗文學中的"Mystery fiction"。儘管歷經一個多世紀,這類文學形式在西方已經發生了極大的改變,二十世紀初期諸如「諾克斯十誡」之類的早已作古,但有三點是任何一部出版的Mystery Novel都必定要遵循的——未解決事件、中心探案人物、合乎現實與邏輯,無論早期的短篇時代、黃金時期古典本格、二十世紀中的冷硬派,還是當代的各式歐美系Mystery作品,都始終得嚴格遵從的。有些作品有事件和人物,但不合現實,加入了超自然元素,這類作品更適合歸入"horror"或"thriller"中,比如這方面的大師斯蒂芬金,他的作品通常不會出現在Mystery書架上。
而至於《莫格街兇殺案》在另外兩個方面的貢獻,更大意義上可以說是「完善」。根據維基百科,故事中對犯罪行為的描述及最後解決的過程,以及承擔揭露真相任務的「偵探」角色的引入,並非愛倫坡首創,而始自伏爾泰的Zadig以及德國作家E. T. A. Hoffmann的Mademoiselle de Scudéri兩部長篇小說中的片段描寫。但愛倫坡在一個單獨的短篇故事中,融合了上面兩個元素,並以之為故事的核心,這便是巨大的創造。愛倫坡本身並沒有使用「偵探」一詞,detective的形象,是後世從接過其衣缽的Wilkie Collins的《月亮石》,再到福爾摩斯系列逐漸完善的,但愛倫坡確實奠定了這種」案件+偵探「的嚴格體系。
所以最後總結,《莫格街兇殺案》的貢獻,在於它開創了以犯罪事件為核心,以作為「偵探」的核心人物的探查過程為主要脈絡,在客觀、合乎邏輯的前提下,為讀者營造心理震驚效應的一種文學形式。愛倫坡在文學史上的重要性,關鍵在他是大規模嘗試短篇小說(short story)創作的先驅者,而為了在壓縮的篇幅中營造更強的效果,他進行了大量的文學嘗試。於是要追根溯源的話,現在西方的整個「通俗文學」體系,一大半都得追到愛倫坡身上,偵探小說,或者說如今概念更廣泛的"Mystery fiction",只是愛倫坡為當代通俗文學奠定的一部分而已。
「在推理小說創作的這條狹窄的小路上,一個作家必須步行而他總會看到他的前面有愛倫·坡的腳印。」 ——柯南道爾
本章說明了遊戲精神在文本中的體現:4.2 The
Embodiment of the Freedom4.2.1 A Voluntary Work
Dupin was a
non-professional detective, which meant he did not have the responsibility toinvestigate any crimes. In The Murders inthe Rue MorguePoe compared Dupin with Fran?oisOzon Vidocq who was a famousdetective at that time (1775-1857) and the Prefect who led all theinvestigation in the story. The duties of the later two professionals were toinvestigate the crime and catch the criminals, which was the indivisible partof their jobs. Unlike these two, Dupin was an amateur who had no responsibilityto look into the cases. He joined in games only to prove that he had great
talents, so the payment was unnecessary to him. In The Murders inthe Rue Morgue, he did not get the payment, and in The Purloined Letter, he received the money from the Prefect onlyas a symbol of success. The same pattern also appeared in The Mystery ofMarie Roget. Obviously, non-utilitarianism is the requirement of the freedomin games.,
4.2.2 The Freely Accepted Rules in Games
In the theories
of game spirit of Huizinga (1998: 95), games』 rules 「are accepted freely by theplayers, but it is absolutely binding」, which means this free activity bases on
the established rules and the orderly methods, so was in The Dupin Trilogy whereall the investigation is based on the logical and psychological principles, andthe breakthroughs usually located in the details.In The Mystery
of Marie Roget, Dupin used logical ratiocination. The story was about asudden disappearance of a young shop assistant Marie Roget in Paris. Dupinanalyzed patiently and carefully. He used not only the knowledge of psychologyand logistics, but also his profound acquaintance of metropolis. He began with debunkingwrong judgment, terminating the suspicion to the admirer of Marie, and topplinga plausible opinion about a gang crime. At last a clue that was almost ignored
by everyone raised the attention of Dupin. He noticed the message of the 「manof dark complexion」 from a conversation of two witnesses, and connected Maire』sdeath to a case happening two years ago. This trivial matter was inundated inmounts of truths and assumptions, but witty Dupin got them immediately.4.2.3 The Beauty of the Freedom
People read
detective fiction aiming to appreciate the beauty of 「decorative embellishment」(Yuan, 2001), which means impressive details threaded in the stories, out ofthe common structure of the detective stories. For Dupin is an erraticdetective, he could do things freely to impress others. Therefore, The Dupin
Trilogy apparently reflected the beauty of 「decorative embellishment」.Though the endings of the stories were the same as all the problems that hadbeen solved, every story used distinctive characters, scenes, atmospheres tobring particular influences to readers.For example, in
the 「locked-room」, the murder scene was entirely closed but the murderersuccessfully escaped. From then on, many detectiveauthors began to imitate this pattern, which is known as the 「impossible format」.This is the suspense and excitement that the 「decorative embellishment」brings us.
The Mystery of
Marie Roget was adapted from a real event, and the story with the startof the reports in the newspaper was another creation of Allan Poe. The uniquemethod of psychoanalysis in The Purloined Letter nurtures the readerwith psychology.4.3 The Imaginary World
4.3.1 The Particular Space of the 「Games」
The game is the
reflection of the real life, so in the game the players should have particularspace for ruling games. Poe strictly restricted the range of the crime, whichis so-called 「locked-room」, in other words, Dupin almost solved every case inan individual room.Dupin had 「the
locked-room」 in The Murder in the Rue Morgue, his book-room in TheMystery of the Marie Roget, and the long suite in The Purloined Letter,where he never stepped away. In these intentional arrangements, Dupin fullyperformed his talent of detection and wisdom in the finite space.4.3.2 Players and Competitions in the
「Games」As is mentioned
above, games imitate life, so there will have competition in games as in thereal life. At the end of the Murder of the Rue Morgue, Allan Poesuggested an important opposition: the contest between the private detectiveand the Prefect of the Police. The Prefect could not dissimulate his confusiontoward Dupin』s detective methods. However, Dupinresponded in an ironic tone: 「Let him discourse; it will ease his conscience, Iam satisfied with having defeated him in his own castle」 (Poe, 1976: 143). In TheMystery of Marie Roget, 「the name of Dupin had grown intoa household word」 (Poe, 1976: 206). The method he had disentangled the mystery hadnever been explained to any other individuals.Binary oppositions was prevalent in The Purloined Letter: the
Prefect』s quantitative investigationcontrasted to Dupin』s mathematical induction. This network structure suggestedthe game would be intricate and fascinating: they all wanted to possess animportant letter. Dupin played the game of steal as a deliberate pleasure whichwas more enjoyable than 「having defeated him in his own castle」 (Poe, 1976:143). The joy of the game lied in the connections between two scenes: theminister D found the letter had been stolen, and no one knew the letter hadbeen stolen by Dupin. So when the Prefect demanded Dupin to report hisprogress, Dupin could present the letter to laugh at the Prefect.4.4 The Humanism
in The Dupin Trilogy4.4.1 Curiosity
The most typical characteristic of detective stories is the existence
of puzzles, the suspense. The Scottish critic William Archer (cited in Wang,2008) said it is 「to predict a very attractivestate of affairs without telling it out」. It is a unique structure that raisethe interest of readers by their inherent curiosity, which to great extentprolong the disclosure of the truth.Poe
understood exploring the mysteries is human nature —「In the long evolutionaryhistory, relying on the curiosity, human being became the paragon among animalswho dominate the world」 (Ren, 2002) —so he adopted the method of suspense whichcould stimulate the curiosity of readers. Readers keep tense, concentrated onthe stories, and finally approve the writer』s rational thinking.4.4.2 Revenge
For a gambler, there are win and lose in a game. When he loses, out
of vengeful thought, he definitely wants to play again and win back. In thetheme of The Dupin Trilogy, the desire of revenge could also be found.In The Purloined Letter, Allan Poe (1976) suggested two reasons
for the revenge of Dupin: first was to help the queen defeat the minister D;second was to give the minister D 「un dessein si funeste (a nasty tricks inFrench)」 in return, because the minister D in Vienna used to trick him in thatway. Dupin deliberately arranged everything, repeating the tactic of theminister D, so as to perform a complicated revenge psychology. Allan Poecombined his vengeful psychology with his fiction, where he penetrated theviolence of language into the narration. No other thing than the revenge giveshis detective an unusual power of control, forcing rivals into silence.4.4.3 Subjectivity
Allan Poe lived in the nineteenth century, when the
transcendentalism was widespread in America. Unavoidably, this epoch influencedhis detective fiction.Transcendentalism believes the divinity in individuals. The divinity
in Dupin kept him unique: he loved darkness and reading. Meanwhile he had aspecial intelligence structure, which made him believe in intuition. Hisbehavior was contrary to the normal people, yet he was good at surmising others』thoughts and revealing the privacy of the criminals. These elements of thedivinity are true portrayals of Allan Poe himself. He pinned all his dreamsinto his creation Dupin, a man who was never 「at the scene」. When the innocentlife was under threat, in order to avoid violence and killing, Dupin undertookthe responsibilities of restoring to the normal life and building a harmoniousworld.4.4.4 Enjoyment
The narrator felt content in the process of the analysis and
investigation, yet he could not explain where this joy came from. Dupinundertook those cases, because the induction would give him entertainment fromteasing the Prefect.Dupin loved to
show off in games. Poe combined these plots in the fiction only to reveal Dupin』slove of playing games, having no any other functions in plot development. Inthe 「locked-room」, Dupin refused to leave the room while the readers might havea question: maybe going to the criminal scene and meeting the related peoplewould be more effective? However, it might reduce the enjoyment of solving thepuzzle. At the end of The Purloined Letter, Dupin went to the house ofthe minister D again to steal the letter. Normally this visit was unnecessary,because Dupin could just tell the policeman where the letter was, for thepoliceman had the key of the room. However, what obsessed him was to regain theletter in an exaggerated and dangerous way, creating a game in a nervousatmosphere.偵探是主角,謎題是故事主體,推理是故事主線,沒有鬼怪故事完全真實符合邏輯,集中了這些點的,愛倫的作品應該是第一個,因此不同於那個時期很多流行的驚悚恐怖小說,被認為開創了偵探小說。
TAG:文學 | 偵探小說 | 夏洛克?福爾摩斯SherlockHolmes | 愛倫·坡EdgarAllenPoe |