怎樣翻譯塞林格「I think love is a touch and yet not a touch」?

Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o』clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch

—— J.D.Sailinger &










如何將愛情故事中剛開始暗生情愫的那一段描寫得驚心動魄? - 張得意的回答

謝邀。 @劉松霖邀請我好久,我想一定要看完整篇故事才有資格翻譯好這句話,今天終於得空,所以來翻翻看。


I came to New York from Seattle. I was going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. But in four years I"ve learned that I am not going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. I"m a good printer"s assistant, but that"s all I am. One day the printer got sick, and I had to take his place. What a mess I made of things, Miss Lester. No one would take my orders. The typesetters just sort of giggled when I would tell them to get to work. And I don"t blame them. I"m a fool when I give orders. I suppose I"m one of millions who was never meant to give orders. But I don"t mind anymore. There"s a twenty-three-year-old kid my boss just hired. He"s only twenty-three, and I am thirty-one and have worked at the same place for four years. But I know that one day he will become head printer, and I will be his assistant. But I don"t mind knowing this any more.

Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think that love is sex and marriage and six-o"clock kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think that love is a touch and yet not a touch.




同理類比「La recherche du temps perdu",追憶逝水年華,學了法語之後再看這個翻譯,我已經給譯者跪下了。如果我自己翻譯,可能會譯作「重拾舊日時光」,還得沾沾自喜很久,大牛太多,唯有不斷努力,以有生之涯學無盡之識。


Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester.


There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o』clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester.


But do you know what I think?


I think love is a touch and yet not a touch


這裡的touch應該是包含了兩層的含義。第一層is a touch應該指的是精神層面的,第二層,not a touch應該指的是物理層面的。


感謝 @唐棣 在評論里的建議。

I think love is a touch and yet not a touch




Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o』clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch.







原文標題是個文字遊戲,調換語序後就是The Story of a Broken Heart. 譯文應該反映這一點,調換語序後是「心碎的故事」












「Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o』clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch.


As to the translation of this sentence, I"m insistently AGAINST 99 % of the versions you"ve read on the web, and here is why.

If you preferred to draw a sentence out of its context, translate it, and put some clever touches to it to make it sound epitaphic, every effort would seem so great. However, that"s not what it"s supposed to be.

Let"s recall the scenario using pithy statements. A man (the author of this sentence) encounters a young lady (Miss Lester) on a bus and feels affection for her at the first sight. Rather than talk fondly to her, he gets to know her by stealing her bag, and then gets prisoned. After his accidental death, a hypothetical love letter to Miss Lester is penned, including the vague sentence to be deciphered by eager Chinese readers/amateur translators.

The context is as follows:

Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think that love is sex and marriage and six-o"clock kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think that love is a touch and yet not a touch.

As is clearly seen, there"s a contrast within the above chunk. "Some people think that love is X, while I think (he thinks) that love is Y."

If X=sex, marriage, six-o"clock kisses, children (all that is material, realistic existence)

then Y=?

To make sense, the sentence needs to incorporate Y as an opposite of X (material world). Thus, Y should be a simple, unworldly concept irrelevant to ordinary romantic and sexual relationships.

What if Y = a touch and yet not a touch?

When we say "love is a touch" and then negate the very statement, we are being either illogical or intentional. Given the authorship of Salinger, we"d embrace the latter — the art of rhetoric by design— without question.

If you"ve already borne in mind that the man steals her bag to approach Miss Lester, you will find it awkward and funny to deem that "the touch is intended and then aborted in the meantime/halfway" because his deed is somewhat and somehow unchecked and rash. Such a restrained manner as withdrawing his hand(s) just doesn"t become him.

Actually, at the beginning of the story, the man feels "the inexpressible agony of being unable to bend down and kiss Lester"s parted lips" on the bus. So he is very unlikely to be reserved or platonic. In the first letter he writes in prison to Lester, he confesses, 「I did not really mean to steal your purse. I just took it because I love you. You see I only wanted to get to know you. Will you please write me a letter sometime when you get the time? It gets pretty lonely here and I love you very much and maybe even you would come to see me some time if you get the time." Apart from the bold claims he makes, more importantly, we know that he"s hungry for Lester"s response and/or her showing up. This of course does not accord with "withdrawing his hand(s)".

In "love is a touch and yet not a touch", the use of touch serves as a pun. A touch describes how simply the man falls in love with Lester—only a touch of the heart is needed, and not a touch indicates that he desires more than that—only a touch of love is definitely not what he promises to give/hopes to receive.

All in all it"s plain to see the whole picture. We have to relate this simple, unworldly concept of love to his distinctive manner, and come up with any of these interpretations:

Love is what simply grows from a moment of contact and yet should not be as primitive as that.


Love could be budding out of the blue, but it"s bound to blossom one day.


Love is an infatuation as well as evolution from that.

That is, loves always starts unannounced from within, and it"s expected to grow immense (if you please).

In Chinese:










夏目漱石問他的學生如何翻譯「I love you」,有學生翻譯成「我愛你」。夏目說:日本人怎麼可能講這樣的話?「今夜月色很好」就足夠了。
















遵 @小屋住不下 翻譯一整段試一下&>&<







@白銀拿鐵 文中「禍根」好像說的還是沒這麼文質彬彬的,發乎情止乎禮很好!但感覺和文風不符,意譯有些不合適。

@Van Yu的倚門回首卻把青梅嗅絕了,可惜李清照的女性角度欲說還羞跟「禍根」的角色還是不能完全對應。






「I came to New York from Seattle. I was going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. But in four years I』ve learned that I am not going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. I』m a good printer』s assistant, but that』s all I am. One day the printer got sick, and I had to take his place. What a mess I made of things, Miss Lester. No one would take my orders. The typesetters just sort of giggled when I would tell them to get to work. And I don』t blame them. I』m a fool when I give orders. I suppose I』m just one of the millions who was never meant to give orders. But I don』t mind anymore. There』s a twenty-three-year-old kid my boss just hired. He』s only twenty-three, and I am thirty-one and have worked at the same place for four years. But I know that one day he will become head printer, and I will be his assistant. But I don』t mind knowing this anymore."

Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o』clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think?I think love is a touch and yet not a touch."






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