
When I first came to China, I was told it was unwise to talk about the "3 T"s." I won"t write what they are, but I"m sure you can guess. I don"t discuss them with Chinese friends, it usually isn"t productive.

Like any conversation, I believe it is helpful to view it as two people working together to find the truth, not one side attacking the other, or vice versa.

In my experience, the worst arguments of any kind happen when sides get defensive. Most people, even if they are aggressive in their questioning, are really just curious. I encourage you to share your experience as a Chinese person in an open and honest way.

In the minds of many Chinese people I know, they want to show that China is a strong and powerful country, and defend it from attacks from outsiders. In my experience, most foreigners already view China as a strong and powerful country. China won that argument ten years ago.

What most foreigners wonder now is whether or not China can be trusted. By trying too hard to prove that your country is strong, you will undermine your ability to show that it is trustworthy.

In my opinion, the best way to represent your country is to be a good person and friend. My Chinese friends are what makes me feel warmest about China. In my opinion, it is China"s greatest "soft power" asset in the world.

就像我們其實一般除了對美國和英國等多一點了解,說到其他國家沒什麼概念一樣,大部分來中國談生意的外商對中國也沒有多少概念的。不要期待他們知道中國多大、有多少個省、最大的城市有哪幾個、歷史怎麼樣、什麼時候建的國、有多少民族、說什麼語言、台灣為什麼似乎很特別等。甚至有的,你提到Chairman Mao他們也面露迷茫,需要你拿出一百元人民幣給他解釋一番。不過每個人都知道長城倒是真的。




——You know this family planning thing, it』s very strange.



——You know the western world is saying a lot of bad stuff about China.

——Yes, I studied international journalism in college and I listen to the BBC every day. It』s a childish and na?ve thing to do, them saying those things.

——But it is a one party system, huh?

——Yes. No offence, but your country has more than one party, do your people live a better life? Sometimes it all comes down to good governance or bad governance, which does not necessarily have much to do with how many parties your political system features.

——Makes sense, and democracy itself has its innate problems, like the democracy of the US.

——Yes, and there are many forms of democracy. You know what, they are scared of the word 「communism」. They look at the word, and instantly deem it evil. I read a piece of news some time before that in one state of the US someone was not allowed to run for state legislator because he

is a member of the communist party. And they say they do not prejudice, that they are pen-minded, and that they embrace diversity. It』s just that they themselves don』t see how stupid it is.


——So you need travel permit to go to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

——Sadly, yes.

——Is Hong Kong a part of China?

——Of course, always has been. It was for some time a colony of the British and was returned to China in 1997. So this year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong.

——Some people there are saying it should be an independent state.

——It』s only a bunch of stupid people. You know we have something called 「once country, two systems」. They got to keep everything, the legal system, the economy, everything, except for army and foreign affairs. It』s the same with Macau, which was a colony of the Portuguese for some time.

——So what about Taiwan? They have their own army, huh?


——So it is an independent state.

——No, it is a province of China. It is a province.

——Then why do they have their army? What』s the deal about Taiwan?

——Taiwan is the really tricky problem here. The 「once country, two systems」 idea was initially conceived to solve the Taiwan problem. Taiwan Island is much much bigger than Hong Kong or Macau. Before 1949, China had a civil war. The Kuomingtang, another party, led by Mr. Jiang, fought with the CPC led by Chairman Mao, and got defeated. So they retreated to Taiwan. That』s how the Taiwan problem came into being.

——So now it is an independent country?

——No, it has been, is and will always be a province of China.


——Because that』s the only way it is and will be.

——Why is it the only way?

——BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE BOTH WANT. It』s all a stupid fight between brothers. Compared with Hong Kong or Macau, Taiwan and the mainland are much more alike in everything, the culture, the language, etc.

——What about trade? Do the mainland and Taiwan trade?

——We do a great deal of trade every year.

——And for other countries, whether to acknowledge Taiwan as an independent state is an important issue.

——Yes, China will not establish ties with any country that does that. Of course they know which way brings more loss.


——That"s the Tiananmen Square.

——So that』s where they (did what and what).


I"ll gonna stop you right there, some other dude some other day, alright?





It"s none of your fxxking business.

who do you think you are?


我覺得很有必要解釋,不是所有人,不只是中國人...自己很愛狗啊blah blah blah



唉...其實覺得可以用錢解決的 不是什麼大問題







2.印度人問我有沒有兄弟姐妹,答沒有,她表示"I like one child policy, so that non-educated people will not give birth too many children."





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有哪些英語單詞/短語/句子在國外很常用,但是國內卻鮮為人知?同樣,又有哪些是典型的 Chinglish?
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