畢竟,技術門檻不高,早已是高中生都能懂了,周期短,隨時都能生產,不是什麼難事。中國人在自己的地盤上還能讓外人給幹了?2013年,美國小麥因為【轉農藥基因】造成恐慌,不是技術上不能生產【轉農藥基因麥子】,而是外國人根本不接受。USW澄清文件。別替外國人解釋為什麼他們不接受。除非你能拿出研究報告。科學,不是空想,不是宗教狂熱,是現實,是實驗。【轉農藥基因】和當年的【萬斤畝】,【特異功能】一樣,讓這些以為自己掌握了知識真理的人瘋狂,【宗教式的神化的狂熱】。當時的人也是這樣自信,頂著鍋,自認無所不能。//吃完:1. http://www.wheatworld.org/ ,不是USW。所以相關言論無參考價值,抱歉,沒看。2. USW:the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the Roundup Ready trait in wheat did not【POSE】a health risk in food or animal feed. 這一段,很能學習下美國是如何做【危機公關處理】的技巧。1,2就不說了,純公關技巧1. 驗證了含有,但是不確定來源2. 聲明,商業中不含有3. 搬出FDA,顯示其安全3 就值得說說了,誰來POSE呢?FDA 還是【Roundup Ready】的公司?如果是FDA,那麼FDA pose 了哪些安全無風險的研究報告呢?如果【Roundup Ready】公司,那還要搬出FDA幹嘛呢? 這段可見美國的文字遊戲如何玩的╮(╯▽╰)╭
另外,【吃完】你把我屏蔽,是你很害羞么?╮(╯Д╰)╭//Online Edition: Wheat Letter – June 13, 20132. U.S. Government Confirms No GM Wheat in Commercial Supplies; As Investigation Continues,
USW Sharing Facts and Supporting Customers
By Steve Mercer, USW Vice President of Communications
It has been a challenging two weeks for many wheat farmers in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and across the
country. No doubt the loyal U.S. wheat buyers those farmers value so much have also faced challenges
since the U.S. Department of Agriculture』s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
announced May 29 it had identified an unapproved genetically modified, glyphosate-resistant trait in
volunteer wheat on a single Oregon field. That trait is a 「Roundup Ready」 gene that Monsanto tested in
wheat, with federal approval, between 1998 and 2005, but did not commercialize.
USW and the farmers we represent take this situation very seriously. We were pleased today to receive
public confirmation from APHIS that it has found 【no genetically modified traits】 in 【wheat seed】 or【commercial supplies】 in recent tests it has conducted. However, 【nothing is more important than the trust 】we have earned from our customers by providing a reliable supply of high-quality wheat for a wide range
of products. USW, the U.S. government and grain handlers are making sure buyers, government agencies
and end users have the most accurate information as quickly as it becomes available from the ongoing
APHIS investigation. We are all working with our customers to help them make informed decisions about
policies and wheat purchases.
Unfortunately, we are concerned about what we consider inaccurate or misleading information that is
appearing in some news stories and from other sources. Transparency has always been a respected part of
the service USW provides; it is in that spirit that we address the facts here as we know them.
This discovery is isolated. There is no evidence that wheat with this trait has entered commercial
以下是USW對轉基因小麥的官方態度,鏈接如下。USW: Biotechnology轉基因小麥的商業化
美國、澳大利亞和加拿大各組織的聲明(USW是參與聲明的組織之一)(http://www.wheatworld.org/wp-content/uploads/Trilateral-Statement-June-2014.pdf)2014年6月5日2009年,來自美國、加拿大和澳大利亞的9個代表種植小麥的農民以及磨坊主利益的組織對未來轉基因小麥商業化表示支持。其他組織再次確認並升級了這一承諾。作為工業領袖和消費者,這些已簽字的組織正在團結起來、承擔責任,共同推進小麥的創新。1. 我們支持並鼓勵通過創新解決緊迫問題,以滿足全球糧食安全需要。小麥是全球飲食的一個基本部分,約20%的日常攝入熱量來自小麥。隨著對小麥需求的增長,我們必須為確保小麥數量充足、高質量且滿足營養標準找到出路。除了保護小麥食品一直以來的可用性,通過轉基因技術強化的小麥最終為改善產品、可持續性的食品生產和保護環境提供了保證。2. 2009年以來,很多針對小麥研究的投資使我們深受鼓勵。我們歡迎更多的私人投資和公共投資,安全地、負責任地、可持續地種植更多的、質量更好的小麥,並且減少對水資源、化肥、燃料和殺蟲劑的使用。研究投資範圍廣泛,從先進的育種技術到以提升生產率和終端產品質量為目的的轉基因性狀均在其中。3. 我們鼓勵進出口國家間保持合理的、基於科學的生物科學管理體系。制度如能提供合理的框架與可預測的批准過程,對於將新技術引入市場有十分重要的意義。在遍及全球前,轉基因小麥將經受嚴格的科學測驗和大量的政府批准程序。由於轉基因小麥技術與經檢驗並已安全用於許多其他作物的技術相同,因此並不需要額外的管理和監督。4. 在進出口過程中,我們鼓勵加快採用合理的轉基因產品低水平混雜(LLP)政策 ,從而減少不同步批准導致的貿易分裂。這將確保國際間商品貿易的不間斷進行,比如出口國家依照國際準則批准的、可能含有轉基因性狀的小麥。5. 我們相信:轉基因技術對於小麥的改善與傳統做法一樣安全。超過15年的商業化種植和經過同行評議的科學研究表明,這項技術對於環境和消費是安全的。逾萬億的轉基因餐點被消費,沒有過一例事故報道。研究證明,轉基因技術和來源於轉基因技術的產品沒有引起過任何的食品安全問題。6. 我們理解:選擇權是至高無上的。我們預想,轉基因小麥和非轉基因小麥同時存在於在我們當前的生產、處理、出口和加工部門內,以滿足消費者的特定需求。我們支持選擇權,並致力於確保消費者能夠獲得轉基因小麥和非轉基因小麥。 7. 轉基因小麥作物同步商業化以及進口國家及時的管理與批準是我們的共同願景。轉基因小麥的協調引入將有助於維持一個健康並充滿競爭力的國際市場環境。這一過程或將持續十年,我們還處於初級階段,我們將繼續擔負小麥創新的責任。環境壓力、人口壓力和經濟壓力持續增長,世界需要創新方案來應對全球人口對於小麥與日俱增的需求。我們努力與消費者、生產者和價值產業鏈成員展開建設性對話,在小麥創新以及轉基因商業化方面共同努力。美國農場事務聯合會(American Farm Bureau Federation, AFBF)全國小麥種植者協會(National Association of Wheat Growers, NAWG)國家農民聯盟(National Farmers Union, NFU)北美磨坊主協會(North American Millers Association, NAMA) 美國小麥協會(U.S. Wheat Associates)
加拿大國家磨坊主協會(Canadian National Millers Association, CNMA)加拿大穀物(Cereals Canada)安大略種糧農民(Grain Farmers of Ontario)加拿大種糧農民(Grain Growers of Canada, GGC)加拿大西部小麥種植者協會(Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association)昆士蘭農業促進局(AgForce Queensland)穀物種植者公司(Grain Growers Limited)澳大利亞穀物種植者(Grain Producers Australia)
南澳糧食生產者公司(Grain Producers SA)澳大利亞西部牧區牧民協會(Pastoral and Graziers Association of Western Australia)維多利亞農民聯合穀物組(Victorian Farmers Federation Grains Group)
USW and NAWG were notified Friday, September 26, 2014, that USDA』s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has completed its investigation into the May 2013 discovery of an unapproved Roundup Ready (RR) trait in isolated volunteer wheat plants. APHIS has determined that the source of the RR trait is inconclusive but reconfirmed that there is no indication that any wheat with this regulated trait has entered the commercial supply chain. This is consistent with the results of independent testing by Japan and Korea that has not identified a single event among all classes of U.S. wheat exported to those countries. APHIS also noted that in 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the Roundup Ready trait in wheat did not pose a health risk in food or animal feed. For more information, visithttp://bit.ly/1vnLfpN.Additional Resources:
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) support the eventual commercialization of biotech wheat. USW works with industry partners to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the concerns of our overseas customers. Wheat production and harvested areas are on a long-term, downward trend around the world. Net returns per acre to farmers often favors other crops and the differential is widening. An eventual supply and demand situation where smaller supplies of wheat are produced only in areas where more profitable alternatives do not exist will translate into supply challenges for the global food industry.We must find new ways to grow more and better wheat with less impact on the environment. New research and innovation in wheat, including biotechnology, will help make this possible.Additional Resources:
- USDA APHIS News Release: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/newsroom/2014/09/pdf/ge_wheat.pdf
- USDA Questions and Answers:Genetically Engineered Wheat Investigation:http://www.aphis.usda.gov/publications/biotechnology/2014/faq_ge_wheat.pdf
- Video: USDA Closes Investigation of 2013 Oregon Detection of Genetically Engineered Wheat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc2FA_4tZhY
USW is committed to ensuring that our customers can purchase the wheat they want and that trade disruptions are minimized. This requires a number of domestic and international policies.
- The Case for Biotech Wheat
- 「Pocket K」 Briefing on Wheat Biotechnology
- National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) on Biotech Wheat
當然USW的謹慎指的是:1、the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the Roundup Ready trait in wheat did not pose a health risk in food or animal feed. For more information, 2、U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) support the eventual commercialization of biotech wheat. USW works with industry partners to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the concerns of our overseas customers. 3、We must find new ways to grow more and better wheat with less impact on the environment. New research and innovation in wheat, including biotechnology, will help make this possible.如需要查看更多官方態度請訪問以下網站:http://www.wheatworld.org/issues/biotech/同時,USW也對GMO標註也持有較為謹慎的態度,當然人家那是基於「scientific」的謹慎,而不是基於「rumour」的謹慎,:there is no scientific justification for special labeling of bioengineered foods, as a class, and that voluntary labeling is without value unless it is accompanied by focused consumer education.」