Inc., Group, Corp., Co.Ltd.的區別是什麼呢?



比如最經典的 Apple Inc.

或者Exxon Mobil Corporation

或者Microsoft Corp 還有 Citi Group。




查了一下 發現花旗是 citigroup inc.


Inc. = Incorporated

Corp. = Corporation


Co., Ltd. = Company Limited

指 」有限責任公司「



Corp是Corporation的縮寫,(公司, 財團法人)
Inc是Incorporation的縮寫,(結合, 合併, 形成法人組織, 組成公司(或社團)
Co.Ltd.是Limited company的縮寫,叫做有限責任公司Group,集團的意思

公司叫incorporation是不對的,如果你指的是公司名最後的inc.,那是代表incorporated Corporation 中 包括Company, body Corporation and incorporated body.

這裡有多種形式來做買賣: 個體戶,合夥做 或者註冊一個company. Company的話 管理者還有股東在公司破產的時候不會被變賣私人財產償還公司的債務.其他就會

incorporated 和Copration 其實是一樣的,它們在法律上的責任和權力相同 叫法不一樣~~

這種類型公司的後面都有 ltd 或者inc. 有限責任公司, 也就是公司股東的責任根據其所擁有其公司股份程度來限制.

為什麼apple 叫 apple inc 不能叫apple company? company 意思是公司,而一個公司的名字要能說明公司類型,就像Apple. 它叫 Apple company的話 你能知道這個公司它的類型嗎? 他是私有制的還是公有制的 還是無限責任公有制 不同的公司類型有不同的法律責任和權力. Company 可以分為 1, company limited by shares( public or proprietary) 2, company limited by gurantee (public only) 3,no liablity company (public only) 4, unlimited company (public or proprertary)

範疇歸於 經濟學英文





"Inc." is the abbreviation for incorporated. A corporation is a separate legal entity from the person or people forming it. Directors and officers purchase shares in the business and have responsibility for its operation. Incorporation limits an individual"s liability in case of a lawsuit. The corporation, as a legal entity, is liable for its own debts and pays taxes on its earnings, and can also sell stock to raise money. A corporation is also able to continue as an entity after the death of a director or stock sale. A corporation is formed according to state law, through application to the secretary of state and filing articles of incorporation. Because corporations cost more to administer and are legally complex, the U.S. Small Business Administration recommends that small businesses not incorporate unless they become established as a large company. In most states, corporations must add a corporate designation, such as "Inc." after their business name.


"Ltd." is short for limited, or a limited company. This structure is used mostly in European countries and Canada. In a limited company, directors and shareholders have limited liability for the company"s debt, as long as the business operates within the law. Its directors pay income tax and the company pays corporation tax on profits. Responsibility for company debt is usually limited to the amount a person has invested in the company. A limited company can be set up in four different ways. In some companies, a shareholder"s liability is limited to specific predetermined amounts, drawn up in a memorandum. These businesses are known as "private company limited by guarantee," and shareholders are called guarantors. Charities and social enterprise groups frequently use this structure. In England, limited companies must also have a pay-as-you-earn system established for collecting income tax payments and National Insurance contributions from all employees.

Related Reading:The Advantages of Co-operative Advertising


"Co." is an abbreviation for company, a catchall phrase for an association of people working together in a commercial or industrial enterprise, such as in a sole proprietorship, limited liability company or corporation. For example, while the Microsoft Corporation is located in Washington state, it is one of many companies located there. Co., or company, does not carry meaning as a specific legal structure on its own.


"LLC" means "limited liability company." An LLC brings together some features of both business partnerships and corporations, although it is more like a partnership. Owners, also called "members," are protected from liability, but the business"s earnings and losses pass through to owners, who report them on their personal income taxes. This makes its structure less complex than that of a corporation, but like a corporation, LLCs must offer stock. Members share profits as they like. Members are considered self-employed and must pay self-employment tax. When a member of the LLC leaves, the business is dissolved and the remaining members decide if they want to start a new business. An LLC is also formed according to state law, through application to to the secretary of state and filing articles of incorporation. LLCs must also indicate in their names that they are an LLC or limited company.

Ref:The Difference Between Inc. Ltd. Co.



最近經常碰到這類問題。就是公司名字母都對得上,但是會存在 有點和沒點的區別。有時候對方公司提供一份合同,但在合同的這一處有一點,另一處可能點就沒有了。


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