高盛 2013.8.21「烏龍交易」是怎麼回事?為什麼交易可以被撤銷?
Exchanges have the option to adjust prices or nullify, or "bust," the trades if they are determined to have been made in error. NYSE Euronext"s NYSE Amex Options market said it anticipates most of the trades will be canceled.
UPDATE 4-Goldman Sachs technical error causes erroneous U.S. option trades
| Reuters
I know exactly what happened, but cannot share too much insight. However, I can share the details on cancelation rules. If you have taken trader"s exam e.g. series 55, it explains the cancelation rules. When trades are obviously wrong, one side can request a cancelation by paying the other side 20 cents per contract/lot ( the number may be dated ) if the counter-party agrees.
This rule was a legacy from old trading days when members sees each other. It may seem to be odd in Chinese markets due to1. Chinese market has almost always been electronic since the beginning, nobody knows who they actually trade with.
2. Chinese stock market is not a member system.如果:「交易達成後,還可能被取消」,誰還敢在這樣的市場裡面操作?
when Goldman Sachs Group sent orders accidentally because of a technical error, the latest trading problem to hit the options market this year.
注意是sent orders;只是提交了訂單;交易還沒達成之前是可以取消的。
Some of the orders were filled, while others were not.
Exchanges have the option to adjust prices or nullify, or "bust," the trades if they are determined to have been made in error. NYSE Euronext"s NYSE Amex Options market said it anticipates most of the trades will be canceled.
美股里嚴重偏離市場價的成交可以申請撤銷,這不是什麼新鮮事,2010 flash crash就有上萬筆異常成交被撤銷了。
Nasdaq Cancels Some Premarket Trades Cause of Dozens of #x27;Erroneous#x27; Kraft Trades Unclear
retail investor 不小心fat finger也可以立即聯繫券商申請撤銷。
首先,感謝你能邀請我回答這個問題,本人不相信他所謂的「烏龍」,我自己的理解是從一個政策,兩個基本點來進行的: 一個政策:需要明確一下,美國的證券交易所是全世界最完善的交易所之一,高盛從二戰開始支持希特勒賺取戰爭黑金開始到現在就沒和政府斷過聯繫,財政部長基本都是高盛出生的,而美國的投行和政府是雙向服務關係,所以高盛的「烏龍事件」可以理解是奧巴馬政府的一個「引導」。 兩個基本點:第一,期權交易的收益是看「未來」的,需要平台,高盛提供,他賣出或者買入期權時只是提供平台,所以他和IBM的性質一樣,做中間商,賺取手續費,所以高盛的賠償只能根據《Anti-Trust》的相關條款來制定(這點可以給與肯定評價,很苛刻也很公平),不過是不是屬於暗箱操作(這個罪名很重的,估計不可能)或者真正的「烏龍」就要看美國民眾的意願了。 第二,交易可以取消的可能性,我認為比較大,因為美國還是很民主的,投資者利益保護的好,在中國也就是這次廣大的烏龍,就不會撤銷,因為法律強制的,你懂的。美國不一樣,普通法系國家,期權是已經交易了,但是只要劃入「違規」交易的,可以申請撤銷,只要在投資者之間的利潤分配方面「恰到好處」,也就是說大家都同意,相關部門必須撤銷的!有政府撐腰,高盛的虧欠反而會引起一波期貨交易熱。
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