德布羅意公式中波長等於 h/p,如果我站著不動,則 p=0,波長很大,那我的波動性為什麼不明顯?
量子力學,在生命的世界裡- 首先要明確,什麼叫做「波動性」,波動的特點之一是衍射。波動性是否表現明顯,一個判定依據是:能否發生明顯的衍射。當波長和討論問題的特徵尺度相當,或者波長大於特徵尺度時,波動性明顯;當波長遠遠小於特徵尺度時,不顯示波動性。或者說,當波長較長時,波動性更容易明顯地表現出來;而波長較短時,不容易顯示波動性。某些答案對「波動性」的理解是錯的。
- 回到你的問題,你又不是質點= =你以為你「站著不動」就真的是「不動」,動量嚴格為零嗎?人體是一個宏觀物體,這意味著只要有任何部分在動(比如心臟),其動量就是很大的,而普朗克常數是一個很小很小很小的量,於是其波長就是一個很小的值,輕鬆包裹在你身體的尺度之內了。取最小值作數量級估計:心臟搏動範圍約為0.1cm,心率60次/分鐘(即1次/秒),運動速度即,心臟重量約幾百克,設為100g(0.1kg),動量,而普朗克常數,除一下,波長,小於原子核的尺度。也就是說,即使人體有波動性,也只在的範圍內表現出來。
- 當然這只是人體「總動量」的一個組成部分,但是可以想見,人體的所有組成部分的「總動量」要精確地等於零,或者小到(這樣算出來的波長就是1米,和人體的尺度差不多了)這個量級,是不可能的。甚至別說是心臟了,即使是微生物,動量都足夠大,因此其德布羅意波長會小於其自身的線度。哪怕你的心臟啥啥的都不動,只要體內有一個細菌在動,波長就會縮小到比細菌的大小更小的層次,你覺得你身上多一個或者少一個細菌你能看出來嗎?
Recently I have been contemplating an idea about introducing physics to laymen in my own way. But this can be a frustrating process because the first task, that is to define the target audience, is already a difficult task because there are many types for laymen. Laymen can be someone without any science background at all, or with high school level, or college students of humanities major.
However, in the process of struggling what to define in just the term 「laymen," I found that there is something that professional physicists may find interesting. In general, the description of physics nowadays can be qualified in four dimensions. In the variety of physical systems or theories, they must fall off into the description with four adjectives.
Let us go through each dimension one by one.
1. Classical vs Quantum
All physical systems or description can be either classical or quantum, or in some situations, semi-classical. A classical system is a system that can be described deterministically. In other words, if a system has a well-defined initial condition and the right equation of motion, the subsequent behavior of different variables of a system can be described precisely. On the other hand, a quantum system is probabilistic. There are some observables in a quantum system that cannot be measured precisely simultaneously in principle despite the precision of the experimental apparatus. (Heisenberg』s uncertainty principle) An example is that a single particle in motion can have its position and momentum measured precisely in principle in classical Newtonian mechanics, but they cannot be measured precisely at the same time in quantum mechanics.
But there may be people who wonder about the existence of probability theory in classical statistical physics which is supposed to be deterministic due to its classical nature. But due to the fact that in a system where statistics is involved, it involves a huge number of particles that is unrealistic to describe the details to each of them. In other words, it is not that the system is not deterministic, but we lack the details and brain power (or computer power) for us to describe the system in a deterministic way.
2. Non-relativistic vs Relativistic
A relativistic theory keeps the speed of light absolute in all inertial reference frames, but a non-relativistic theory relaxes this condition. It is meaningless to distinguish whether a physical system is non-relativistic or relativistic if the speed of a particle in motion in a reference frame is way too lower than the speed of light, while a non-relativistic theory is usually more preferred because of its conceptual and technical convenience. But when the speed is comparable to the speed of light, any non-relativistic theories are wrong as science tells us so far.
3. Static vs Dynamical
A static system does not change with time but a dynamical system does.
It is easy to understand the difference between the two, but in physics, a static system is easier to handle than a dynamical system. We talked more about phases of matter that does not change in time because its change in time is technically more difficult.
4. Few-Body vs Many-Body
A few-body system involves less than five particles, but a many-body system more.
It is relatively easy to write down a theory for a few-body systems, whether it is classical or quantum, non-relativistic or relativistic, and static or dynamical, even if it is technically too difficult to solve. In fact, it is also not too hard to write down an equation for a systems with 10^23 particles using the same theory used for a few-body systems, but it is too courageous for a physicist (or even a computer) to solve such an equation. In this case, we devise a many-body theory, or a statistical theory, to describe the collective behavior of all these particles. We lose a lot of details by describing the particles using statistics (or coarse-graining the details), but physicists are usually fine with it since the details of each particle are not much of interest.
Any theories or physical systems can be added four adjectives. Let us go through a few examples:
- Newtonian mechanics: classical, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, few-body
- Ideal gas: classical/quantum, non-relativistic, static, many-body
- Electromagnetism: classical, non-relativistic/relativistic, static/dynamical, few-body
- Special relativity: classical, relativistic, dynamical, few-body
- Quantum mechanics: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, few-body
- Brownian motion: classical, non-relativistic, dynamical, many-body
- Bose-Einstein condensate: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Schrodinger』s cat state: quantum, non-relativistic, dynamical, few-body
- Superconductivity: quantum, non-relativistic, static, many-body
- Quantum chromodynamics: quantum, relativistic, dynamical, many-body
- Quantum electrodynamics: quantum, relativistic, dynamical, few-body
- Boltzmann equation: classical/quantum, non-relativistic/relativistic, dynamical, few-body
- Keldysh formalism: quantum, non-relativistic, dynamical, many-body
- Superfluidity: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Quantum optics: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Magnetism: classical/quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Qubit: quantum, non-relativistic, dynamical, few-body
- Black hole: classical, relativistic, static/dynamical, few-body
- Cosmology: classical/quantum, relativistic, dynamical, many-body
- Dilute Bose gas: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Phase transition: classical/quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Plasma: classical, non-relativistic/relativistic, dynamical, many-body
- Entanglement: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, few-body/many-body
- Helimagnet: classical/quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Quantum Hall effect: quantum, non-relativistic, static/dynamical, many-body
- Chaos: classical/quantum, non-relativistic, dynamical, few-body/many-body
- Fluid dynamics: classical, non-relativistic, dynamical, many-body
The examples above include theories or physical systems. There are many people who believe that there should be a unified theory that is the foundation of all the theories, including those listed above. String theory is an example of theories that try to accomplish this goal. But it would be nice to appreciate the variety of different theories that work in different regimes.
那是 delta p 和 delta x
我的理解:1.物體是否看成質點要根據具體問題來判斷。對於這個問題,你不能看成質點,你本身是有很多粒子組成的。每個粒子都在不停運動。比如水分子簡諧振動對應P是比較大的,波動不明顯。故可以把水分子看成經典粒子處理。2.尺度再縮小,體內原子的電子質量小,量子效應明顯,對應德布羅意波,但是無數個電子對應的波由於相位差別,疊加後,量子效應就被抹平了,也稱「退相干」。宏觀尺度很難表現量子效應。目前支持最高有觀點 :要表現出波動性,必須 孤立,也就是盡量少與環境發生相互作用。 孤立地好,大分子也能有波動性;孤立地不好,電子也失去波動性。 這兒說的「孤立」可以理解為避免「」抹平「」。3.當考慮觀察者作用時,比如追蹤一個電子,你觀察的肯定不是電子云,而是電子軌跡。當排除一切外界干擾,一個宏觀物體靜止時候由於以上原因也不可能對應波,從而具有「瞬間移動」現象。回答受到排名靠前幾位大神啟發。
好問題!教科書為了解釋為何量子力學宏觀不明顯,總是讓一個小球以一個看似很小的速度運動,算出德布羅意波長很小。這很賴皮,如果宏觀物體的速度很小呢? 當然,可以辯稱宏觀物體的動量不可能很小,總有誤差在。這的確是夠說服力了,但是仍然非常賴皮。
適用的標準,目前我不知道普遍接受的提法。 但是從上面的例子中可以看出,物體要表現出波動性,必須孤立,也就是盡量少與環境發生相互作用。 孤立地好,大分子也能有波動性;孤立地不好,電子也失去波動性。最後回答問題:
你的速度為0也看不到波動性,因為你一直在和環境相互作用,就好像一個一直被監視著的電子。 [1] http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0306072v1 [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_wave#Waves_of_molecules [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_bar德布羅意波是我認為最酷的物理髮現,沒有之一。如果按照信號處理的觀點來看,波長無限長,則意味著波頻率為0,那就是不震動的情況。你當然發現不了波動性了。
這應該與optomechanics的研究有關吧。拋塊磚: 對於微觀粒子,由於不確定性關係的限制,p不可能等於一個確定值0.
題主的邏輯是 波長越大---&>波動越明顯
根據德布羅意關係λ=h/p, p=0則λ=∞,對於波長為無窮的波,它的頻率υ=波速/λ=0。頻率為零當然不顯現波動性
來回看了好多遍問題和答案,一直沒明白為什麼波長大波動性就會明顯?弄反了吧, 波長大當然波動就不明顯啊。
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