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C. Mathematical and Quantitative Methods C00GeneralC01EconometricsC02Mathematical Methods C1Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: GeneralC10GeneralC11Bayesian Analysis: GeneralC12Hypothesis Testing: GeneralC13Estimation: GeneralC14Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods: GeneralC15Statistical Simulation Methods: GeneralC18Methodological Issues: GeneralC19Other C2Single Equation Models ? Single VariablesC20GeneralC21Cross-Sectional Models ? Spatial Models ? Treatment Effect Models ? Quantile RegressionsC22Time-Series Models ? Dynamic Quantile Regressions ? Dynamic Treatment Effect Models ? Diffusion Processes


C23Panel Data Models ? Spatio-temporal ModelsC24Truncated and Censored Models ? Switching Regression Models ? Threshold Regression Models


C25Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? Discrete Regressors ? Proportions ? Probabilities


C26Instrumental Variables (IV) EstimationC29Other C3Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models ? Multiple VariablesC30GeneralC31Cross-Sectional Models ? Spatial Models ? Treatment Effect Models ? Quantile Regressions ? Social Interaction ModelsC32Time-Series Models ? Dynamic Quantile Regressions ? Dynamic Treatment Effect Models ? Diffusion Processes ? State Space Models


C33Panel Data Models ? Spatio-temporal ModelsC34Truncated and Censored Models ? Switching Regression ModelsC35Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? Discrete Regressors ? ProportionsC36Instrumental Variables (IV) EstimationC38Classification Methods ? Cluster Analysis ? Principal Components ? Factor ModelsC39Other C4Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special TopicsC40GeneralC41Duration Analysis ? Optimal Timing StrategiesC43Index Numbers and AggregationC44Operations Research ? Statistical Decision Theory C45Neural Networks and Related TopicsC46Specific Distributions ? Specific StatisticsC49Other C5Econometric ModelingC50GeneralC51Model Construction and EstimationC52Model Evaluation, Validation, and SelectionC53Forecasting and Prediction Methods ? Simulation MethodsC54Quantitative Policy ModelingC55Large Data Sets: Modeling and Analysis


C57Econometrics of Games and Auctions


C58Financial EconometricsC59Other C6Mathematical Methods ? Programming Models ? Mathematical and Simulation ModelingC60GeneralC61Optimization Techniques ? Programming Models ? Dynamic AnalysisC62Existence and Stability Conditions of EquilibriumC63Computational Techniques ? Simulation ModelingC65Miscellaneous Mathematical ToolsC67Input–Output ModelsC68Computable General Equilibrium ModelsC69Other C7Game Theory and Bargaining TheoryC70GeneralC71Cooperative GamesC72Noncooperative GamesC73Stochastic and Dynamic Games ? Evolutionary Games ? Repeated GamesC78Bargaining Theory ? Matching TheoryC79Other C8Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology ? Computer ProgramsC80GeneralC81Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data ? Data AccessC82Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data ? Data AccessC83Survey Methods ? Sampling MethodsC87Econometric SoftwareC88Other Computer SoftwareC89Other C9Design of ExperimentsC90GeneralC91Laboratory, Individual BehaviorC92Laboratory, Group BehaviorC93Field ExperimentsC99Other

在我們很多人看來,game應該算微觀,更應該分到D Microeconomic裡面,但是跟計量放到了一起,而實驗經濟學也放在了同樣一個分類裡面。

此外還有比如 I:health, education and welfare,而J: labor and demographic這兩個分類,雖然不同,但是其實有很多交叉。比如 I26 Return to Education我學習的時候都是從 J: Labor下面學的,但其實分類時不一樣的。

還有諸如N: Economic History裡面的分支幾乎跟其他分類都有重合,而現在經濟史學的研究又很大程度上跟 O Economic Developlment 重合。




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