
Statement of Ownership 是什么文件,在什么情况下需要向 SEC 提交?

问题提的不全,你指的应该是Statement of Beneficial Ownership。而且给SEC的文件中,不止有一张Statement of Beneficial Ownership。


Form 3 : Initial statement of beneficial ownership (Insider transactions)

Form 3 is an SEC filing filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to indicate a preliminary insider transaction by an officer, director, or beneficial (10%) owner of the company"s securities. These are typically seen after a company IPOs when insiders make their first transactions.

Form 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership (Insider transactions)

Form 4 is a United States SEC filing that relates to insider trading. Every director, officer or owner of more than ten percent of a class of equity securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 must file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission a statement of ownership regarding such security. The initial filing is on Form 3 and changes are reported on Form 4.

Form 5: Annual statement of changes in beneficial ownership (Insider transactions)

Form 5 is an SEC filing submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission on an annual basis by company officers, directors, or beneficial (10%) owners, which summarizes their insider trading activities.


Form 3

Form 4

Form 5

关于Beneficial Ownership,上面应该也说的很清楚,指的是公司的管理层、董事或持有超过10%股份份额的股东的变动情况。

另外还有Form 3A,Form 4A,A表示的是Amendment。


手机随便答下,就不去查出处了。主要是两大类。法规规定在34 Act中的Section 13和Section16。

Section13下主要是Schedule 13D和Schedule13G。这两个forms主要是持股超过5%以上的owner需要file的。


Section16,正如上一个答案所说,包括Form3,4 and 5. 是超过10%的owner和公司的高管需要向SEC file的。

Section13和Section16最大的的区别是16已经是属于insider的范畴了。受到SEC关于insider trading的限制。

其中Form 3是高管需要file的。Form 4属于实时汇报,超比例后交易结束两天内需要报告。Form 5是年度的报表。


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