來自維基百科 Assimilation (phonology) 詞條:
In phonology, assimilation is a common phonological process by which one sound becomes more like a nearby sound. This can occur either within a word or between words. In rapid speech, for example, "handbag" is often pronounced [?h?mb?ɡ].
A related process is coarticulation, where one segment influences another to produce an allophonic variation, such as vowels acquiring the feature nasal before nasal consonants when the velum opens prematurely or /b/ becoming labialised as in "boot".
如果要儘可能簡潔地描述 assimilation 和 coarticulation 的區別,我覺得 assimilation 會讓一個音變成另一個音位的音,而 coarticulation 還在同一個音位中。
當然這樣區分會有一些細節問題。比如日語中撥音就只有一個音位,「新聞」shinbun -&> shimbun 這種變化是音位內的,但我傾向於認為它是 assimilation,因為一般人能夠聽辨出 n 和 m 的區別。如果定義得玄學一些,就是「一般人能夠覺察出一個音變成了另一個音的,是 assimilation;覺察不出來的,是 coarticulation」。
Coarticulation means "joint articulation", that is a situation where one articulator is trying to satisfy more than one segment. A classic example is in the articulation of "car" and "key"; in the first, anticipation of the vowel moves the body of the tongue low and back and so the velar closure occurs further back in the mouth [k?ɑ]; while in the second, anticipation of the vowel moves the body of the tongue high and front and so the velar closure occurs further forward in the mouth [k?i]. The contextual variation of the two [k] sounds is caused by the joint articulation of the plosive and the vowel. Another example of coarticulation is audible in the quality of /h/ before different vowels. When articulating [h], the tongue anticipates the position for the following vowel and so the vocal tract tube that filters the turbulence generated by the glottal fricative has the frequency response of the following vowel. Indeed we could say that varieties of /h/ are as different to one another as varieties of vowels.Assimilation:
Sometimes the efficient planning of articulator movement leads to articulation that is ambiguous in terms of what phonological segment sequence it represents. Typically the place, manner or voicing of a consonant is altered to make it easier to produce in combination with adjacent consonants.In "good boy" or "good girl", for example, the alveolar plosive /d/ at the end of "good" is tricky to articulate in front of the bilabial plosive /b/ in "boy", or the velar plosive /g/ in "girl". If the place of the plosive is merged with the following plosive we will get respectively: [g?bb??], [ɡ?ɡɡ??l]. In "good boy" we hear a long /b/ sound instead of the /db/ sequence, while in "good girl" we hear a long /g/ sound instead of the sequence /dg/. It is as if the identity of the first plosive has been changed to that of the second, although really what is happening is that the place of the plosive has become ambiguous.This loss in phonological distinctiveness is called assimilation.
Another common form of assimilation is devoicing, particularly of voiced plosives and voiced fricatives before voiceless sounds. Since all English voiced plosives and fricatives have voiceless counterparts, a loss of voicing can always be interpreted as a change in the identity of the segment itself. It is common to hear "have to" spoken as [h?ft?] for example.」
另一個意思,是同一個輔音有兩個調音部位,我看的語音學/音系學教科書都說的是這個概念,即同一個輔音有多個調音部位。比如quick中k的lip rounding是secondary articulation,它本來的軟齶調音是primary articulation。容易混淆的是同一個現象可能既包括同化也包括coarticulation,比如這個k的lip rounding是後面w的assimilation的結果,這個過程導致的k有兩個調音部位,是coarticulation。申明一下,我的答案是根據我的所學內容得出的結論,有一些概念是我照著老師給的筆記翻譯的,可能受老師個人觀點、不同語言體系等等原因影響,有很大的局限性。
assimilation同化現象,或者說assimilation contextuelle (上下文同化) 經常和centralisation (趨同?不確定這個詞的漢語翻譯) 這個概念在一起討論。
所謂centralisation (趨同),就是母音的實際發音位置比其理論上的發音位置更加中性,比如應該在口腔非常靠後部發音的音素【ɑ】,其實際發音位置更靠近口腔中部,也就是說該音素有辨識性的發音特點變得模糊。這也就意味著,triangle vocalique母音三角形(用各個母音的F1, F2數值做出來的矢量圖,可以表現各個母音的F1、F2數值,以及不同母音間的『距離』)會比正常情況下變得更小;與此同時,該母音的發音時間會有明顯的變短。而這個centralisation普遍出現在非重讀音節的母音中。
assimilation contextuelle(上下文同化),是一個公認的假設,其理論認為母音的弱化主要是由於上下文輔音的同化,換句話說就是母音因為其前後輔音而發生弱化。這個弱化作用於母音的frequence頻率,也就是說必定改變母音的F1、F2及F3。同時,這個弱化是會被聽者根據上下文自動校正的。
可以認為assimilation contextuelle(上下文同化) 是對於centralisation(趨同) 的解釋論證,同時centralisation(趨同)可認為等同於hypo-articulation(姑且翻譯為發音弱化),都表現為triangle vocalique母音三角形變小 (F1, F2變化) ,母音發音時間變短,發生在非重讀音節中。而這三個概念的對立情況是hyper-articulation(發音強化),表現為triangle vocalique母音三角形變大,母音發音時間變長,發生在重讀音節中。
coarticulation協同發音,其形成的原理是:每一個音素phoneme的發音過程都可以分解為數個發音部位的協同工作,在人類表達連貫的句子時,因為發音時間限制、肌肉運動機制限制等等音素,相鄰的音符的發音機制會互相影響,其表現為發音部位的改變。 coarticulation協同發音也有非常多詳細的分類,比如coarticulation coordonnee並列協同發音和coarticulation subordonnee主從協同發音等等。
coarticulation (協同發音) 發生在我們說的每一句話,每一個音素中;相鄰的音素相互影響,即母音輔音之間,在存在雙母音、雙輔音的語言中會表現為兩個相鄰母音或相鄰輔音的相互影響。
首先,比如法語中的輔音/k/分別和母音/i/和母音/u/組合發音。因為在法語中母音/i/的發音位置非常靠前,這會導致輔音/k/發音位置的前移,『變化』成一個發音機制相同但舌面緊縮部位稍微靠前的音素【c】; 而母音/u/則不會導致輔音/k/發音位置的變化,輔音/k/繼續表現為/k/。
第二, 對於兩個詞【fa】和【fas】,我們通過EVA可以非常明顯的發現,相比於【fa】,我們在發【fas】前會呼吸進更多的空氣,與此同時在發/f/和/a/兩個音素時出氣量會減小,以保證有足夠的空氣來發出/s/這個因素。這也是協同發音的結果
第三: 使用狀況
L"homme qui sait réfléchir est celui qui a la force illimitée
考研黨複習到語言學也有困惑然後又翻了一下書。引用如下,同化是音位術語,經常作為更像是語音術語的協同發音的同義詞使用。Landefoged說過,「迄今為止,先前的協同發音是英語中引起同化現象的最普遍原因」。但是,同化可以超出音節或詞的範圍。E.g. pan[]cake